View Full Version : Happy adoption stories?

02-07-2005, 01:12 PM
I know a lot of you foster pets or stuff like that. What about some good adoption stories you have or know of? (doesn't have to be a foster, anything is good)

I've never fostered, or any of that stuff so I don't really have any stories...However, when I was younger (probably 12-14) my friends Aunt got this kitten and shortly after decided she didn't want it. She brought the kitten over while I was there saying she was taking it to the race track and leaving it there!!! :( It was a very young kitten and I was so sad at the thought of it being left alone at a race track. I'm sure there was other cats there, but I doubt they would be fed by people. I figured it would just die or something (although I'm sure it would be ok....)

So anyway, I was heartbroken for this SWEET kitten. I mean, it was the prettiest, sweetest thing. So, stupid me said I'd take it and find a home for it. I thought I could talk my mom into letting me have it. This was before I had a cat of my own and I desperately wanted one. However, it was a no from her. My dad wouldn't tolerate a cat either at his place :rolleyes: (note: we have a cat living her now)

SO! I couldn't keep the cat (At all) and I couldn't afford to give it to the HS, AND there was no way I could let it go to the racetrack....so what did I do? Well, thinking back on it it probably was a really stupid, selfish thing, but I actually went door to door to see if anyone would adopt her..:( :o I didn't know what else to do.

I think I got about 20 houses before I came this this elder couple. They seemed very nice, and lived by themselves. I talked with them a while and they held her and thought on it for a while before deciding the wanted her :) Sometimes you can just tell when people are really good people, and I knew these people were and she'd have a great home with them. I even came by their house on halloween (a few months later) and asked how she was doing. They had her up in their room so she wouldn't get outside :) They said she was doing good.

I know that is nothing compared to people fostering animals and saving lives. I'd do it in a heartbeat if I could, but I can't :( And I know going door to door is probably really bad cause you have no idea what type of people you'd find, but I do believe in this one case it was ok. And I know she is one happy and loved cat. Besides, I'd never have left her with someone I thought would hurt her.

So yeah, I'm sure no one really cares but that's my silly little story. I'd love to hear about everyone's happy stories :)

02-07-2005, 01:30 PM
There is nothing silly about what you did, Audrey!!!

I took Butter in after many, many days out in the cold. He showed up one day, and he refused to leave. This boy was lying out in my pinestraw covered flowerbed, and demanding attention. I refused to let him inside, and I hated that he was lying undernseath of our gas powererd vent. I was right, though, he was a stray and it took me a while to be grateful that he made it inside. Sometimes I stell futss, but he is still learning. He's our Buttercup and as bad as he is, he's going nowhere!!!!


02-07-2005, 01:44 PM
Audrey, there was nothing silly in your story! (except going door to door). I'm just happy that this poor kitten got a home. I adpted Nikki fron Cat Sense. She was an abused kitty and everyone was overlooking her at Cat sense because she was a older cat. I was looking for another cat (my beloved Thai had just passed away a couple months earlier at the age of 22!) They kept telling me that she was real shy, they put her in my lap and that was it! I volunteer with them now and they call me the cat whisperer!

02-07-2005, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by david p
Audrey, there was nothing silly in your story! (except going door to door). I'm just happy that this poor kitten got a home. I adpted Nikki fron Cat Sense. She was an abused kitty and everyone was overlooking her at Cat sense because she was a older cat. I was looking for another cat (my beloved Thai had just passed away a couple months earlier at the age of 22!) They kept telling me that she was real shy, they put her in my lap and that was it! I volunteer with them now and they call me the cat whisperer!

The door to door thing was what I was talking about being silly hehe.