View Full Version : Stealing food...

02-08-2005, 04:25 PM
I need some advice, for the past maybe 6 months Mercedes has been stealing food. She steals whatever she can food, garbage anything... She never used to do it and I need help to get it to stop. Do I have to lock her up or is there another solution. Since shes so tall she can reach EVERYTHING!! she rips open tuperware, boxes gets lids off things... Is they're anyway to diapline her where she knows what shes done wrong and get her to stop?? For the rest of the week I'm gonna lock her up its all I can think of right now... Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks:)

02-08-2005, 07:25 PM
I have the same problem with Lacey counter surfing. Nothing I've tried has helped except to keep everything out of her reach. You could try bitter apple spray, at least it worked when I was using it but who wants to spray it all over everything on the counter? As far as garbage I've always kept it in the cupboard under the sink, out of the pups and cats reach. Sorry, not much help.

02-08-2005, 08:17 PM
I don't have that problem with the dogs, but I do with my cats. I keep everything in the pantry or cabinets. I have baby locks on my cabinets and I keep my garbage can in the pantry. I keep nothing edible on the counters.

02-08-2005, 08:45 PM
I keep a small stool on top of the garbage cans. When the dogs knock them over, the racket generally scares them away from the can. You could try something even louder like a can with coins in it.

I have a Scat Mat on the cupboards. It's a grey mat that gives off a static electric shock when touched. I bought it to keep one of the cats off the counter--Onyx used to think that was a good place to pee!!:eek: But it had the added bonus of keeping the dogs from counter surfing too. The shock is mild--doesn't hurt, just suprises them. And yes, I tested it to make sure it wouldn't hurt them!

Or you could resort to keeping the garbage cans locked up. I have kept them in the bathtub, the sink or behind closed doors.

We also don't have a microwave. We have a "food safe" that can be used for cooking when it isn't hiding food from the siberians!

02-08-2005, 08:48 PM
I don't have that problem. I was wondering if it might be some type of vitamin or mineral that she's missing and is trying to find? That's the only thing I can think about.

02-08-2005, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I don't have that problem. I was wondering if it might be some type of vitamin or mineral that she's missing and is trying to find? That's the only thing I can think about.

I with thinking this also.

Good luck! :)

02-08-2005, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Glacier

We also don't have a microwave. We have a "food safe" that can be used for cooking when it isn't hiding food from the siberians!

OMG! Too funny, that's what we use our microwave for too! :D

02-08-2005, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
We also don't have a microwave. We have a "food safe" that can be used for cooking when it isn't hiding food from the siberians!

Same here! The food safe works wonders when you don't want pets eating it!;)

02-08-2005, 11:04 PM
I've heard on a mastiff board that I belong to that some of them line up soda cans on the counter and when they are knocked over it scares them. Couldn't hurt to try;)

As far as the garbage goes, we have a big wooden one with a lid. But he did used to try to get into the one in the bathroom and with me saying no leave it so many times he doesn't even try to get into it now.

I hope you find something that works for Mercedes...Good Luck!

02-08-2005, 11:59 PM
I use small mouse traps the sound and fling trap scares them . Works for keeping them off furnture(except Merlinthe sofa spud) he figured out how to set them off and then it was safe. Rotten Springer:)

02-09-2005, 08:44 AM
My Pittie Kosmo likes to get into everything. He used to open my fridge door and help himself to the food in the fridge...hehehe. All you would see was a black but sticking out of the fridge...hehehe. For the fridge I bought a child lock, so now he can't get into that. He used to also get into the garbage that i had in my cupboard, under the kitchen sink. He would open the door and help himself once again. Now I have child locks on my cupboards as well. My house is all child proof but not for my child for my pittie Kosmo...heheh. But its all worth it. If Mercedes keeps her snooping up, you could always put child locks. That's how i solved my problem.

Hope this helps you a little bit.

02-09-2005, 09:25 AM
Thanks for the help I will try the things some of you all suggested.:)