View Full Version : I just lost Tori and finally found her, but I'm so upset!

02-06-2005, 01:22 PM
I just lost my Tori girl! It was all my fault. I wasn't even paying attention. I mean we were playing and I was talking to her as I walked out the gate and she just walked right out with me and I didn't even think a thing about it. Not until she started heading down the driveway and then it hit me what I had done. What the **** was I thinking!!! I just don't know. I'm such an idiot!! I am so upset and sitting here crying. I couldn't find her anywhere. I got Katie to walk with me thinking maybe she would see us and come back it worked for a split second but she is was too smart to get too close. I had two neighbors who were nice enough to help me. One of them even went back inside his house for a piece of bologna. So nice of him. We couldn't find her still. Katie and I got in the car and drove around. I finally saw her sitting on a porch with a woman holding onto her while her mother and childern were trying to call me. Thank god Tori had her id tag on. It was only maybe a half hour but do you know how long that seems when you are searching for your baby girl!!! I didn't even know which way to turn and suddenly our neighborhood seemed so huge. She is home and safe now. I'm sitting here shaking though and trying to calm down.

02-06-2005, 01:24 PM
It wasn't your fault. It was an accident. Sneaky Tori lol! The main thing is that she is home safe and sound.

Also, it sounds like she had a journey to herself today lol!

I'm glad you got her back!

02-06-2005, 01:25 PM
That must of been so scary :( I'm glad you found her, your neighbours sound very nice as well :)

02-06-2005, 01:28 PM
Oh Robin, how scary!!! Mine have never been gone that long, ( the one time they got away I didn't know they were gone til the neighbor called, and by that time they were back in our front yard!) I can't even imagine!! Thank dog for ID tags, great neighbors and special treats! I'm so glad she is home safe!!

02-06-2005, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by petslover
It wasn't your fault. It was an accident. Sneaky Tori lol! The main thing is that she is home safe and sound.

Also, it sounds like she had a journey to herself today lol!

I'm glad you got her back!

Yes, it was an accident, but it was entirely my fault that it happened. I can't help but be mad at myself. When you have furkids, skinkids any kind of kids you have to be responsible for them 100 %. Always looking out for them. I just let her walk on out the gate with me. I must have been in complete lala land. I am so upset with myself and I hate being a complete idiot!!!!

Yes, I do have wonderful neighbors. I am always grateful for that.

02-06-2005, 01:33 PM
It happens to every body some time or another..and its very scary..but she is ok now..you learned to be even more cautious...and all is well..shake it off and be thankful for caring neighbors~

02-06-2005, 01:36 PM
Just like petslover said, it wasn't your fault, accidents happen! I'm glad she is safe and sound now!

Lexi got off of her collar when I took her for a walk, it scared me because I didn't know if there were any dogs around! There was a truck coming too! But the lady inside of it stopped to help me, I told her it was ok, Lexi knows that she has to go home, but it took me forever to get her, and then I had to chase her down! But, this dog you can't jump on to stop:pyou would crush her! Unbelieveable what my dog does!:rolleyes:

You have very nice neighbours, my neighbours wouldn't even care if there was a fire at our house!:mad:Now Tori, you be good, no more sneakies! Katie, make sure you keep your sister in good shape;)Now I see what you mean when huskies are escape artists!:rolleyes:

02-06-2005, 01:49 PM
I am glad you found her. It must be so scary. I am glad you have great neighbors.

02-06-2005, 01:50 PM
Thank goodness she's ok, {hugs} to you I know you're still upset. I did the same thing with Lacey one time. :rolleyes: I was doing something with the gate open just a little and trusted her to stay but she didn't. She would have been long gone as she was headed down the driveway not responding to me like I didn't even exist.:eek: Luckily I had my truck parked outside of the fence (our gate goes across the driveway) and I said come on Lacey lets go bye byes. She came running and jumped in the truck! I ran her around the block in the truck so it wasn't like I tricked her. If my truck would have been locked or was in the fence who knows what would have happened. It will never happen again!

02-06-2005, 01:56 PM
Is this the first time Tori has gone on a walkabout by herself? It's terrifying when they take off! As you learned today, you can never let your guard down with a husky. Given half a chance they'll find a way out!

