View Full Version : Does Your Dog Like Other Dogs?

02-10-2005, 08:07 AM
This is just a random thread :p

Piddle isn't good with other dogs, he only likes one dog, which is my uncles dog, and he only started liking her when she went into heat :eek: :o

Wiggles does ok with certain dogs.

Jasper loves them all ;)

What about yours?

PJ's Mom
02-10-2005, 08:50 AM
Peej doesn't like any dog really. He tolerates Bailey, but would never dream of playing with her. :rolleyes:

Bailey likes most dogs as long as a slow introduction is made. If we're on a walk and she happens to see another dog, she'll try to attack unless the dog is given plenty of time to "introduce" itself. :)

02-10-2005, 08:51 AM
Sheba tolerates other dogs, unless she knows them.
Rocky loathes strange dogs and loves dogs he knows.

02-10-2005, 09:54 AM
snowy loves all dogs, she is always happy to see another dog no matter big or small :D

02-10-2005, 10:42 AM
Buster doesn't like any other dogs outside of the family.
CoCo don't care really.
Muffin will tolerate other dogs.
Tiger don't like other dogs lol!
Ziggy doesn't get along with any dog except for Bouncer, and thats half way! They half way argue half way like each other.
Bouncer- gets along with everyone and every dog.

02-10-2005, 10:48 AM
Lexi is great with other animals including wild animals so far. She is more interested in me. I have worked very hard to socialize my pup and I can see results.

02-10-2005, 10:52 AM
Happy is great with dogs that she knows, or after she gets to know them through a game of fetch lol but if she does not know a dog and does not get to greet the dog while playing fetch she lunches and snaps and barks, while remaining at least 5 feet away lol unless its a pointer, around a pointer she has to be very tightly restrained because she WILL attack, dont know why she just cant stand pointers. oh and she also likes bosten terriers, I dunno she met a bosten named junoir from another board they did not meet whie playing or anything but Happy did not even show the slightest hint of her fear aggression, junior seemed to like Happy to because apperntly he is also fear aggressive with other dogs lol

Misty is great with dogs she knows, and normally ignores starnges dogs unless they try to say hi, then her ears go back her tail tucked and she rolls over in submission, people often laugh at her for that because Misty is an alpha dog yet she has rolled over to extremly submissive dogs. she is also terrified of large obnoxious dogs, like Dakota(my friends golden) Misty was rolling over in fright and Happys was just ignoring him lol.

Ripley LOVES everyone and everything lol

Perky is fine with other dogs although she is a real bitch at times lol

Blair...I am actually not sure how he is with strange dogs, I assume it depends on the dogs body language, as he loves friendly people who dont have an aggressive bone in there body but if someone walks up to Blair like they own the place he flips out, I would assume he would react the same to strange dogs, but my mom takes him out not me lol

Queen of Poop
02-10-2005, 10:55 AM
Sasha is good with quiet dogs, the overly aggressive ones scare her. She's also really good with the ferrets, barking to tell me where they are at when they're running loose.

Samantha Puppy
02-10-2005, 11:02 AM
Samantha loves anything with four paws.

02-10-2005, 11:06 AM
It varies by the dog:

Earle has never met a dog he didn't like.

Pacer gets overwhelmed when there are too many dogs around him. He needs to feel like he can escape if he has to. If he can't, he reacts aggressively and he can't fight so he always ends up hurt!

Bandit thinks he doesn't like other dogs, but he's all talk!

Muskwa likes all females and males who are submissive to him.

Heyoka likes pretty much every dog, but only tolerates those who try to dominate him.

Mac, Ozzy, Franklin, Founder, Chase, Delta & Antare would all curl up and die if they didn't have constant contact with other dogs. They simply do not function alone. Mac is one of the few dogs who can approach Kayleigh without bloodshed!

Goldie is unpredictable. She hates other females and some males. She's great with strange dogs, but can be aggressive to dogs she knows. She DESPISES Preacher!! She can't be near him! She adores Chase. They truly have a little love affair going on.

Preacher likes calm dogs. He can't handle rambunctious youngsters anymore. He's very attached to Franklin and Sleet. Sleet also likes calm dogs. She will play chase, but she doesn't tolerate wrestling.

Hobo is simply insane and if a dog will play with him, he's good!

