View Full Version : Buddy and Brittany.. Moms cats...

02-06-2005, 01:07 AM
This is Brittany, my mothers kitty. Buddy is also my moms kitty, but I live here so they are kinda mine too;)

Brittany again: She is so girlie girl!

Buddy wants to know if Rachel will cuddle him in his bed:D
Ill wait here for you, hopefully you will say yes;) :D I miss you Rachel, how are you?

Laura's Babies
02-06-2005, 09:05 AM
Your Mom has some pretty babies!! Brittany looks like she is a camera hog and likes to have her picture taken..

02-06-2005, 10:59 AM
so cute!

02-06-2005, 11:09 AM
So cute!! I can tell that Brittany is a girlie girl, too. The pix with Buddy in the bed - is that one of the handmade condom beds??

02-06-2005, 12:18 PM
Hi Brittany,and Buddy,the Found Cats all MMMMEEEEEOOOOW For You,as you,are thier New Friends,and you,are really Cool Cats!

02-06-2005, 04:35 PM
Yes Buddy also loves this handmade bed. I am going to have to make more. I made a regular square one, this one, and then a wool one that fit inside a kitty bed made of I dont know, like basket material. They tend to like the condom bed the best.
Brittany is a ham, and if I wanted to take her picture all day long, she would be more than willing! Funny how they just KNOW they are beautiful, isnt it;) :rolleyes: