View Full Version : Murphy has a home!!!

02-05-2005, 03:47 PM
Murphy found a home today!!! :D

Since he couldn't be at the show in purrson, I made up a little flyer and taped it to the cages. Someone towards the end of the day was looking for a kitten to replace a cat they lost. I ran home and they met me at the car and got in the backseat and he just put on the charm! I couldn't risk taking him into the cat show for fear of infecting the other cats.

He's home with me until he is better. I will take him to the vet when I feel he's over the cold to get a thorough inspection and another round of tests to make sure he 100% healthy before I hand him over. When he saw the vet for his cold, they told me that it might take as long as 14 days to see him over it, and that was only a few days ago. He's still on the Clavamox to prevent further infections and on (forgiveme I forget the name) another medicine to help with the snots. He's responding well to the medicine and I see a marked improvement in him. I also give him steam baths in the bathroom while I take a shower. I am going to make them wait the full 14 days, and they are more than willing to do so.

They do not have any other cats at the moment but a big dog that wanders around the house looking for her buddy. I told them that he will be happiest with another cat, and she said she wants to adopt at least one other cat. She had 3 older cats and they all passed away one by one of age related problems. So now that they are all gone she wants to adopt more; she was waiting til the last oldster passed before starting over.

I was happy and got a good feeling from the people. I left to return Murphy home (I wasn't about to leave him in the car) and when I returned, the one rescue person said they were WONDERFUL people. That they dog that is wandering around looking for her buddy came from a certain rescue that basically does the most extensive background searches on people, and if they adopt out to a person you know they are nothing but the cream of the crop!

I'm so happy for little Murphy I could burst! Or should I say little Magic, since that is his new name. :D

02-05-2005, 03:51 PM
Oh Murphy, I've got mixed feeling. I'm glad you are getting what sounds like a great home but I will miss you.

Kim, please tell these people about PT or ask for updates and pictures so you can at least post them. PLEASE!:D

02-05-2005, 03:53 PM
You better believe I'll be giving them my address and email address for updates! He's too sweet to never hear from again!

I don't know how internet saavy they are..... but I did invite Katrina's future mom to stop in and take a look. Lets seeif she joins! :)

02-05-2005, 03:59 PM
OH, I'm with Lori. I'm so happy it sounds like a fantastic home but gee whiz, no more little Murphy pics? I'm making a mental decision to just be happy for the little guy! It does sound like he might get pretty spoiled and be very well loved in this home. I just hope they at least keep in contact with you through email so we can hear how good he is doing.

I could NEVER foster!!! Hey, it looks like you might finally pass fostering 102!;) :D

02-05-2005, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Hey, it looks like you might finally pass fostering 102!;) :D
Don't issue the certificate yet, she is keeping him a little longer until he's healthy so there is still time to flunk LOL!

I just read that his new name is Magic. :D

02-05-2005, 04:14 PM
Yeah my record has improved! 5 fosters adopted, 2 kept! Woohoo!

I am so happy for little "Magic"! I'm going to try to call him Magic, because its taken him 2 weeks to learn his name as Murphy. Yesterday was the first time he came running when I called his name. So I'll call him both until he answers to Magic.

I am NOT going to fail fostering 102! ROTFL

Laura's Babies
02-05-2005, 05:33 PM
Congrat to you!!....and they are willing to wait for him so that means they REALLY want THAT one!! Yaaaaaa!!!

02-05-2005, 05:35 PM
I'm so happy for everyone!! You do good work catnapper.

02-05-2005, 06:03 PM
You did it! Good for you! :D See, it does get easier parting with them as time goes by, and when you know they're going to the purrfect home. ;)

02-05-2005, 11:54 PM
This is wonderful news!!!:) His new home sounds purrfect. Maybe you can find another kitten for them to adopt along with Magic.:)

02-06-2005, 11:32 AM
Wonderful news!! Kim - you are doing a great job at fostering:D
Do you know of *any* fosters that don't keep a few?;) I would fail before I started!!

I am so glad to have rescuers and fosters here to admire because I could do none of the above:D

02-06-2005, 11:49 AM
Magic,is a great new name,for Murphy,as he will weave,a spell,over his New Guardians,and make his Furr Ever Home,a Happy,Happy Place.

02-06-2005, 01:30 PM
I'm so happy for Murphy/Magic. It sounds like the perfect home for him.:D