Paxil got out on my husband last night. I was at a race all day, came home about 7 and went to feed the dogs. Paxil eats inside since she has her own food. Couldn't find her anywhere. Hubby swears she's in the yard. Well, the yard is four fenced acres, lots of hiding places. So I start walking and calling her name. No sign of her. After about half an hour I hear her wooing. She at the gate across the driveway--on the WRONG side! I still can't figure out how she got out and she ain't telling!

At least Tori is well socialized and will approach people--that will help get her home if she ever takes off again!

Now go easy on yourself--stuff happens and Tori is fine! That's what matters most!

Cinder & Smoke
02-06-2005, 02:10 PM

But "ONLY" Half an Hour?
Try about 8 Hours - overnight! :eek:

Of all my FurKids, RB :( Shadow pulled one of the *worst*
vanishing stunts...

She "Took a Hike" with her lil mini-Lab Buddie, who lived with
the horse people, one night...
If the lil Lab missed getting home before curfew,
she was "out" for the night.
I didn't know the Lab was "out" when I let Shadow out for her
bed-time outie... and *OFF* they went! :mad:

I found the Lab on MY front porch about 2 AM - but NO Shadow!
Drove around for hours calling her name out the car windows.

She crossed a very busy highway and finally sought refuge on a
back porch over a MILE from home!
I got the "are you missing a dog" call about 7:30 AM...

"Scary" doesn't do those situations justice!

I always hope God doesn't "take notes" when these thing happen...
I prolly "promise Him" things I can't follow through on! :o

PS: Thanks, God!!

/s/ Phred

02-06-2005, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
I always hope God doesn't "take notes" when these thing happen...
I prolly "promise Him" things I can't follow through on! :o

PS: Thanks, God!!

/s/ Phred

LOL! I never thought of that, but I do the same thing. I'm not religious but when one of the furkids is missing, I pray to any deity who might be listening!

02-06-2005, 02:35 PM
Ok, I have vacuumed the floors and got some nervous energy out plus Alden is home from work now giving me a hard time and teasing me, trying to get me to lighten up. He even came home with little note cards that he wrote up. One of them saying something about "dumb blondes". Haha, he's so funny! :rolleyes: :p

Thanks for all the nice words and trying to comfort me everyone. I really appreciate it. Glacier, this is Tori's second walkabout and I swore after the first time that it would never happend again. I guess that theory went out the window. Phred, I would have been so frantic if she had been gone for that long. Oh my how terrible that must have been for you. How right you are about God taking notes...LOL. I actually don't even remember thinking anything while I was searching for her except to remind myself to be calm and trying to figure out which way she might have went. It is after I found her that I break down crying and shaking and thanking God and promising to be a good person and all that good stuff :p

Thanks for helping me to calm down everyone! I am going to make some chocolate chip cookies this evening and I think I will take some to the woman who hung on to Tori for me and the guy with the bolonga. I need to say a proper thank you to them. I did give them a quick thank you, but I was so frantic at the time that all I could think about was getting Tori home.

02-06-2005, 03:48 PM
Hi robin!

*whew* glad to hear you found her so quickly. I think all of us at one time or another have experienced the sense of panic of one of ours getting loose. A couple of months ago, I was running around the neighborhood like a lunatic looking for Murph and it turned out my Mom had let him in the house, without me knowing.

Normally I probably would have looked in the house first, but just 5 mins previous, the gate had been left unlatched. I turned to tell Gull to stop barking at a neighbor walking along the fenceline, to see nothing but his body. Rest of his head was sticking through the opening in the gate, but he never attempted to actually leave the backyard. Luck be a Collie for me in that situation. I'm sure if I had a husky, I'd have been scouring the neighborhood too. :)

Anyway none of us are perfect, so don't beat yourself up over it. She's home now so that's all that matters.


02-06-2005, 03:54 PM
That must have been so frightening! I know exactly how you felt, Nebo has gotten out a couple of times...and he just bolts down the street too. He's never gotten out of my site but I was beyond frantic trying to get him back in the house! I'm glad you were able to get Tori back! It's great that people were willing to help you like that!

02-06-2005, 04:00 PM
Thank goodness she is home safe. Maybe momma Robin needs to put a bell on Tori's collar when you go out - if the jingling isn't right next to you ... alarm bells SHOULD go off to accompany them!