Raven is generally good with other dogs. She occasionally has issues with other females or dogs who try to steal her food! Pingo is the same way.

Paxil is off in her own little world. She doesn't even seem to notice the other dogs. Not aggressive, but doesn't interact with them much.

Chum likes other dogs, but only certain dogs can handle him. Chum has what Jean Donaldson calls "play skill deficits". He doesn't take cues from other dogs very well and sometimes he gets beat up just to shut him up!

Kayleigh hates them all! Dogs smaller than her are prey. Dogs her own size are just enemies. She's consistently aggressive to other dogs. She used to tolerate Heyoka, but not anymore. She will put up with extremely submissive dogs for a few minutes. She will not tolerate any one touching her food, toys, bones ect.

02-10-2005, 11:09 AM
Charlie, Nacey, and Nova all love other dogs.
Bitsy is great with my other dogs, but new dogs she is a little nervous around.
Buster does fine with my other dogs, but they know to leave him alone. He hates new dogs and growls at them.

02-10-2005, 11:39 AM
Tito LOVES all other dogs.

Bella's motto is if they leave her alone, she leaves them alone. i don't think she was ever socialized with ANY other dogs before i adopted her, and it took her a real long time to get used to tito. that is the only thing stopping me from adding to my little family

02-10-2005, 12:06 PM
Nanook loves everybody & everything no matter what.
Raustyk only gets along with a few select female dogs, almost all male dogs and all puppies.

02-10-2005, 12:06 PM
Gracie does great around other dogs...she wants them all to play with her..no matter what size they are

02-10-2005, 12:27 PM
Zeke loves other dogs. Josie only likes SOME dogs, mostly she is very dog aggressive

02-10-2005, 01:40 PM
Nebo gets really excited to see any dog and likes to play with them. He has his moments though. If a dog tries to dominate him he doesn't like it and he's not one to back down. I wouldn't call him dog aggressive but he's really good at making some dogs mad. ;)

Reggie growls if any dog bugs him I don't think he really likes other dogs. He doesn't seem to mind having Sydney as company though. He only tolerates Nebo.

Sydney seems to be afraid of dogs she doesn't know...she likes dogs she does know though.

02-10-2005, 02:04 PM
Echo LOVES absolutely anyone and anything, which would include dogs. I ahve yet to see her not like something...

Tia is afraid of any dog larger than her unless she knows them. She likes Dachshunds and Chihuahuas the most.

Tango hates alot of dogs if she is on a leash, as soon as she's off leash theough she likes them all except brindle ones. Don't know what that's all about. She gets along best with Shelties, Border Collies and Aussies:) Although I can't say she hates everydog when she's leashed becaise when I we met Clipse and Emily she didn't do anything to them at all...

02-10-2005, 02:07 PM
Timber loves other dogs unless I give the other dog attention. The minute my attention is on the other dog, she will attack them. :( She is very possessive of me.

02-10-2005, 02:59 PM
Tikeya is really weird... she will tolerate puppies, but if they get out of line she will tell them so..
she doesnt really like other female dogs inless she is off leash playing with a bunch of other dogs... if i am holding her on lead and another female aproaches her she get very dominant...
Tikeya is great with all male dogs as long as they let her be dominant lol.

Baby doesnt really like other dogs except for oscar and tikeya. she growls at every dog she meets...

Oscar doesnt give a shih ;)

02-10-2005, 03:16 PM
Sierra likes some dogs some of the time....:o
She will only let Male dogs into our yard, but once we are out of the yard, she's fine with any and everydog.
She LOOOOOOVES puppies!!! :D

Buddy - will put up with dogs in his yard..... sometime!!
As far as outside of the yard, he'll bark (very loudly) at other dogs, if they seem to fear him, he feeds off of it, and keeps going. Otherwise, if he barks and the other dog does nothing, then he's fine. Just as long as the other dog does not come near me!!
(ask anyone who was at the Findlay Bark Park when I brought him)

02-10-2005, 03:18 PM
jesse likes other dogs to leave her alone. (old age) plus she is very dominant!!

