View Full Version : I need a reason.

02-09-2005, 03:02 PM
my mom wont let me get my lip pierced. Her only reasons are:

1.) no
2.) not while your living under my roof
3.) no, you'll have a hole in your lip. (duh mom)
4.) some people wont hire you for piercings.
5.) and she simply finds them ugly.
6.) your too young

I want one so bad. And I dont think I can wait till I move out or anything. It's not like its hurting me, or changing who I am. I just find them so gorgeuous! I love them, but she's not allowing me to have one.

For those whove had them, (and live with parents) how did you get your parent to allow you? what were their reasons?

02-09-2005, 03:07 PM
Amber how old are you? as a mother you probably won't like hearing what I am going to say , I would not let my daughter do such a thing either, at least until she was 16 and even then I may say NO, impatience is something that most young people have, and some older one's like myself lol, but really it won't do you any harm to wait, and then you will be sure if it is really what you want, why go through the pain and expense, if later you decide to take it out.

I guess my reasons would be much the same as your mother's , I actually donot mind belly buttons, noses if little stud only, not rings, and ears, but i really find lips distasteful, maybe your mother feels the same way.:)

02-09-2005, 03:45 PM
The shop I went to does most piercings once you're 16. I was 16 so, not much she could argue against. :p I paid for it and was fully aware of decreasing my chances of getting hired (and I proved her wrong :D).

I'm old enough to get my tongue pierced but it was the one thing she was really against so I'm going to wait until I'm out of the house before I pierce that. But other than that, I'm pretty much allowed to get whatever pierced, provided that I pay for it and take proper care of it. It's almost common for me to come home with a new piercing without mentioning it LOL. :p

Maybe just keep at it and let her know that it's something you really want and didn't decide on it overnight. You can also start researching shops, risks, and aftercare to show that you are fully aware of the responsibilities you have as a piercee.

Good luck! They're fun piercings to have! I'm planning on getting my second lip piercing in a couple weeks. :D

My Peanuts
02-09-2005, 03:45 PM
I can't help you with your mom because I never had a problem with my parents when it came to that stuff. Before you get your heart set on it you should look into it more if you haven't already. Does it leave a white scar? I'm sure you won't want to keep it forever. You are very pretty and I'd hate to see you scar your face :). Sorry, I'm starting to get a little bit older and my mind wanders to the same questions my mom asks me about stuff!:rolleyes: :p

02-09-2005, 03:50 PM
This probably isn't going to be something that you win her over on, so I'd reccomend waiting until you don't need her permission, and then getting it. It would avoid lots of fights and exasperation.

02-09-2005, 04:19 PM
I am one of those mothers that is going to tick you off, too, but you brought it up and I'll tell you my reasons. When you are an adult (over 18), and paying your own way, then you can do what you want to with your own body. Don't ask me to pay for piercings or anything else until that time. I provide basic neccessities like food, clothing, school financing, gifts for friends and family, and assorted other things, but things that go against what I think are wise and practical, I say "No" and I mean "No". My daughter (14) wants a second hole in her earlobe. I have said no to her on more than one occasion. If she wants it later, she can get it, when she is on her own. I said no because originally, she wanted it at the top of her ear, then decided, wisely, later that she didn't want that at all. She can wait. She has her pierced ears, wears earrings of her choice. If she still wants the other when she is on her own, she can pay for it and deal with it. I absolutely HATE the extra piercings in the nose, mouth, eyebrows, ears, etc. Every person I have ever met with a piercing in their tongue speaks with a lisp. It is distracting and takes away from the beauty and sincerity of the individual. That is my opinion. I'm old, I know, and many of you have those piercings and tattoos, etc. I just think that you don't need them to express who you are, and what you do is permanent.

Hang on. Don't push for that now.......if you still want it when you're out on your own, so be it.


Samantha Puppy
02-09-2005, 04:39 PM
I'm NOT a mother (yet) but I agree with everyone who said to wait. This is such a petty thing, why would you want to cause avoidable friction with your mom over it? It won't kill you to wait and maybe you'll change your mind.