02-06-2005, 04:03 PM
Robin, first off let me say I'm very relieved and glad you found Tori and that she is safely home. I know about that natural tendency to blame oneself for mishaps, I've done it before, I am very hard on myself when it comes to these kids! I know how it takes time to really settle down from a scare like that too. I hope you're feeling better now though, and know that everyone has lapses in their attention from time to time! I sure have. No one is perfect but you are as close to a perfect doggie Mom as I can imagine! Lots of hugs to you and Katie and Tori. :)

02-06-2005, 04:05 PM
:eek: How scary!! {{{Hugs}}}

Don't be so hard on yourself, Robin! Things like that happens to all of us, when we just aren't thinking, or we get distracted..etc.

I'm glad that Tori is home now, and thank god she had her tags on! I always worry about my 3 because they don't wear collars :(

02-06-2005, 04:46 PM
Awww Robin, don't beat yourself up. Everyone has those moments when they just aren't thinking. We all know how much you love your girls and would never want them in harm's way. Its over now and Tori is home safe, so you can relax and know that you probably won't ever let that happen again. I'm glad it was just a 30 minute ordeal and not longer. And thank goodness for tags!

I hope you can take a nice, relaxing bath or something today to relieve some of that tension I'm sure you're still feeling :)

02-06-2005, 05:00 PM
What a scare!
I can imagagine the pit in your stomach your
were feeling.
Had that feeling when a rainbow bridge dog
got out of our back yard.

Glad she is home safe.

02-06-2005, 05:01 PM
Poor Robin!!! {{hugs}}

Tori don't scare you're mom like that!! No more Jaunts!!!
Having a greyhound I remember those days!!:( It stinks!

Holly's mom
02-06-2005, 05:05 PM
I am so glad to hear that this story has a happy ending! How scary for you, Robin!! This was not your fault, accidents happen no matter how careful you are. I think it's safe to say that everybody here can relate to this, and also how hard it is not to be hard on yourself, but we all know you are a kind, loving mom to your furkids! Give that little redhead a hug from me and tell her never to scare her mom like that again!!:)

02-06-2005, 05:11 PM
Well, she is a husky! It's in the genes- so few people believe it when they hear that they'll take off any chance they get. It's true. Glad to hear she got back ok - Star took off once & she was found up the street greeting people at a yard sale!!!:D
Hope you can calm down soon too - HUGS

4 Dog Mother
02-06-2005, 07:39 PM
Oh, Robin, I am so glad you got Tori back safe and sound! How scared you must have been.

Taggert got away from me twice in one week. I was so mad at him and at myself. And when he runs he runs. The last time he went toward Main Street where there is a lot of truck traffic. I was so scared he would try to cross the street and get hit. But the cars and trucks whizzing past scared him so he ran back down the street. However it still took me forever to catch him. I am way too old to chase him any more and so I alternate between praying and yelling at him - go ahead, get hit see if I care as I am puffing and huffing after him. And even though I am still mad at him when I do catch him, I give him a big hug and hold him tight for a few minutes.

That last time I couldn't even see where he went, so I got in the car and headed to Main Street. I caught sight of him, threw the car in park, hopped out and started chasing him. And then I realized what I did, I left the car running on the side of Main Street and was chasing that crazy dog! I could just see me calling Carl in Florida and saying Honey, Taggert ran away and I couldn't find him and someone stole the car when I left it running on Main street! But it's okay because I chased Taggert all the way home!

4 Dog Mother
02-06-2005, 07:45 PM
Oh, I forgot another time we were getting ready to go to the dog park and somehow he got away from me. He ran the other way - not towards Main Street but I still got in the car to go after him. Some lady was walking him back towards me (he had his leash on even when he got away). I jammed the brakes on, hopped out of the car and said that's my dog. She looked at me and asked me where I lived since she had looked at the tags. We live in a 2 street subdivision out away from the city. I just looked at her like what other idiot would be racing around in the car with the windows down yelling Taggert if it were not their dog!

02-06-2005, 08:56 PM
Ohhh Diana, you had me laughing!!! I'm sorry. I know its not really funny at the time..but I just can't help but get this mental picture of you hopping out of your car and leaving it running. I don't think Carl would have liked getting that phone call. Didn't you feel so stupid driving around with your windows down hollering for Taggert. I know I did today when I was hollering for Tori. Oh the things our pups put us through!!!

Thanks everyone for making me feel better and not making me feel worse about my stupid stupid mistake!!! Most of all thanks for caring about Tori being safe. That means so much to me. She has been a good little girl this evening and mostly sleeping. Here is a pic I took of her a little bit ago. She is such a goofy husky girl!!

