View Full Version : going to be updating a kitty website...will need help...

02-07-2005, 05:01 PM
As most of you know my daughter Melissa volunteers for the Humane Alternative cat shelter, my dear hubby has volunteered me to update their website, ME who really is not terribly advanced on the computer, a mere novice, however I do have the time and I really do want to do it, I just lack the confidence, not sure when it will all come about, but soon probably, so I ask in advance if anyone can offer me help when the time comes I would appreciate it and ideas too, will have to wait and see what they want from me.

I am hoping to borrow my dad's digi camera and go out to both shelters and take pics of the cats and kittens, for the website, at present they donot offer that, now won't that be a treat, my heart will be broken again no doubt as I see all the cats I will want to take home and can't, but folks wish me luck please, thanks.

02-07-2005, 06:34 PM
Good luck!

If you ever need any help with the coding and such you can ask me, I know HTML and my dad is a computer programmer. You could give me an excuse to bother him at work. :p ;)

02-07-2005, 09:23 PM
I don't even know what coding is lol, see I am a real novice here, but it will be a learning process, although at my age I am not that fast a learner, thank you for the offer don't be suprised if I do indeed take you up on the offer, just have to see how it all goes and what they want from me. cheers.:)