02-10-2005, 03:22 PM
Gonzo likes most dogs, as long as they aren't crazy hyper and don't try to steal his ball ;). there are a few certain dogs that he sees on a daily basis who he adores! He can be kind of breed racist. He totally prefers herding dogs over any other dog, and dislikes most hunting breeds (he has Lab issues). Other then that, he loves to wrestle and butt-bump and loves the dog park, he does get overstimulated when there's a ton of dogs running around at the park. Gonzo does not like large breed puppies, he will growl at them and be a total butt-head, I think he feels threatened by them. He was attacked by a 6 month old black Lab when he was about 8 months old, so that could be the reason for it. he does however love Border Collie pups and small puppies! He's never been in a fight with another dog, or nipped another dog, or anything. If a dominant dog is trying to fight with him, he'll just roll over and look cute and they go away ;x

Cali, Gonzo loves Bostons too!! He thinks they're really cute, I think. There were two BT's on his flyball team who he loved, they just bossed him around and he would let them both jump on him and climb all over him ^_^ he even loves Boston puppies! Bostons are one of my favorite breeds, ever, too! I really wish I could get one :)

02-10-2005, 03:43 PM
It depends with Simba. Some dogs he likes - some he doesn't. He generally doesn't like overly hyper dogs. Female dogs and puppies he's best with.

Nala loves everyone. She's a lot like Nebo when it comes to other dogs.

Kiara is afraid at first but once she knows them (as long as they're nice to her) she's fine.

Amy and I have very similar dogs personaility wise.. ;)
Reggie is Simba
Nebo is Nala
Sydney is Kiara.


02-10-2005, 04:00 PM
Katie perfers humans than dogs.

Elvis likes other dogs, but perfer humans also.

02-10-2005, 04:08 PM
Lacey likes other dogs, Mandy doesn't. :)

02-10-2005, 04:34 PM
Daphne doesn't like female dogs. She has lots of boyfriends though!

Cocoa could care less. She prefers people.

02-10-2005, 04:58 PM
Kai loves meeting other dogs. But whenever he's off leash with other dogs, he doesn't seem to care. The most he'll do is circle them and bark but he usually just goes off and sniffs around. :p

Kaedyn can be a bit pushy with other dogs. He's okay on leash but if he's off leash, he tends to let every other dog know that he's alpha.

02-10-2005, 05:06 PM
lol border collies are actually known to be breed snobs, a question was asked on border collies boards a while ago nearly every single BC on the board only likes other border collies or dogs similer to them lol we think its because of the style they play, that most BCs dont like the style that other breeds play in.

02-10-2005, 06:21 PM
Both Maggie & Smokey do like other dogs.:)

02-10-2005, 06:28 PM
Fritz likes other dogs,even a german Shepard.He will lay down and wait for them to come to him.He also likes my sister's dog Taffy a Whippet/Hound mix.They don't mind each other.When they are in the same house,they stay away from each other.

02-10-2005, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
It depends with Simba. Some dogs he likes - some he doesn't. He generally doesn't like overly hyper dogs. Female dogs and puppies he's best with.

But Simba does have his boyfriends too...Duke, Jack and Taggert!!

All three of ours get along very well with other dogs.

02-10-2005, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
But Simba does have his boyfriends too...Duke, Jack and Taggert!!

Well, of course! How could he not get along with three handsome men like that? ;)

02-10-2005, 07:11 PM
We adopted a cattle dog in 2002 from a rescue group....she was 2 yrs old at the time. Initially, she didn't seem to mind strange dogs. Thru out the duration of her first obedience class, she behaved herself like a princess. But gradually, over 4-6 months with us, she startled us by becoming "leash" aggressive towards dogs on our walks. [Going off leash didn't seem to help, either].

We have worked w/her these last two years with professional behaviorist's and she still gets her hackles up and will snap at a dog if it gets too close. We use "treats" to keep her "occupied" when we pass dogs on our walks....it does the trick unless the other dog gets too close or is an "reactive dog" too.

We've pretty much accepted that this is just the way she will always be.
She came w/very little background info when we adopted her.
She is extremely well trained, and very affectionate.......her aggression towards dogs seem to be "fear" induced.

02-10-2005, 07:12 PM
both Kodie and Lucy love love other dogs.They would never hurt another dog.Kodie can get protective of Lucy though if its a big hyper male:rolleyes: :p .Kodies never been aggressive with other dogs.Both LOVE other dogs!!:D

02-10-2005, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr

Amy and I have very similar dogs personaility wise.. ;)
Reggie is Simba
Nebo is Nala
Sydney is Kiara.


