View Full Version : puppybowl

02-07-2005, 01:51 PM
Did anyone happen to turn on the puppybowl yesterday on animal planet? It was really dumb in my opinion. what did you think?

02-07-2005, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by daisybee
Did anyone happen to turn on the puppybowl yesterday on animal planet? It was really dumb in my opinion. what did you think?

It was pretty cool.

It was fun to watch them interact....

I picked up on some body/tail language that I had never noticed before.

02-07-2005, 03:12 PM
It was cute :D it was kind of boring having the same thing over and over again ;) but I like how it says adoption is "the right decision" :) because it is :D I liked the two golden retriever puppies they were digging at the water bowl and had identical paws :D so they were probably littermates all of them were cute though :D

02-07-2005, 03:18 PM
I loved it and my husband even more:D He emailed Animal Planet to tell them what a creative idea it was! It was kind of like the old "Yule Log" they used to show on the TV at Christmas...Just a video of a log burning to music:D For some reason, it was hyptonitizing to watch, just like the puppies! I thought they were precious and a great way to promote the cause of rescue. All the pups shown were up for adoption, and it was a great way to see how they interact with other dogs/get an idea of their personalities. Go Puppy Bowl!:)

02-07-2005, 03:23 PM
I thought it was great! We didn't watch it the whole time but would flip over to it when cable cruising. I would love to see local stations do something like this for the local animals at the SPCA. I think I am going to contact ours about this. Of course I doubt our SPCA would go along but what a great way to get the word out about the dogs and cats available.

Sequoia even liked it. She was lying on the foot of my recliner watching the puppies play for about 30 minutes or so...just about the time she would start to lose interest one of the pups would make a noise and her ears would perk forward again.


02-07-2005, 03:26 PM
Every time the puppies started barking, the girls went nuts! They went outside to find who the intuders were:D

02-07-2005, 03:59 PM
I watched a little bit of it. I thought it was kind of boring at first but then I would get a laugh at the puppy antics. I loved the little white Jack Russel Terrier. It was so cute. Did you notice the silky terrier off to the left? At one point it looked like it was just hanging out by the wall and not interacting with any of the other puppies. When I was watching it, they never showed the poor thing. I felt kind of bad for it. I liked when they came sliding down the slide. That was kind of funny. I had to shut the volume off because Fenway would hear them barking or even worse, hear their tags clinking and he would come running and bark to see who was coming in the door. A couple of times he looked at the t.v. but then he wasn't interested. I also got a good laugh when one of them pooped on the "field" and the Ref had to come out and pick it up. I bet those cute puppies got a good nights sleep after that romp! All in all, I'd like to see it again but NOT on Super Bowl Sunday. I HAD to watch the Patriots win! Plus I HAD to watch the commercials (which by the way, were pretty lame).


My Peanuts
02-07-2005, 04:43 PM
I watched part of it. My boyfriend, Tim, thought it was dumb, but I loved it. I thought it was a good idea. Tim and I ended up watching a lot of it when they replayed it later that night. :D I loved the JRT and the French Bulldog :)

02-07-2005, 04:47 PM
I really liked it.

I didn't see the whole thing from start to finish, but what I did see was adorable. What is cuter than a pile of puppies playing? Ok maybe a pile of kitties, or a pile of bunnies, or any other baby animal--what a great idea???
It was definitely mesmerizing--I had a hard time changing the channel:)
My dogs were pretty unimpressed, except for Jada--she was watching it the whole time.

You can order the dvd from animal planet--I might. On a bad day, something like that would bring a smile to my face.

Today at work, one of the guys was curious about what exactly the puppy bowl was. I told him, and his response was "I don't want to meet the person who found that entertaining"--I looked at him and told him he already has:D

PJ's Mom
02-07-2005, 07:21 PM
It would've been much cuter if it didn't last so long. An hour or two, maybe.

02-07-2005, 07:55 PM
I think it was on for the whole day so that people could just pop in when they were able:)

02-07-2005, 09:56 PM
i thought it was cute!i Watched it on and off all day.I loved Amos-thePitbull/Lab mix pup,and Hooter-the shepherd/husky mix.Theyre so cute!! and i thought Roxi was very amusing,she was the corgi mix.
