View Full Version : Updates, Health Questions & A Few Pictures!

02-05-2005, 01:29 PM
Well, first of all, Tigger & Emma are doing really well.

Tigger has started comming in here and using her litter box, instead of his own which isn't far from my room, and he also seems to leave his "business" un-covered when he uses her box, what does this mean??

Also, Tigger was caught napping in my room for the first time since Emma came along, I almost started crying when I seen him!!

Now the health things, Tigger has been sneezing alot lately, and it seems Emma has also started sneezing a bit after him. Also Tigger is at his ears alot, and sometimes when he shakes his head, it sounds like someone banging marbles together :eek: What could this be?

Now for some pictures!

Here is Tigger, sunbathing in the living room yesterday:

Pretty girl:


LOL Being silly!

And here is mr.handsome taking up 3.5 chairs!!!



02-05-2005, 02:13 PM


Whew I am back from fainting:p Tigger is SOOOO adorable and angelic looking in this picture. Must KISS!


02-05-2005, 02:19 PM
Oooo... awwww... :D:D:D
That last pic of Tigger is just TOO TOO cute!

02-05-2005, 02:45 PM
Aw they are so sweet.
as for your questions, I have one or 2 here that dont cover either.:( So i really dont think its a serious thing. Maybe just lazyness or they feel like they have to get out quickly so no one gets in there with them. I just cover it for them:rolleyes: and hope they get the hint :D
as for sneezing and stuff, may have kitty colds, just keep a real close eye on them that it doesnt get worse.....

again your babies are sooooooooooooo sweet:D

02-05-2005, 02:46 PM
What cute and adorable pictures of them both!! I love them all!!:D :D :D

Now on to a couple of your questions. The not covering his business in Emily's box is a dominance thing. He is leaving his mark on her box and wants to make sure she doesn't miss it!;) :p A few of mine do that too and as long as he's using the box I wouldn't worry about it.
The sneezing and head shaking could be the beginning of a URI or it could be seasonal allergies and it also could mean that he is getting an ear infection or mites. It's so hard to tell which one it could be. Can you look in his ears and see if there is any black stuff in there? If so then it's probably mites. I would keep an eye on him and the sneezing to make sure he isn't getting sick. I'm sure others may be able to help you more.
Keep us posted!
{{{HUGS}}} and kissies to both!!

02-05-2005, 03:56 PM
Great pictures.

CCL is right, the not covering in the litter box is a dominance thing. We have a little of that going on here from time to time.

Hope they aren't getting sick with URIs or anything.

02-05-2005, 04:01 PM
URI's aren't any fun at all . . . so if they get any worse, you need to get them to the vet . . . or at least take the worst of the two and get meds for both.

Your babies are adorable! ;)

02-05-2005, 06:54 PM
Thanks everyone :D

I'm going to call the vet on Monday, and see what they say, and probably make an appointment for Tigger, as Emma doesn't seem to have any problems except a couple sneezes every now and then, but I'll be watching her.

Lisa-I looked in Tigger's ears and couldn't really see much, as he wouldn't stay still, but they didn't look clean at all, I'm going to try to have a better look later.

Laura's Babies
02-05-2005, 07:03 PM
The pictures are beautiful!!! I always enjoy your pictures!!

No advice except that he probably has the ear mites.. If they don't look clean.... I would have him checked by a vet for that and the sneezing...

02-05-2005, 08:03 PM
Great pictures! They are both so beautiful.
I love Emma's gorgeous fluffy tail.
I hope your kitties get to feeling better.

02-05-2005, 08:51 PM
Gorgeous pictures! It sounds to me as though they may have ear mites. :eek: Take a Q-Tip (I prefer the real ones with the non-plastic core) and swab it into the ear canal (not far) and see if black crumbly gunk comes out. Ear mites look similar to coffee grounds. A pain to treat, but the sooner the better. Cats can get hematomas if they hit a blood vessel in the ear with the kicking. As far as the sneezing they're doing, as long as it's not yellowish/greenish it's not bacterial. If it is, they should both be put on antibiotics to knock out infection. ;) Hope it's neither one!

02-05-2005, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
Gorgeous pictures! It sounds to me as though they may have ear mites. :eek: Take a Q-Tip (I prefer the real ones with the non-plastic core) and swab it into the ear canal (not far) and see if black crumbly gunk comes out. Ear mites look similar to coffee grounds. A pain to treat, but the sooner the better. Cats can get hematomas if they hit a blood vessel in the ear with the kicking. As far as the sneezing they're doing, as long as it's not yellowish/greenish it's not bacterial. If it is, they should both be put on antibiotics to knock out infection. ;) Hope it's neither one!

Thanks! I did what you said(with the Q-Tip) with Tigger, and there was just some light brown stuff on it, wasn't crumbly or anything.

And no yellow or green stuff with the sneezes ;)

Tigger will probably still be going to the vet next week, as I'd feel better if he had his ears checked out.

02-06-2005, 12:43 AM
Both of your cats are gorgeous.:D I sure hope that they're not getting sick. Please keep us updated.

02-06-2005, 12:50 AM
Oh my look at how fluffy that tail is! I love fluffy tails! Cute pictures! :)

02-06-2005, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by DogLover9501
Thanks! I did what you said(with the Q-Tip) with Tigger, and there was just some light brown stuff on it, wasn't crumbly or anything.

And no yellow or green stuff with the sneezes ;)

Tigger will probably still be going to the vet next week, as I'd feel better if he had his ears checked out.
It could be an ear infection too, so good thing they're being checked out. ;) The sneezing could be seasonal...some of mine start that when the air is drier, and the house is closed for Winter. Nice here the last few days with temps in the 50s! Windows open AHhhhhh! :D

02-06-2005, 10:57 AM
I just love when you post pics of Tigger and Emma. They are both so gorgeous...and I hope Tigger starts feeling better. A trip to the vet may be in order...but good luck and let us know how it goes.

02-06-2005, 11:16 AM
Hope there are no colds coming on:rolleyes: Let us know how the babies are doing, OK?? Mine do some sneezing in the winter - I think it is the heater and the dry air. The ear thing though - no clue here!!

02-06-2005, 12:16 PM
The Sneezing,could be dust,too,and as the Cats,are so close,to the ground,it doesnt take a lot,of dust Bunnies,to set off a few Sneezes,and as long,as thier noses,are not stuffer,or running I would say,that things,are All right.

02-07-2005, 08:03 PM
Thanks all :D

I called the vet today.

She said what everyone else said, that ear mights would be really black, and I told her that it wasn't.

She also said that if Tigger had an ear infection his ears would most likely smell, and they don't.

He was shaking his head alot today but the noise has stopped.

The sneezing seems to be stopping today too.

I swear they just try to worry me ;) :rolleyes:

I only have enough money for about half a vet visit right now, I was going to get the rest from my grandparents if things got worse, but I think I'm going to keep an eye on them for now, and probably still take Tigger out for a check-up in a week or two.

02-07-2005, 08:40 PM
You already got great advice ... so I'll just say .... GREAT PICS!!!;)

02-08-2005, 03:29 PM
Thanks :D

02-08-2005, 03:52 PM
I also THUDDED at the sight of that ADORABLE TIGGER and that BEAUTIFUL EMMA! They are so incredibly beautiful and I am in love with both of them. Could you please ship them to my address post haste ;)