View Full Version : I have to tell you something.

02-09-2005, 06:15 PM
I've thought about this for a really long time and I finally feel like I need to say something.

I broke down again last night and I cried about everything, I was sad, angry, upset, jealous, EVERYTHING imaginable. I feel like I have brought too much attention to myself. There are other people here that need more help and prayers than I do, and I feel like I'm whining too much or something.

So here it is; I just don't want to feel like I am a burden to anyone. I feel like my problems aren't as important as other peoples. I have two parents, who still love each other, and I have at least one reliable parent. Some people don't even have one.

I'm sorry if some of you have felt like I have been getting more attention than I deserve and sorry if you feel like I complain too much. I just want to clear any problems I've had with anyone.

Sorry. :) I just hope that you guys don't think I'm that big of a whiner... I've come to a realization is that I have more than some people and I should be thankful for that... and I am. :)

02-09-2005, 06:21 PM
I have never thought of you as a whiner, but maybe I missed some of your posts. At any rate, we all need to vent sometimes. And if this is the only place you feel comfortable doing so, then go for it. It is healthy to let your emotions out, especially on such a loving, supportive forum.

I have to say though that I am glad you came to the realization that you did. Whenever I am depressed and/or feeling sorry for myself, I always remember that my problems pale in comparison to some peoples' problems. I then concentrate on being thankful for what I DO have, and try to improve what I don't have.


02-09-2005, 06:40 PM
I've never thought of you as a whiner either. It's true that there are people out there in greater need of prayers right now, but that does NOT mean that you don't matter to anyone. Your threads are very important to you and what's important to you may not be important to someone else. That's just life. Many times I read your threads and I can't respond because I've never been a parent and I feel that I'm unqualified to give you a proper answer.

You are a very important Pet Talker and like Aly says, if this is the only place you can vent, then go for it. Count your blessings, girl. Before you know it, you will be my age and learn to "not sweat the small stuff".

Big hugs to you.

02-09-2005, 07:04 PM
Oh Megan honey , your post brought tears to my eyes, no way in the world are you a burden to anyone here on PT or in real life, I really believe your sweet young life has been in turmoil and you have had more than enough problems that no young person should have to deal with.

What a gracious young lady you are to indeed even come to this conclusion and to be thankful for what you have got, yes there are people worse off everywhere in life, but it still does not make our problems disappear.

Sweetheart a problem shared can be problem halved sometimes, please donot ever feel you cannot share your hurts and hurdles along the way in life, it is better to tell someone than to bottle it all up inside.

As a mother myself , sometimes I just would love to take you in my arms and give you a big hug, and tell you it will be alright, but my arms don't quite stretch that far lol.

You are a lovely young lady and I am proud to know you, and I am always here for you anytime.

Hoping happy times are ahead for you.:)

02-09-2005, 07:34 PM
You are not whining!! You are only telling us how it feels, and I know pet talk is sometimes the only place that I can tell how I feel. You feel free to tell us whatever you have to, get all your feelings out. And I hope everything does well for you. {{{HUGS}}}

02-09-2005, 07:37 PM
awhh, Megan, I hope you know you can tell us anything. Your problems matter as much to us, or at least to me, as anyone else's. Here's hoping you cheer up soon, or I will have Mackenzie sit down and hold another sign for you! :D


02-09-2005, 08:41 PM
Thanks everyone. :)

02-10-2005, 12:57 PM

How could you think that you're a burden to anyone? If anything you've helped me forget my problems so I can help with yours. You're a wonderful person and don't ever think you're a whiner.


Maya & Inka's mommy
02-10-2005, 03:07 PM
You are NOT a whiner, Megan!! You are at a very difficult age right now, and it is NOT abnormal that you are having a hard time.
I must tell you that what you wrote here is a very adult thing, and I admire you for it!! Hang in there, okay :)

Queen of Poop
02-10-2005, 03:28 PM
Everyone needs support thru life, what better place to find it than here, with other pet people who understand and are exceedingly caring and compassionate.

02-12-2005, 08:39 PM
Thanks everyone. :) I appreciate the nice compliments.