View Full Version : Help with hissing Dylan :( ..confused here

02-09-2005, 05:42 AM
Dylan is HISSING at everyone!! I went to feed them this morning and it just became scary with him turning at hissing at any cat that would come near. If they kept coming, he would swat them!!

Now, it seems as if it is the kittens that are upsetting him as I saw the big cats go jump on the cat tree and Dylan got on the couch nearby - but neither of the babies could come near without getting hissed or swatted. He is really upset and beathing hard now, on the couch and does not want anyone near....

Yesterday, when I first brought the babies in after their surgery, it was Emily who hissed at Lizzie - bad enough to send her hiding - until we pulled her out late last night and then she and Robbie interacted a bit and curled up together.

This morning - it is scary now with everyone all nervous and on edge.

Surely this is from the smell of the babies - don't you think????

It seems like I read something about putting something on all the cats to mask smells and make them all smell the same - does anyone remember or know about this? Was it like vanilla or something household?:confused: :confused:

Our happy cat house is all worried and scared here:confused:

02-09-2005, 06:06 AM
Now Dylan is acting like a psycho kitty - stalking around the house, hissing and swatting at everyone. I petted him but he stiffens and pulls away, growling low in his throat:confused:

I gave everyone treats but Dylan would not even approach us.

I put a dab of vanilla on everyone:rolleyes: ..on the back of their necks - it is strong and at least everyone smells the same now. This is really SCARY!!:eek:

02-09-2005, 06:13 AM
Dylan smells the anesthesia smells, and vet office smells on the kittens. Is there a room that either they, or he can be put in for 'time out'? Things will be back to normal in a day or two if you can stand it.:rolleyes: ;)

02-09-2005, 06:29 AM
Ok Jan - I have Dylan on the enclosed patio with food, water and his catbox. He ate and stretched out on the sofa out there. He seems happy now. He let me love on him and pet him, too. The kitties inside - maybe they can relax now.

Eliot and Emily have sniffed the kittens now - and no hissing. They want attention from their usually affectionate older siblings and everyone is rejecting them right now:(

The babies don't want to come to us, either.

Thanks for the suggestion!!

02-09-2005, 06:42 AM
I have loved on everyone now and things seem more normal in the house. Only the kittens are still bewildered and staying away from us:( It is also obvious that Lizzie does not feel well. She walks like she is in pain, keeps stopping and laying down and just does not look happy:( Robbie is OK - has been eating, drinking and used his box. Lizzie has done none of the above.

02-09-2005, 06:49 AM
Lizzie is going to be in more discomfort than Robbie. Did the vets give her any meds for pain? It's optinal, but with total hysterectomy, she's bound to feel it more than the snipping Robbie went trhough. She should be feeling better tomorrow. It's quite ormal for them not to want food, or water for a day after. ;) I'd say give Lizzie a kiss...but she wouldn't like that!:rolleyes:

02-09-2005, 06:53 AM
Thanks again, Jan. Yes, Lizzie had a shot of Turbogesic??.. anyway it was for pain.

It was psycho Dylan that scared me!! He was like a wild kitty:rolleyes:

I delivered your kiss:) Lizzie is letting me love on her and pet her:) The whole house is much calmer now that Dylan is confined to one room.

02-09-2005, 07:02 AM
Ah, this sounds very familiar. Pouncer does this whenever a new foster comes in. He's stressed from the change and new smells. He's probably wodnering where the young ones went, and why these new ones are here instead. When Pouncer is confused and stressed, he hisses at the world. Hisses at his own shadow at tiems. Don't worry, they calm down after a bit. Sometimes it takes Pouncer a day and he's fine sometimes a week. Let's see... after Abby came back, it was a hectic week: she went away, two came in her place, she returned. He's still hisses at every movement :rolleyes: After Harry got fixed and returned it was a good three or four days before he stopped hissing.

Give those two babies a kiss and spend some extra time with Dylan soothing his worried mind!

02-09-2005, 07:38 AM
I hate that Dylan is having such a hard time with all this! He's probably afraid he's next! LOL

Lizzie reminds me of poor Josie's spay. She was only a little over 3 pounds when we had her spayed . . . way too little, btw! Anyway, it seems that it took her about 3 days to get back to normal. She slept a lot . . . layed in ONE place for a couple of days. She really worried me but she got back to normal within a week.

:) Hang in there . . . it's alright to worry . . . I know it's hard to see your kitties so stand-offish, but as long as they're inside and safe, they'll be fine . . . they'll be back to normal in no time!

02-09-2005, 07:46 AM
Dylan barged back in through the cat door and started his hissing again!! We have him back out now.....Dennis is working on the little door now so he can't do it again. Thanks all. I believe everyone is exactly right about the hissing - I just want the house back to normal - I guess this surgery and the smells really has everyone rattled - including Meowmie:rolleyes: I have a few pictures to make another thread and will do that.
Thank you to everyone who responded to me here!! I am SOOO thankful for PT!!

02-10-2005, 09:23 AM
Dylan,sounds like an alpha Cat,or maybe,he is laying the Law Down,so everyone knows,just who,is BOSS!

02-10-2005, 10:00 AM
How is Dylan doing today? Has he settled down any? Mowgli says to put some Rescue Remedy in his water and that'll calm him down reeeeeeeal good. :D

02-10-2005, 11:00 AM
Rescue Remedy is a good idea. Maybe try that?

It just sounds like Dylan is not happy with change. Poor guy.

Poor you, I know how stressful it is for you. It'll get better real soon, don't worry too much, OK?


02-10-2005, 11:05 AM
Debbie how is Dylan today? I hope your household is feeling a bit more back to the norm by now!?