It's so true too! :D

02-10-2005, 10:37 PM
Sesh gets along with pretty much every dog. He used to have a thing against poodles, especially standard poodles, but I think he's grown to realize that they're okay.. :D

Megan's good with other dogs as long as they don't bug her too much.

Miksy is good with other dogs, but he does not like it at all when dogs jump on him... He doesn't really like puppies. He's just an old man who likes his personal space. lol

Monica pretty much hates any dog that's not part of the family lol.

Miko just wants to play with everyone. :rolleyes: He does great with other dogs though.. If they get really mad at him when he's trying to play with them, he respects their authority and goes to bug someone else LOL. He's still a pup though..

02-11-2005, 12:48 AM
Clover is great with pretty much all dogs, unless it is one of the small fluffy's that attack first and she does not like Rottweilers all that much.

Elvis loves other BCs and simalar working/ herding breeds. He will get along with almost every dog offlead (Apart from Gus the Boxer and the dominant Lab pup from the park). Onlead he will very rarely be nice :o, unless it is one of his "Mates".

Penny get along ok with most dogs unless they get pushy, and she does not like black Labs.

Theo is shy around new dogs, but will warm up to them after a few outings.

02-11-2005, 01:01 AM
Both Oggy & Flute love other dogs and can't wait to be able to run and play games with them. They are always invited over when we go to friends that have dogs.

02-11-2005, 02:02 AM
Cali, they are total snobs! I think they do understand each other better... Gonzos best friend in the world is a BC named Jesse, and Jesse is crazy and herds Gonzo while they're playing. he has nipped him many times, but its only playful and he never hurts him. Once we actually had to take Gonzo to the vet because Jesse nipped his nose hard and it was gushing blood :o it stopped quickly and was just a ruptured vessel, though!

Di, I can't wait to meet Miko! he sounds super sweet ^^

02-11-2005, 07:19 AM
Tori is great with other dogs. She can be very submissive and seems to know when to be that way. She is very playful and wants nothing more then to play play play!!!

Katie does not like other dogs. I wish there was some way I could change this. I shouldn't say she doesn't like other dogs, she just wants them to be extremely submissive. I'm watching out the window right now and her and Tori are romping and having a blast outside in the little bit of snow that we got yesterday and I'm wondering why she can't play with other dogs like that. It makes me sad. I keep wondering if there is some hope and something I can do about this. Does anyone have any ideas on how to change this behavior?

Buddy Blaze Lover
02-11-2005, 09:48 AM
Blaze likes most dogs, usually smaller.:)

02-11-2005, 12:08 PM
Oz is Mr. Popular. Haven't met a dog yet that he doesn't love and most seem to love him back.

Murph is pretty particular. He loves Oz and any Golden Retriever he sees, but with any others, you just never know. He tolerates Gull. Hated Idgie.

Gull loves Oz and he seems to like Murph too. He tries to play with him, but Murph only has eyes for Oz. Other dogs, Gull doesn't seem all that enthused. In puppy class, he'd play a lil' while with'em, then he wanted to go off and explore. He hasn't been aggressive towards any other dogs, but he has had some he barked at. For the most part, he just seems more interested in people then dogs.


02-11-2005, 12:31 PM
Tasha's always been really good around other dogs. I can't think of any time she has ever instigated a spat with another dog, other than Tommy and they don't fight she just yells at him when she feels he's pushing his boundaries. She has always seemed to slip into the role needed depending on the other dog, a submissive role around a very dominant dog, and a dominant role around a very submissive dog.

Tommy oddly seems somewhat indifferent to other dogs, but then often when we are out he is nervous about other things so maybe that's why he doesn't show much interest. He also always takes a very submissive/low key role around any dog he's met.

02-11-2005, 07:02 PM
Molly doesn't seem to like other dogs.. she gets along with Daisy great, but she especially doesn't seem to like hyperactive small dogs. When we go to the dog park, she's usually a "loner" and will only interact with other dogs besides Daisy when she sees them running or if she sees them playing (she loves to bark and
'cheer' them on :rolleyes: ).

Daisy loves other dogs, especially puppies, but she can be very submissive around large, strange dogs. She prefers people.