You are still under her roof. Like it or not, you live by her rules. She's not doing it to be a b!tch - she's doing it because she has your best interest at heart... and because you're a minor, her best interests trump your wants.

02-09-2005, 05:07 PM
I'm a mom of a daughter who is not pieced but tattooed. Married to a tat artist now. Had her 1st one at 17 she didn't live with me or she wouldn't have gotten it.
We moms remember giving birth to our beautiful skinned babies and its hard to see you kids defile your bodies(our ages the only tats were on bikers and sailors) so we are kind of fussy about you doing things to yourselves that is so perimnent . Daughter did try peicing belly and got a huge infection (caused part of her miscarriage of our grandson) wait untill your older.

02-09-2005, 05:43 PM
Thankyou so much for your input & opinions.

I'm starting to see what she and you guys are saying. I'll be 15 in march, so maybe I can try to wait till i'm 16. I might change my mind on them too in a year or so--never know. But I really still want it done so bad! and if I ever get it done, I would pay for it with my babysitting money, so my mom wouldn't have to bother.

02-09-2005, 05:48 PM

Those were the SAME reasons my parents gave me. Know what I did??? I waited till I was 45 and got 4 tattoos!!!!

02-09-2005, 06:12 PM
Moosmom, that's funny. I got my first tatoo at 31. Amber, I'd wait until I was out on my own. It would be disrespectful of you to get it done after you were 16 if you were still living at home. Also, it does cut down on what kind of job you can have. If mine allowed it, I'd probably have my nose and eyebrow done. My mom would still freak and I'm 40 now. That part never goes away :p

02-09-2005, 06:23 PM
I've got a different viewpoint then most moms. (We'll see if I still have this viewpoint when Jaden's a teen.) Anyways, I would rather see my children get the wierd piercings and haircolors out of their system while they are in highschool. When they become adults, it is time to be responsible and have a clean appearance so that they can have good jobs.

My friends and I that had all the wierd piercings and hair colors are now perfectly normal looking adults. We got the urge out of our systems when we were young.

I've got a few friends who had strict parents, they weren't allowed to "deface" their bodies. So what happened? As soon as they moved out of their parents houses, they went extreme. I have friends that are 25-30 years old that should have real jobs by now yet they can't get a job because they're just now living their rebellious stage.

But I have to add, it isn't worth starting a holy war over. If your mom says no, just chill and wait. You've got plenty of life ahead of you.

02-09-2005, 06:26 PM
I'm not allowed to get it done until I'm 16(woohoo this summer*even though my birthday's in Oct. my mom is going to let it heal before school starts*), my mom's going to let me since I've been wanting since I was 10, that's five years I've wanted to get a lip, tongue, and belly button ring. I finally get them later this year. Just keep at it, don't bug her but let her know that you really want this, ask for it as a birthday present.

02-09-2005, 07:22 PM
I have my tongue pierced and I do not lisp. Neither does my boyfriend or anyone else that I know with tongue rings (unless they had a lisp to begin with). But that is beside the point. I myself would not want a very obvious piercing just for the simple fact that I dont like them. Other people, fine. I don't think they're trashy or anything, it's just not something I want for myself. I pierced my tongue when I was 18 and my mom didnt notice it for 2 weeks! People dont ever notice it unless I yawn or show it to them...employers included! I would agree to wait. It may be the "in" thing to do right now...think it over for at least a month before you really decide. You may find that you change your mind. And I hate to say it, but your mom probably isn't going to give in on this one. My mom would demand I take it out if I got one and I'm 23.

02-09-2005, 07:31 PM
For my 16th birthday, my father allowed me to get second holes in my ears. At 18, I had my third holes put in and had the top of my ear pierced also. I guess they figured at that point in life I 1) no longer lived with them and 2) though they were partially supporting me, I could make responsible decisions. At 19, I had my belly button pierced and at 20 had two tattoos done within a week of each other. I got the :rolleyes: :eek: but I was an adult and could make those decisions.

