View Full Version : Cat in pillow cases (The Ferals)

Laura's Babies
02-08-2005, 07:20 PM
Worded like I did so as not to cause another riot with Dr. Jan and Richard....

Today my helper Patty came over again to help with the kitties Wally and Marty and she was a world of information . She has a uncle that catches and tames ferals and she talked to in depth and got, what I hope was a lot of usefull information for us to try.. ONE of which was to get a collar and chain and leash for them. He told her they become dependant on the "sack" and this way is faster. He has been trapping and taming for over 50 years so he may just know what he is doing... IF she got it all right!

You put them on a chain or leash where they can not hide or run off... for so long in a day while you mess with them and they get use to the "OPEN-NESS" and can get some excercize... while you are working to tame.. I am going to TRY it!

Today they got their nails clipped (while in the sack) and flea treatment. Soooo easy like that! So easy that I think I am going to use that method to clip my babies nails and do the soft paws from now on.

Got these pictures today and the on of Marty is just to darn sweet!

Wally, safety pinned in his sack.. so I could take this picture..
edited...I goofed and said this was Marty to start.. Sorry!

02-08-2005, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies

Marty, safety pinned in his sack.. so I could take this picture..

Look what the stork dropped at my house.
Not as big as an elephant, nor as small as a mouse,
A bundle of claws, a tail and cat eyes.
The perfect dimensions, the perfect cat size.
A small bag of feral, as cute as can be.
The Cat In the Sack, none other than Marty!

You can run, but you can't hide.

7 minutes:rolleyes:

02-09-2005, 08:57 AM
Marty,looks so good,in his sack,although I will say,that I have seen Happier Cats!But its for his own Good,although he will never beleive that,to be true!

02-09-2005, 02:45 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Laura's Babies
[B]You put them on a chain or leash where they can not hide or run off... for so long in a day while you mess with them and they get use to the "OPEN-NESS" and can get some excercize... while you are working to tame.. I am going to TRY it!

It would appear to me that it would be easier to put them in a sack, I am still getting up the courage to do that, I could not even attempt to put a leash on them :confused: :D

Laura's Babies
02-09-2005, 02:53 PM
The sack is the FIRST thing, a place to start and you work your way up from there... Today we are giving them worm PILLS, in the sack, of coarse. I put collars on them now and will give them time to get use to that before I go on to the next phase.

02-09-2005, 02:58 PM
(((((((((((((((((YOU NEED TO COME TO MY HOUSE))))))))))))))))))))

You appear to be pretty good at this stuff........:D
I have 2 you can work with, and given time I can and will find more:D :D :D

02-09-2005, 03:03 PM
Laura those pictures are fantastic!! Those boys look wonderful and you can see they have true sweetness in their eyes. You are doing such a wonderful thing for them.

Now, about the collar leash thing, there is no way in this world that I would ever try that!:eek: You may have these two boys calmed down enough that you can give it try but I can tell you right now that there is no way I could begin to do this with my ex-feral love muffins now. I can see nothing but freaking out, panic, and total pandamonium if I tried that. Not to mention the stitches that I would need after trying to remove the collar and leash!
I'm sure this man has had success with such but I'm not so sure about this method. Maybe it will work but I would be scared to death to try it. Have you ever seen that video of the TAME cat that decided he didn't want to be on a leash and paniced and attacked the poor pet guy who was trying to get him adopted? That is exactly how I picture this turning out!:D Good luck and be careful if you do try it. Maybe it will turn out to be a good method that I have never heard of but I can tell you the thought turns my stomach!;) :D
Keep us posted on this adventure.
Has anyone else ever heard of this taming method? I also wonder if this would help gain the cats trust or just scare them to death. Sorry Laura I'm not trying to be a downer but I'm just asking questions because I'm not so sure about this. Maybe there is more to it then what she told you.
Where is Jan when you need her?;) :D

02-09-2005, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies


I started out feral, a cat in the wild.
I'm getting some tips on how to be mild.
The first step? The Sack! and then on to pills
Mom's already trying to cure all my ills!
The collar was next. I wish I could choose
What Mom has in store for what's in phase Two!

02-09-2005, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Look what the stork dropped at my house.
Not as big as an elephant, nor as small as a mouse,
A bundle of claws, a tail and cat eyes.
The perfect dimensions, the perfect cat size.
A small bag of feral, as cute as can be.
The Cat In the Sack, none other than Marty!

You can run, but you can't hide.

7 minutes:rolleyes:
ROFLMAO RICHARD!!! No time for a rhyme for me, as I must flee. Out the door I will go, and I'm moving too slow...a cat needs trapping, and....well that does it for me for now! :rolleyes: :D

02-09-2005, 06:41 PM
OMG!!! Look at those two gorgeous tabbies. I'm in love. Tabbies, tabbies everywhere.

Laura, i'm wishing you all the best of luck with Marty and Wally.

Does Wally have the tip of his right ear missing?

RICHARD, loving the poems here. Great job. :D

02-10-2005, 10:16 AM
Sure looks like it. I know when they put ferrel cats through the TNR the cut the tip of one of there ears off, that way you know they have been altered. I wonder if that is his case?:confused: Let us know.

Laura's Babies
02-10-2005, 10:36 AM
Yes, they tipped their ears in case we re-released them. You can see it in the pictures if you look close at them, it especially shows in Wally's picture.

Yesterday we wormed them with PILLS. It wasn't as hard as I had thought it would be...IN the sack of coarse! Took me and Patty to do it but that made it easier, having 2 people...that extra set of hands always help!

02-10-2005, 12:02 PM

I think I might have worms.

I knew a gal who tried to get me into the sack.:confused:

Laura's Babies
02-10-2005, 01:52 PM
LATE BREAKING NEWS!!!! I took Wally out of the cage today NO PILLOW!! Held him, NO PILLOW, and NOoooo fighting, hissing or growling!!! I will get pictures soon as somebody comes that will take one for me!!

RICHARD, you crack me up!! :D :D :D

02-10-2005, 02:00 PM
That is the best news ever!!!!!!

Oh how I wish you lived closer to me.....
you are doing very well

02-10-2005, 02:30 PM
Look what the stork dropped at my house.
Not as big as an elephant, nor as small as a mouse,
A bundle of claws, a tail and cat eyes.
The perfect dimensions, the perfect cat size.
A small bag of feral, as cute as can be.
The Cat In the Sack, none other than WALLY.


02-10-2005, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
LATE BREAKING NEWS!!!! I took Wally out of the cage today NO PILLOW!! Held him, NO PILLOW, and NOoooo fighting, hissing or growling!!! I will get pictures soon as somebody comes that will take one for me!!

RICHARD, you crack me up!! :D :D :D YAY!!!! Keep up the good work Laura! Before you know it...they'll be yours furever! :D