View Full Version : How many car accidents have you been involved in?

02-08-2005, 04:38 AM
I recently read an article about the incidents of vehicle crashes for males and females that I found quite interesting. I'm interested in accidents in which you were the driver. I was the driver in two accidents that occured within a week:rolleyes: Both were TECHINICALLY my fault, but when I showed up for court, they only charged me with one of them. The first was pretty nasty, but no one was really hurt.The second one was minor, but on top of the damage caused by the first collision, the van was totaled.

The article said that women are involved in more accidents than men, but that the accidents are generally less serious. Accidents involving male drivers had a tendency to be more serious, but slightly less frequent.

I can't for the life of me remember where I was reading that, but you get the general idea:)
I am going to try to enable multiple choices so that you can state gender/severity as well as number of accidents

Samantha Puppy
02-08-2005, 05:23 AM
I am a female who has been in 1-2 minor collisions. The first one was not my fault. The second one was my fault, was very minor, but still ended up totaling my car.

02-08-2005, 06:13 AM
I have never been the driver in a car accident, but I have been in two car totaling accidents.

The first was when I was a kid. A woman ran a red light and hit my mom's car, totaling it. Everyone was fine, no injuries.

The second was when I was in high school and I was with a good friend and her grandparents. Her grandpa was driving and ran a red light. It totaled the car and sent me, my friend, and my friends grandma to the hospital. We were all sent home that night, but my friends grandma had to later have knee surgery as a result of the accident.

02-08-2005, 06:32 AM
4 accidents :o

Accident #1:
I had my license a full week and rear ended someone at a light. My fault since I was an inexperienced driver (though I still insist she stopped dead in the middle of her right turn)

Accident #2:
Abut 6 months later I backed out of a parking spot and into the open back door of a station wagon. Knocked the whole door off the car :eek: Didn't even tell insurance that one. Paid it out of my own poicket.

Accident #3:
Coming home from Philadelphia on my LAST day working in the city and a lawyer rear ended me! :D

Accident #4:
Snowy day in the neighborhood and a lady who didn't think she needed to clear her windows started pulling out of a parking spot at the supermarket. I beeped. She continued backing, I beeped again, and I couldn't go anywhere ot I would have hit a family unloading groceries. She just continued backing up and I was helpless but to watch her hit me :rolleyes: The driver was uninsured, but did pay for the thousands of dollars damage she did... suppose she realized insurance was cheaper and found some soon afterwards? :p

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-08-2005, 06:44 AM
I am a female and was involved in 2 accidents. Both were NOT my fault. One was minor: another car was driving in the middle of a narrow street; he (yup, it was a MAN) hit and broke my left mirror. OMG, he was sooo mad at me, and it was not even my fault :mad: :rolleyes: !!
The other accident was a major one. It happened 26 years ago. I was driving to my work on a, icy-cold winter-morning. Suddenly, the road was covered with a huge layer of ice. I lost all control of my car, and bumped onto a big tree on the other side of a very busy road :eek: :eek: ! The car was total loss, but I didn't have a single scratch. I still don't understand how it was possible that I wasn't hit at all. The car looked terrible, and only 1 door could be opened: mine! I must have a very special guardian angel!!!
Oh, a "little" detail: I was driving my dad's car, as I didn't have one yet :eek: :D .

02-08-2005, 08:05 AM
I fell out of the car when I was 2, I only remeber being in the hosptial.

02-08-2005, 08:26 AM
I'm female and have been in a few minor collisons.

#1. The worst one. Took a curve too fast on a slick road and slid into a cornfield. Crunched the frame up a bit and blew out all 4 tires, but myself and my passenger were not hurt. I limped the car home and my dad and uncle fixed the car.

#2. Guy slammed on the brakes in front of me and I followed suit, but the roads were wet, so I slid into his bumper. We pulled into a nearby parking lot and neither car had visible damage so we parted ways.

#3. Car in front of me stopped, I stopped, girl behind me did not stop. (I remember hearing the squealing brakes and I tensed up) Beside a small crack in the bumper, there was no other damage. Again, roads were wet and she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and couldn't stop in time.

Those are the only accidents I've been in where I was driving.

02-08-2005, 09:01 AM
Oh! I forgot one! Once a car of 16 or 17 year old boys were running a red light. I beeped at them because they almost hit me as I started across the road. They pulled in front of me, and then proceeded to BACK into my car! :eek: MY son and I were flabbergasted! Since their car took the damage (lots of nice red paint on mommy and daddy's silver BMW) and mine had ZERO damage, I left them sitting there fuming and figuring out a way to tell mommy and daddy. :mad:

02-08-2005, 09:30 AM
I was in two major accidents. 1) I was going down the road, and another car crossed over the line and hit me head on.I wasn't hurt seriously, but the car was totalled. 2) I was waiting at a stop light behind another car and I was hit from behind by another car which pushed me into the car in front. her car was totalled, but the car in front of me was only hurt slightly. My car had about 3000 dollars worth of damage but for some reason it wasn't totalled!