I no longer wear earrings or have my belly button pierced and regret the tattoos because they aren't original and I put no thought into them. I got a dolphin and butterfly; though cute, don't represent me as a person. I would think seriously about anything that you do to your body because my belly button is now scarred and cannot remove tattoos unless I do it surgically.

02-09-2005, 07:45 PM
I agree with Logon,, and the rest of the Moms that posted,.

my friend got her tongue pirced and she has a lips with it now. and.. shes always fiddling with the thing in her tongue. it drives me up the wall.. and it looks like it bothers her,, and its hard to look her in the eye when shes biting the thing in her tongue. LOL what do you want people to look at,, your dumb tongue,, or you?

02-09-2005, 08:07 PM
I am 15 and have my nose peirced.
My mom took me to get it done- she does not mind it, I think she wants me to get all of this "rebelious" stuff out of me. And no, she's not the "crazy" type of mom, she's a kindergarten teacher, infact. She likes letting us express ourselves, for example: I was kidding around, and told her I wanted bright pink highlights this summer. She made a face, but said "ehh, I guess if that is what you really wanted."

I love my mom! :D

02-09-2005, 08:07 PM
Oh yes, I got my nose peirced last year when I was 14 :)

02-09-2005, 08:14 PM
Being a mom...I say ALL your mom's reasons are valid

02-09-2005, 08:41 PM
I waited until I was 19 to get my eyebrow pierced. I did it on spring break while I was in college. It was a very thin, small, gold ring. I thought it was pretty...for about a month. Then I took it out. I let it heal over. Luckily, I don't have a visible scar - I do have a very tiny scar, but it's hidden behind my eyebrow. My best friend went off and got her tongue pierced at 16 against her parent's wishes, and practically incurred the wrath of God from her stepdad. He made her take it out, of course. So it was totally not worth it in the end. She ended up getting it redone when she turned 18.

Anyway, I hate to say it, but I see your mom's points. Basically all you can do is ask nicely at what age you will be allowed to get it done. Then count down the days until you can do it with her permission. There's no point in doing it without, since you can't really hide a nose ring, and fighting with her about it will only drive her crazy and get her ticked off at you. She's probably just trying to make you wait for a year or two to make sure it's what you really want to do. Hang in there!


02-09-2005, 09:27 PM
Sorry, but I agree with your mom. My son is not getting ANYthing pierced, except his ear which he already has done, until he is eighteen years old. Period. No piercings, no tatoos. Sorry. I'm not a prude, I'm not a totally uncool mom ... but those are NOT things he is doing as a minor living in my house under my rules. When he is an adult, he can do whatever he wants to.

02-09-2005, 09:36 PM
I agree with your mom too. I wanted to get more holes in my ears when I was 14. The answer was NO.. plain and simple. I'm 24 now, and I went and had some new peircings last year.

I was SO happy with the results - because it had taken me 10yrs, I knew that after all that time, and I still wanted them, it was really something I wanted to do for me, and not because of a fad or fashion trend.

If you really like it, then wait, and you will still like it in a few years from now :)

02-09-2005, 09:46 PM
I'm allowed to get a peircing anywhere other than my face. Her reason: "You have such a nice face." :rolleyes: I got my ears peirced when I was four. And I can get a tattoo. But I can't pierce my face. Which is lame, because those are the only piercings I want. Does she want me to come home with pierced nipples or something??? And JUST because of this, the minute I move out, I'm getting EVERYTHING on my face pierced. I've waited long enough, now I want it ALL done.

If it was my kid, I'd totally let them do it. It's their face; as long as they aren't hurting themselves (the bad kind of self-mutilation), I don't see why they shouldn't be able to get a piercing. There are few health risks...and once you get a piercing out of your system, your less likely to do everything after you move out...

02-09-2005, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
And JUST because of this, the minute I move out, I'm getting EVERYTHING on my face pierced. I've waited long enough, now I want it ALL done.

