View Full Version : Dog help??

02-09-2005, 08:25 PM
OK....so I think I said before my sister has a JRT. She's had him for like a year maybe?? Give or take some time. The problem is she can't control him. She has 3 kids and the dog is just not friendly. Like, he bites them and won't listen. She said she tries to correct him, but he gets worse.

I do believe the dog would be better off in a new home that can give him proper care. I warned her that a JRT would be to much for her, but she never listens.

The WORST part is, she wants a NEW dog. URG! she pisses me off. So she is gonna give away Jake, and get a new one.

There is nothing I can however, but I do want to help her get one that hopefully she can keep FOREVER. I atleast am getting her to adopt one from the HS this time. I also would like her to get an older dog..mainly so it won't grow out of being 'SUCH A CUTE PUPPY!!' but that isn't a good enough reason..

What would you guys suggest? They mostly have labs, collies, goldens and GSD mixes. What would make a good family dog? Would tollerate kids? Young kids? A puppy? Older dog? Breed? I REALLY want her to get one she will keep if she is gonna get one.

Any info please. (and don't bash me for this, I am not my sister, nore do I have control of her. It's her life and I can't stop her unfortunatly.)

02-09-2005, 08:41 PM
What about a cat instead? That might be an easier pet for her right now.

02-09-2005, 08:46 PM
I think they want a dog....I have no idea to be honest...-sigh- :(

02-09-2005, 09:06 PM
Labs & Goldens are always great with children.My godparents GSD's were wonderful with me when i was small.such sweet dogs!:) and it depends on the dogs personality.Ive never really heard of those breeds being bad with children.
I would take her to the HS and see what dogs their are good with children.thats all i can really recommend.
Do you know what size dog she wants?Any particular breeds?

02-09-2005, 09:37 PM
She said she doesn't care as long as it is not mean and is a good family pet. (Don't think she wants another small breed though) She said she doesn't mind a puppy and all that comes with it (chewing, nipping, playful, messes etc) She does work a little though, so the dog would have some times of being alone...

Do you think a puppy or older dog would make much difference??

02-09-2005, 09:57 PM
I would tend to have her look at the lab and golden crosses too.
While there are always exceptions those breeds are known for being family dogs. Most are usually very tolerant. I don't know how old the kids are though, as they can also be quite rambunctious and may be too much for really small kids (big tails whapping children in the faces, wagging bodies bowling children over).

I would also try to steer her towards an older pup or young adult. Hopefully old enough to have grown out of most of the more annoying puppy traits, yet young enough to be really playful.

Good luck in finding Jake a great home with someone who will understand his breed better. And good luck with helping your sis find the right dog so that this doesn't happen again.

02-09-2005, 10:29 PM
tell her to go to the shelter to find a dog. i'm sure there will be something there!

02-10-2005, 12:40 AM
I would say that Labs, Retrievers and Shephards would all be a good choice and at least in my experience are good with children. The Shephard may tend to be a little more protective of a child, assuming it bonds with the child. Again, my belief with questions like this is that it is more to do with the raising of the dog than the breed of the dog. I would think it would be better to adopt a young dog that could be brought up around children, or an older dog that is KNOWN to have been good with, and had good experiences, with children.

02-10-2005, 12:54 AM
Lab and Retriever/mixes would probably work well with her family. It sounds like she needs a dog that is an adult, at least over 6 months, where she can already know how the dog is with kids and what the dogs personality and energy level is. Pits and Pittie mixes can also be great dogs with kids! Just make sure she goes to the shelters and thoroughly meets many dogs to find one that is perfect for them. I'm sure they don't want to go through having to give away another pup! It doesn't sound like she is ready for the huge responsibility of getting a young puppy, not only is it a big ordeal to housetrain/keep the puppy from biting the kids/keep the kids from scaring the puppy, she also will need to train and socialize a puppy. It sounded like they didn't have too much success with raising the first dog ;P

I completely know how you feel!! Actually, I'm in a very very similar situation... its a long story, but my 13 year-old (half) sister who lives in Oregon with her dad at the moment, is giving away her Lab mix because she's moving back here this summer, and she wants a dog right away when she gives away her current dog. I hate that disposable mind-set, but you cant force anyone to do anything... :rolleyes: unforunately. All you can do is try to educate them and give advice. you're definitely doing good for your sister, Id never bash you ;)

02-10-2005, 02:01 AM
Go for a schnauzer, there just the best :D Easily trained hardly shed any fur and great with everyone you invite into the house. They make exellent guard dogs too. All bark and no bite.

02-10-2005, 08:18 AM
We only have one shelter here. The dogs I listed are all the have right now. (that and huskies and such) She doesn't want to buy from a pet store, nor a breeder.

Her youngest child is 3 years old. So I don't think a puppy in that sense would be a problem. She doesn't mind training it (like not to pee inside, bite, etc) the ONLY thing she has a problem with is it being aggressive. She's afraid Jake is gonna bite her kids faces off.

I believe she already has a good home for Jake. This guy lives out in the country and says a dog like Jake is right for him. He'll be able to get a lot of exercise out there like he needs. I really hope he has a great life with him