02-08-2005, 09:34 AM
I hope I don't jinx myself. I have been in 1 minor accident that was not my fault. I was proceeding through an intersection when a high school boy (who had just gotten his license the day before) stopped at the stop sign but decided he did not want to wait for the traffic to go through. I could see him coming and I said to myself....he going to hit me....and sure enough he did. He took out the entire back side of my car. I think he did just under $8,000 in damage to the car.

My husband on the other hand has been in two very severe accidents that were not his fault. The first was just after he graduated high school and he had pulled into the bank parking lot when a car came down the hill at 65 mph in a 25 mph zone and broad sided him. His passenger seat was in the back seat of the car and the passenger door was out in the road. I remember this because I saw it happen...I was in the bank.

The second was just after we were married. He was traveling down the road when a woman driving a van has stopped at a stop sign and she thought he had a stop sign too so she figured that my husband was going to stop.....only thing was he did NOT have a stop sign. She plowed right into him causing his car to be turned in the opposite direction. His seat belt malfunctioned causing him to hit his head on the passenger side of the window....cracking the window and suffering back and neck damage. His back and neck have never been the same and that was almost 10 years ago. The woman had no insurance, spoke no English, had 15 people in her mini-van and the mini-van did not belong to her. :rolleyes:

02-08-2005, 10:59 AM
3 major accidents in my life............not one was my fault, though.

#1 I was following a drunk driver...........staying WAY back. He finally pulled off the side of the road, I thought because he knew he was to drunk to drive. So I went around him, on the road. He hit his gas and aimed his truck right into me, pushing me into the other lane........right into another car.

#2 I was driving on a main road, when a 16 year old boy, who just got his first car, ran the stop sign. Slammed into the side of me, pushing me into the ditch, over on my side.

#3 (the worse) I was coming home, at night, just a mile from my house. There was about 5 car behind me as I was coming to my turn, onto my road. As I'm turning left, this semi decides to pass all the 5 cars, slams into the drivers side of me, forcing my car to turn. Then the wheels of his trailer, rides over the back of my car, again forcing me to spin around. At that point, the back half of his trailer rides down the side of my car, again I spin around, and the last of his trailer wheels rides over the hood of my car. I ended up in a ditch, with the only part of my car left was the drivers seat, where I was sitting.

It took that semi a half a mile before he could even come to a stop, that's how fast he was going when he hit me. Car of course was totated, but somehow, I was fine. Of course none of the witnesses believed I was fine. I had just gone shopping and there was sauce spilled and with it being night time, they thought it was blood. lol SO they keep telling me I was hurt and made me lay down in the ditch!!! Turns out they thought I lost a foot, or something, because I also had extra shoes in the trunk and one was covered in red sauce. With it being dark, they figured the worse, not being able to see clearly.

My girlfriends kids got to the point that when I talked about getting a new car, they would say to me..."Just get into another wreck" "you always get a new car after a wreck" :eek: LOL

02-08-2005, 11:09 AM
That I was driving in...two. Both times the car was totalled. One was 50/50, we were both cutting across the highschool parking lot and hit head on. :rolleyes: The other, I was rear ended by an idiot going 50-60 mph who didn't even brake.

Oh...4 accidents. :o

In highschool, I slid out in the rain and went up into the Carl's Junior lawn.

And last year, I rear ended a lady. She let it go cause her car was fine, but I have a dent on my front bumper.

02-08-2005, 11:26 AM
2 minor.
First a few months after I had my liscense the road to school was flooded and when I went to stop at the red light the car didn't stop and I bumped the car in front of me no charges, no injuries.

Trying to park two cars side by side in the same driveway my parents said there was enough room I wen't back in and said there wasn't they said again there was. Unknowingly my brother went out and came back and parked their car in the same place, but enough over that when I tried to get in I bumped my dads bumper and broke my headlight no charges except for stupidity on my part.

02-08-2005, 11:31 AM
I just remembered a funny accident I was in. My mom was driving, dad was in the front passenger seat, and I was in the back. It was kinda foggy out and mom turned too soon into the driveway. The car was half in the ditch, half on the driveway.

$3,000 in damage! :eek: :eek:

We love reminding mom about it. ;) :p :D