Drive down to Vancouver and we'll go get pierced together. :p The day I move out, I'm getting my venoms (double sided tongue). I won't even wait until I'm done unpacking LOL.

02-09-2005, 09:53 PM
Oops.. i mean Logan :0

02-09-2005, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
Drive down to Vancouver and we'll go get pierced together. :p The day I move out, I'm getting my venoms (double sided tongue). I won't even wait until I'm done unpacking LOL.
kk! How much are the labret piercings there?

02-09-2005, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
kk! How much are the labret piercings there?

I'm not sure.. I'm gonna go down to the shop and get my lip pierced with a labret stud so I'll know in a few weeks. The place I go to charges $30 for the piercing fee ($45 if you get two done) and then the cost of the jewelry (probably $30-$40).

02-09-2005, 10:03 PM
kind of off-topic, but Ashley, how many holes in your head will you have after you get the next two? :D and I love your new sig. :p;)

02-09-2005, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by flamepony12
kind of off-topic, but Ashley, how many holes in your head will you have after you get the next two? :D and I love your new sig. :p;)

Lol Thanks.

Right now, I have my lip, eyebrow, tragus, helix (cartilage), and six lobe piercings (stretching the first holes just a bit). So right now, I have ten. I had my septum done a while ago.. but the apprentice did a horrible job. I'm planning on getting two tragus piercings (side by side), another two lip piercings, an industrial helix (I guess it could count as two piercings), at least two more helixes, a nostril, septum and a couple others. I've thought about getting a smiley and a tongue web piercing but I'm still thinking about it. So, I'll have about 22 before I get my tongue pierced. :p They're addicting! I've thought of a design for a tattoo but I'm going to wait until I'm way older.

02-09-2005, 10:26 PM
OMG! did they hurt? I'm such a pain woos >.<

02-10-2005, 01:15 AM
BTW, I pierced my belly button when I was 15 (I am 27 now). I had my ring out through my entire pregnancy with Jaden (when I was 19) and through this entire pregnancy. The hole will not heal up for me. I have to keep a thick ring in it because the hole has gotten stretched out and big over the years. It is old for me, I'd love to have a plain belly button, but I don't have a choice. The scars don't always heal up well.

Haha *edit* I am getting so old that I forget my age. I'm 26. :o

02-10-2005, 01:56 AM
You really have to be sure what you want and most importantly when. I got my ear pierced when I was 17 and my mum freaked. Still I had left home by that stage so there wasn't a lot she could do about it. I still wear a small diamond in my ear and I'm 40. My partner has quite a few, about 6 in each ear, and she has one in her belly button. She also got some tatto's when she was young and unfortunately it is something that she has really regretted getting done. She was one of the first people in Aus to get laser removal surgery done, and back then the process wasn't any where near as good as it is today. A huge scar on her arm was the result.
Personnally I do not like tatto's what so ever, but I don't mind some piercings if tastfully done. Just wait a bit Amber, some people here have suggested doing research on it, which is great advice. Just dont end up like Edward Scissor Hands. ;)

On another note, we have schnauzers too, :D there our kids really and we love 'em to bits.:D

02-10-2005, 08:11 AM
As a parent: NO NO NO! :D

Our reason? It has nothing to do with what we consider ugly. It has to do with the fact that you are putting a permamnent hole in your lip. We say that if you are old enough and mature enough to be living on your own, working to pay for your way (living on your own in a dorm room doesn't count! :p ) and making it in the world as a mature responsible person, then yes go ahead and put holes in your lip, or anywhere else you want. Because at that time you are making all your decisions for yourself, from what type of bread to buy at the grocery store, to when to do your laundry, to how much to leve in your checking account.

Living on your own, are able to know if you really want it. You are now doing things and making decisions out of neccesity and real sheer WANT. A lot of younger people think they want something because the crowd is doing it. Then they move on and stop and think "What on earth was I thnking?" I know I did! Wow, I look at some of my pwn picture wheres I thought I looked like hot stuff and cringe! LOL At least none of mine left permanent holes or marks that as an adult I no longer identitfy with.