Thanks again....Robin :)

02-07-2005, 10:31 AM
That was not your fault! That was an accident...
I´m really glad Tori´s home and safe ;)

02-07-2005, 10:55 AM
Oh Robin. *hugs* I know that fear all too well!! Please don't blame yourself. It was just an accident.

Just last week Zam took off on me and I was searching for her for a half hour (posted in Cat General).

I remember the first year I had Kia, she went on many walkabouts that nearly stopped my heart. :eek: :( And my dad's!

I'm just glad Tori is home safe. :)

02-07-2005, 11:02 AM
Thanks Liga and Kimmy. Tori is standing right here with her head resting on my leg and she says hi. She is being such a sweetie today. I promised her a walk and she is patiently waiting for me to get off the computer....lol. I have been here forever ;)

Kimmy, I didn't know that Zam had taken off too. I'm so glad she is safe now. I really need to check out the kitties more often, you need to point out to me when you post pics of your gorgeous kitties!

Robin :)

02-07-2005, 11:05 AM
I am sooo glad you found your Tori! I so totally understand how you felt. Sequoia got away from me one morning. She was tied on the porch and had gotten herself wrapped around a lilac bush. While I was trying to untangle her she kept jumping around...one of the jumps we both suddenly realized at the same time that I was holding the lunge line and it wasn't attached to her anymore:eek: :eek: . She took off around the house at a dead run and down through the meadow and into the woods faster than I could even think.

We live in the mountains of PA so we don't have a lot of neighbors. So there I am...all 250 pounds of me...in the summer...no bra :o racing after her (like I thought I could catch her) screaming her name at the top of my lungs. We had only had her at our house a few times up till then and hadn't decided to keep her yet. I had only picked her up from the foster home about 30 minutes before because we were taking her to the trainer to be evaluated that afternoon. So the few neighbors we have didn't know her and she didn't have any tags on at all. Once I couldn't see her anymore I raced....well.... at that point I was walking slowly and wheezing and heaving....back towards the house. I was going to get the car and start driving about.

I heard the rooster that lived in the neighborhood at that point squawking up a storm. I knew then where my Sequoia was. I ran across the street and there she was...throwing that poor thing in the air playing with it. As far as she was concerned it was a big moving squeaky toy!:( :eek: :rolleyes: I got her to stand still for me and grabbed her coller. The neighbor who's house she was at came out and they shot the rooster. He was a tough ole bird too. He had lived up there in the mountains for a couple of years just foraging for himself and roosting where he felt like it.

The second time we had decided at that point to keep her and she had been with us for several weeks. We would take her out on the lunge line I had when I was working horses and play ball with her and allow her to run about. My husband had attached the line and I guess the clip hadn't been done right..they got to the driveway and there was the line lying on the pavement not on Sequoia's collar.

She didn't run that time though. She knew she wasn't hooked up anymore...she danced in front of us and wouldn't let us catch her but she was more interested in playing ball than running away. I went in the house and chased all the cats in the bedroom. I then stood in the doorway and called her..she ran into the house so fast she almost hit the wall on the opposite side of the door.

I check and pray all the time that a walkabout will never happen again. Now at least most the neighbor's knows who she belongs too. But if she got loose and saw a herd of deer???:eek: :eek: Who knows how far she would run?!?!?!


02-07-2005, 11:27 AM
Oh My Gosh, Denyce!!! You had me laughing so hard. You sound like my kind of girl...lol. I can just picture you running around, no bra, trying to catch up to that girl of yours. Sounds just like me! Thankfully I did have my bra on yesterday or I would have really scared some people...LOL. Poor rooster though!

I'm so glad Sequoia is home and safe now. I would love it if you posted some pics of her. She is such a pretty girl!

Robin :)

02-07-2005, 12:11 PM
I am going to make some chocolate chip cookies this evening and I think I will take some to the woman who hung on to Tori for me and the guy with the bolonga. I need to say a proper thank you to them. I did give them a quick thank you, but I was so frantic at the time that all I could think about was getting Tori home.

Just make sure you deliver them at a decent hour! ;) Val posted a story about some lady who got upset because some "do gooders" delivered Valentine Cookies to her home at 10:30 in the evening and ended up suing them!!!! :eek:

So glad Tori is home with you now, Robin!!!! I would have been scared to death. My Honey and Zipper would take off in a heartbeat!!!!!

