View Full Version : Wish them luck...

02-08-2005, 09:07 AM
Both Murphy (aka Magic) and Katrina go to the whitecoats this afternoon. Murhy is looking MUCH better, but Katrina is looking mighty sick right now. BOTH her eyes are snotty and she squints them shut and she's been sneezing up a storm. On Sunday I swear she had blood mixed in her snot, but it could be frm irritation from sneezing so much. She has just under two weeks to get completely healthy to go home with her new mom and dad.

Both have been on Clavimox and I'm taking them today to make sure thats all they need. Also to make sure they have no worms, no bacteira, etc. Then once they look healthy we'll be back to the vet to get their stamp of approval before letting them go home with their new families.

Gosh I am having lots of troubles with sick cats lately! :( Wish them luck and pray they both get healthy FAST, and they don't pass it onto my guys. So far so good. None of mine have been sneezing or acting sick in the least.

Laura's Babies
02-08-2005, 09:22 AM
Yes, it seems like everybody has been having a lot of sick kitties here lately. I would just come unglued if mine got sick and I know if Amy got sick I would be a basket case and be here all day posting "WHAT SHOULD I DO??? SHE IS....blah, blah, blah" Sick kitties are just so pitiful and you want to help them so much. I hope yours get better soon!

02-08-2005, 09:39 AM
I sure do hope everything turns out OK.

Ask your vet for some Zithromax for Katrina. It is a little on the expensive side but when I was having problems with Tigger for sneezing and coughing so much this was the only thing that helped her out.

02-08-2005, 09:41 AM
I am sending my best wishes for your sick babies, Kim. All that sneezing and cold:( I would be a wreck.

Some good medicine and they should be much better within a day or so!!!:D

Do they like chicken soup?

02-08-2005, 09:52 AM
What cat DOESN'T like chicken noodle soup? :D What a good idea! I'll get some from the chinese restaurant across the street for lunch and share it with ALL the kitties! Woohoo! I LOVE chicken noodle soup from a chinese restaurant... one of my favorite yummy foods! (its doesn't take much to get me excited anymore!) :D

02-08-2005, 09:54 AM
PS: Please send poopy vibes for Murphy. I have a stool sample for Katrina, but Murphy has refused to poop since before 7:00 this morning. I have to leave in under two hours and should have a stool sample to take with me.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-08-2005, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
PS: Please send poopy vibes for Murphy. I have a stool sample for Katrina, but Murphy has refused to poop since before 7:00 this morning. I have to leave in under two hours and should have a stool sample to take with me.
:D :D
Only a PT. :D

CJ says "Come on Murph! I know you can do it!" :D

02-08-2005, 10:01 AM
Poopy vibes? I will do what I can:p
Can you get Murphy to "help" you scoop the boxes?? Mine always seem to leave a deposit when I scoop - you probably have been doing this though:rolleyes: You can rake the litter even if it is clean:D

02-08-2005, 10:15 AM
How do you think I got Katrina's? :D Murphy was not impressed with a clean box :rolleyes:

02-08-2005, 10:21 AM
This sounds gross but sometimes they can stick this thing in and get a stool sample...they did that with our puppy.

02-08-2005, 10:41 AM

Would this be a *poopy vibe*??:D

02-08-2005, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed

Would this be a *poopy vibe*??:D

Best wishes for the two!

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-08-2005, 12:33 PM
How about these:http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20385%20cat_on_potty.gif


Good luck to your kitties!!
Maybe you could promise they may do this, if they are good at the vets;)

02-08-2005, 03:09 PM
LOL.. thanks guys! Murphy did not ever poop. :rolleyes: They gave me a dewormer just in case. It can't hurt him. He did very well at the vets. He will be good as new in a week.

Katrina on the other hand had a not-so-good report. She has conjunctivities in both eyes, the right one really bad. And a URI. She is currently isolated in my daughter's room since I want her her URI to clear up ASAP. I hope my daughter understands and won't complain too much (she sleeps with Katrina but says she wakes her up when she wants out of the room.) Lets hope Katrina wants to stay in the room. She has her own personal litterbox, food and water dish in there now. What more could a little girl want! :D

02-08-2005, 03:13 PM
Poor little Katrina. :( I'll keep her in my thoughts for a speedy healing.

Kisses and head bumpies to both fuzzies! :)

02-08-2005, 03:30 PM
Poor Katrina. I'm sure with you and your daughter nursing her back to health she'll be 100% soon.

02-08-2005, 05:20 PM
Briggs and I are keeping our fingers and paws crossed that Katrina will be feeling much better SOON. And that nobody else gets sickly. :)

02-08-2005, 05:40 PM
awww poor Katrina!:( That won't be fun with no kitties to play with for awhile but maybe she will enjoy having your daughter all to herself:) Sure hope she gets better soon!!

02-08-2005, 06:06 PM
I just sent a letter to Katrina's future mom and felt so bad sending it. I hope she doesn't worry too much! She'll be a-ok very soon. The 10 days of antibiotics will be over one day before they plan on coming to get her. I separated her mainly so she heals faster not being exposed to any additional germs. She can fight those she has and get all better to go meet her new family!

Meanwhile, Murphy is doing super well! He's been running around acting like a madman! :D And being VERY demanding for food and playtime!

02-08-2005, 08:07 PM
Gosh, Kim .... but trust me, I'm right in the same boat. Thankfully though, most of my babies are almost clear. Tabitha just still has the one eye that doesn't want to clear up completely. I have to keep baby Jenna tomorrow, but I think I am heading back to the vet with her on Wednesday ... I will be taking little Freddy too, as he looks like he is losing weight and may be a bit dehydrated too!:rolleyes: Just get used to it, in rescue, it is "always something!" ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-08-2005, 09:13 PM
Sorry to hear Katrina's doing so poorly, but I'm glad to hear Murphy is as bouncy as ever. Can't let a minor little snip snip slow you down now can you? ;)

02-08-2005, 10:07 PM
He hasn't had the snip snip yet - he was too sick to have it done. Now I wonder when we'll do it. Before we adopt him out or let the new family do it?

Katrina looked much better before bed. Her eye looked sooo much better. The vet said there is a steroid in it to help with swelling and boy does it work! Heather was upset when she helped me put the ointment in Katrina's eye.. she said it hurt her just to watch me put the ointment in! Needless to say, Katrina was none too thrilled to have ointment inserted in her eyes. :( But she forgave me immediately and purred happily in my arms while I held her and told her what a wonderful little girl she is.

02-08-2005, 11:00 PM
Prayers and positive thoughts on the way that Katrina gets better real soon so she can join her new family.

02-09-2005, 01:09 AM
I sure hope that Katrina gets better quickly so she can go live with her new forvever family and I'm glad that Murphy is doing well.:)

02-09-2005, 08:44 AM
the Found Cats,Strays and Angels,especially Momma Katrina Angel,add thier Prayers,that Katrina,and Murphy,will be healthy,again,and that the White Coats,can help them.