My husband and I have "put it simple" to our kids. If they want holes or tattoos... and they come home with one before they are out of the house, they'd better start packing. They know we are serious. This is a cardinal sin in our house. We tell them they can do anythign they want, but two cardinal sins: 1) don't kill your brain cells with alcohol and drugs. 2) Don't put permanent markings or holes on/in your body.

02-10-2005, 08:37 AM
I pretty much knew I wanted tatoos when I was in high school. I wouldn't get one on a whim. However, all of us don't hate our tatoos. I love mine and don't regret any of them. But, as stated earlier, I didn't get my first one until I was 31. You've got plenty of time to make sure of what you really want.

02-10-2005, 08:39 AM
Ok, so I'm not a mom. But this is my take on it.

I have a now 17 yr old niece who nagged, nagged, nagged and nagged some more at her mom to get her piercings. She would always say no. So what did my niece do? She did them herself or had a friend do them.
If it were me, I would rather she go to a professional and not let friends do them.
I see nothing wrong with piercings, they are holes that normally heal up with minimal scarring. I had my nose and belly pierced at one time (if it weren't for my job I'd probably still have my nose ring, I think they are cute:D).

But it is your moms house and you are only 14 and really have to do what she says. So....guess for now you'll have to wait!

02-10-2005, 08:51 AM
Anna, lol... my daughter tried to pierce her ear up top after she nagged nagged nagged (nagging WILL NOT work, the more you ask and "keep on her" etc the worse your chances of getting it.)

Anyway, my oldest daughter decided to do it herself with her cousin. Ash got the infection of all infections. She cried nightly over it. Her cousin? Not just infected, but she had to haveSURGERY to correct it. It was infected that badly. There is a reason professionals do this type of thing.

And what did we do while she had this infection? We helped her clean it and reminded her of all the pain she was in. Thus house rule cardinal sin #2 was born! :D

PS: Nagging, etc will not work... but going out to get it done to spite your parents as soon as you are old enough is worse! Wait a bit once you are on your own to see if its something you really want for yourself, or something you want to spite your parents. I remember something I did to spite my dad... it was an awful experience! God, how stupid I was! It ended up hurting ME in the long term.

02-10-2005, 10:13 AM
My mom said no, so I pierced my belly button with a safety pin. *cringes* I did such a lousy job that I somehow have a black dot tattoo next to the piercing hole. I don't remember for sure, but I believe the safety pin had mascara on it (I used them to seperate my lashes) and I poked myself when it was dirty. I noticed, cleaned it off, and tried again. After that, mom decided to let me get things done profesionally.

Laura's Babies
02-10-2005, 10:30 AM
I think piercings on the face are disgusting myself. And the tongue piercing is totally GROSS! I haven't seen anyone with a tongue piercing that didn't keep their mouth open so everyone could see it or their tongue stuck out so it could be seen.. I have NO desire to look at someones tongue for any reason and I have come close to throwing up several times because of that...

Face peircings DO take away from the beauty of that face for the simple fact that they are there and that is what most people focus on when they look at you. You want something that compliments the way you look... NOT to distract from it.

As a person who use to hire people, I would NOT allow that in my place of business simply as a safety factor and it is not allowed where I work now.

As far as ears go, I like ears piercing until they go overboard and all you see it a line of ear ring backs poking out. I like it simple and non distracting..

02-10-2005, 02:11 PM
I didn't get my ears pierced until I was 40, and my daughter pushed me into it. She was right. I look much better with earrings. She had a couple of piercings in her ears at the time, but never wears earrings anymore:rolleyes:

My 20 year old nephew just got his tongue pierced. I can't bring myself to talk to him anymore. That silver ball is the only thing I can look at!

His mother (my sister) has several tattoos and keeps adding them. Most of them are pretty tasteful, but she has to watch how she dresses.

Sounds like a lot of pain, money and aggravation to me. I'll pass.