02-07-2005, 02:51 PM
*L* Thanks RobiLee....I was hoping my story would bring a chuckle. It is funny how at the time these things don't seem amusing but when we look back at ourselves and how we must have looked you can't help but laugh.

I do have bunches of pics of her on memory cards I have just been too busy to get them uploaded to the computer. Between her antics and the five cats they keep me hopping in the evenings! :D


02-07-2005, 03:16 PM
Oh Denyce! I don't mind exercise but phew! *laughs*

I can so relate to Diana about being in the car with the window rolled down. :D That happened the 3rd time Kia took off. It's already dark out and I'm crawling down the road with my window down, hollaring her name. I put in park along side the road and not 2 minutes afterwards, a herd of deer go barrelling by. :eek: So I of course assume Kia is at the end of this.....but nope... no pup. :rolleyes:

I drive home and she's sitting on the front porch. :p

The first time she took off, we were at Andy's parents. She was heading towards a busy intersection and the closer I got to her, the closer she'd get to the road. Andy appeared with bologna and she thankfully ran straight to him. :)

The second time she took off was when my parents were watching her. My dad went to move her from the kennel to the house and she bolted. She's flying thru the cornfields and dad's trying to keep up with his truck. When she dissapeared in the woods, he went home, left a note for mom, and went to work.

Mom gets home about a half hour later and finds a burr-filled, muddy dog panting heavily and happily :rolleyes: on the deck.

02-07-2005, 07:57 PM
Oh Robin.. I'm just seeing this... WHEW!!! I know the feeling when you get them home!! I don't know if you remember when both of mine ran away. They were gone for 20 HOURS!!!!!

OMG!! Talk about making promises!!!!:o

TO make it worse... it was winter and the night they slept outside it went down to 9!!:eek:

It turned out they went a few miles and stopped, they just hung around a few houses. Neither of them would let people near them, but a little girl in the neighborhood spotted their pictures in the post office the next day and called me!!! Talk about Hugging them till there faces turned blue!!!:D I thought I would not be able to go on with out them. That has GOT to be the worst feeling in the world!

Robin, I'm so glad she wasn't gone for long! Hell, 30 seconds of not knowing where your dog is at is to long!!
Glad she's safe and sound home where she belongs!!!

*~HUGS~* to you both!!

02-07-2005, 08:10 PM
Thank God your baby is home, safe and sound Robin!!!:eek: What a scare and I don't blame you at all for being so shaken. We all know that sick feeling and indescribable fear you were feeling but you know, it happens to ALL of us at least once, as you've read here!!! You're not alone:) For me, it's happened twice when someone came to the house, entered the fenced in back yard through the gate and didn't close it completely:( I come home and merrily let the girls out. A while passes and all is quiet...something's wrong, NO PUPS! Thankfully there are woods behind my house so that's where they naturallly head. But it was sometime, heart pounding time, driving around screaming their names, before I found them. Lucky for me they LOVE the car so when I found them, all I needed to say was "C'mon girls, let's have LUNCH" and they were in! Don't blame yourself, Robin. It can happen to the best of us! I'm so glad you have caring neighbors that were willing to help. Bring on the cookies!:D Hugs to the puppers and say Hi! to Alden:)

Suki Wingy
02-07-2005, 10:15 PM
I know how that feels. Nino gets out at least once a month. He knows the neighborhood very well and always comes back, but what scares me is I have seen him just run across the street in front of cars with no regard to them what so ever!

02-08-2005, 09:05 AM
Robin, I was so relieved when I talked to you Sunday and you said that Tori was alright. I had just happened to log on to PT and seen your thread and then seen you on MSN. What a scare it gave me! I don't know what I'd do if something happened to my sweet little niece Tori!

Tori, you better be good and stop trying to sneak past mom like that girl, you don't want to give your poor mom a heart attack!
I'm just glad that you let the neighbors hold you until mom found you, what a good girl you were:)

And like I told you Robin, I did the same thing once before. It happens to the best of us:p

02-08-2005, 03:55 PM
I was telling my hubby about Tori, and how so many siberians take off, and he said "well Star never does" at which time I reminded him of the time HE left the garage wide open and she was gone for close to an hour before we even noticed!!! and reminded him that I met the neighbor 1/4 mile way because Star ran off through the cornfield and treed all her cats!!! This nice lady pulled up into our driveway and introduced herself and said "do you have a big beautiful dog that's missing?" There were a couple other times, too. Since they've all had happy endings, they do seem funny now. Glad you had a happy ending , too!:)