View Full Version : When one hard thing meets another...

02-07-2005, 03:02 PM
I had one of those silly accidents on Friday night.

We went out to dinner with some friends so we didn't get home till about 8:30 in the evening. Sequoia was quite worked up by then so hubby took her for a good play in the snow. About 9ish they came in the house. Sequoia got her usual treats and then was lying down in front of my recliner. She looked sooo sweet I had to get down on the floor and cuddle with her.

Unfortunately she hadn't worked off all the energy I had hoped she had and 2 minutes of cuddling then turned into WRESTLEMANIA!!!!!!

I was on my knees with my arms around her neck and shoulders while she fake growled and mouthed whatever she could reach....then the fateful thing happened......her head came flying up just as my chin came down......WHACK!

I was out for the count....ok I wasn't really knocked out but the pain was blinding!:eek: :eek: I got up holding my chin in one hand and couldn't stop pacing around the kitchen table while my hubby kept asking...."Are you ok???" I was finally able to answer...."I don't know" in this tiny little voice.

Poor Sequoia was beside herself..she kept following me and whining..with her ears layed back and her tail down. So I had to put aside my pain and comfort her. When I took my hand away from my mouth I was soooo relieved there was no blood. But I have a HUGE bruise on the underside of my chin and I chipped my left front tooth a little. Luckily it isn't cold sensitive.

It is actually my bottom teeth that are in more pain. I am not totally sure I didn't crack my chin bone. IT sure hurts still. That night at about 3 am I had to get hubby up because I was soooo naseous. He got me some butter bread and that settled my tummy. I don't throw up. I have to be practially dying in order to throw up. It is even possible I had a slight concussion...*L*

So the lesson learned is to be really freaking careful when wrestling with a husky that you watch where your chin is...or you won't have a smile that looks like this:D :D :D


02-07-2005, 03:11 PM
Oh Denyce!!!:( That's happened to me too, while playing with Star on the floor. I "head" down as her head comes up full force and, wham! Once I ended up biting my tongue, which bled for hours. Once it was my nose she hit and I could have sworn it was broken. I didn't get hurt nearly as bad as you, though! It does sound like you had some sort of concussive condition. I wish you had gone to have yourself checked out, had some xrays done, but I know they'd have to drag me to the ER:D I hope you're healing. But, if you start to have headaches, become nauseous again, please go checked out! And your poor tooth!:( I'm sure Sequoia is feeling so bad too:( Hugs to you both! Sandra

02-07-2005, 05:20 PM
Oh Denyce that sounds awful! Been there, done that also. Not to your extent though. I sure do hope the pain eases for you. Take Sandra's advice if you don't feel better soon. Our pups sure can inflict so pain can't they?

I have a scratch going across one side of my face right now. It is not real bad but it is noticeable. I was laying on the couch and the girls were playing when they got super carried away and decided to use the couch as a springboard not caring that I was laying there. Katies big paw scraped right across my face. It hurt something awful! I screamed so loud and it startled her so she just froze there still standing on my face. Alden had to make her move. I have to admit that this time I was pretty mad at her. Not for too long though ;) :p

Give Sequoia a hug from me please!

Robin :)

02-08-2005, 09:12 AM
OH MAN! I can just imagine how much that hurt (and probably still does).
I know there have been numerous times that Roxey has gotten me like that. Once I thought she had broken my nose:eek:

You are so right....

be really freaking careful when wrestling with a husky

02-08-2005, 09:25 AM
Been their too, with the ROck.
I even have a scar that looks like a age wrinkle. lol

02-08-2005, 10:27 AM
Ouch Ouch Ouch!:eek:
Yeah, I've whacked heads with Rosie and Sherman before - God, they have hard heads!!!
Hope your aching jaw feels better soon.

02-08-2005, 10:55 AM
Oh Denyce! My eyes are watering in sympathy. One time I could of sworn that Kia broke my nose.

I hope your bruise heals quickly. *hugs* to you and Sequoia.

02-08-2005, 11:12 AM
Springers have hard heads too. As a kid we had to have my jaw x-rayed thought our lead female had hit it so hard she even cried . We had to have her head x-rayed too. Both of us were fine. keep ice on it and I would have it looked at as embarrassing as it may be. Better safe than sorry.

02-08-2005, 12:36 PM
Thanks everyone for the well wishes!

It does seem to be doing better and my teeth really aren't hurting anymore. So I think all is healing. No more queasy tummy either!

I was once hit in the face by a horse's neck that I was working with. That didn't even hurt as much as this did.

Some of your stories have made me winch also! I was much more careful in playing with Sequoia last night!:D :D

02-08-2005, 01:57 PM
Oh Denyce!!
That sounds so painful!!
When my dogs are wrestling with each other occasionaly I'll hear that sound too--the sound of one's hard head hitting the other's chin--OUCH!! It doesn't seem to bother them though:rolleyes:
I always run over and check for blood or anything, and they don't know why.

I hope you're feeling better!!!!

Give Sequoia a big hug from me!!!