02-10-2005, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Oggyflute
On another note, we have schnauzers too, :D there our kids really and we love 'em to bits.:D

yes! :D

oh wow you guys, you sound just like my mom! :p

Nobody here has piercings other than their ears, so its not a fad, and I dont understand why you cant have piercings for certain jobs? Its not hurting noone is it?

02-10-2005, 03:53 PM
I have my belly button pierced and I am 44..got it done on my 44th bday as a matter of fact last summer. I love it..I have double piercings in my ear lobs..and did have the top lob pierced but it just would not get well putting on and taking off a motorcycle helmet..so I took it out..and I have 4 tattoos..all very tasteful...2 on shoulder and 2 on hip. But that is where I draw the line..no facial piercings altho I do think the tiny diamond in the nose is pretty. I just wouldn't do it. And personally, as a mom, I just don't think a minor should have anything other than regular ear piercings before they are 18. I work at a Jr High and I am amazed at the number of girls who have belly rings at 12 and 13. Or 3 0r 4 ear piercings. That is just way too young imo.

02-10-2005, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Amber
I dont understand why you cant have piercings for certain jobs? Its not hurting noone is it?
When you get piercings/tattoos, people judge you, even if you don't deserve to be judged. Just think of your opinion when you see a cool peircing or a neat tattoo. Well, lots of other people think they are in bad taste and unprofessional.

People will judge you just because you have a piercing, unfairly, but they will and do.

Lots of employers will do the same thing.

They could be considered unsafe depending on the type of job you do as well.

I got my tattoo at 19, while I was living at home...but I was paying rent. My mom told me I could do that stuff when I was 18...I'm glad I waited, otherwise I'd probably have NKOTB tattooed on me somewhere!! ;) :eek:

As for my tattoo, I really like it. But, I wish I waited until now to get it done. Its a butterfly and while I'll always like them, I wish I got the flirty black cat I want now, I'll always love cats.

02-10-2005, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Amber
Nobody here has piercings other than their ears, so its not a fad, and I dont understand why you cant have piercings for certain jobs? Its not hurting noone is it?

A lot of jobs that require you to work with customers have rules against piercings because it affects the company's image. I hate it but that's the way it is sometimes.

Originally posted by Laura's Babies
Face peircings DO take away from the beauty of that face for the simple fact that they are there and that is what most people focus on when they look at you. You want something that compliments the way you look... NOT to distract from it.

Hey now, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I think I look far better (my standards) with my metal than without. I may not look more lady-like (pffffft :p) but I look more interesting and unique. Maybe I'm just being weird but I'd rather make myself happy and get pierced, than not do it in fear of having others think I'm "disgusting" or "gross".

Once I started learning more about piercings and talking to other pierced people, I started seeing piercings and tattoos as an actual form of (body) art. I think some of the stuff is absolutely gorgeous.

02-10-2005, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
I started seeing piercings and tattoos as an actual form of (body) art. I think some of the stuff is absolutely gorgeous.

Exactly how I see it. Very gorguous art.

I wouldnt have never thought of that for a job, But the judging I knew of.

02-11-2005, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by Amber
yes! :D

oh wow you guys, you sound just like my mom! :p

Nobody here has piercings other than their ears, so its not a fad, and I dont understand why you cant have piercings for certain jobs? Its not hurting noone is it?

In the catering industry you have to be able to take them out. Some of my staff have piercings on their face, and when they are handling food they have to remove them. If they can't remove them for some reason then they don't work. so there are situations where it will restrict you in the type of job that you want or have.

02-11-2005, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
My mom told me I could do that stuff when I was 18...I'm glad I waited, otherwise I'd probably have NKOTB tattooed on me somewhere!! ;) :eek:

:p Not sure too many of the youngin's are going to KNOW what NKOTB stand for, Kelly! lol

My question is totally different from any of others I read (well, skimmed :o )...

Will your school actually allow piercings other than the ears?

My high school allowed ears and tongues but that was it. You might check it out first.