View Full Version : :( I have a nibble on Mandy!!

02-04-2005, 05:53 PM
I got an email from someone who might be interested in Mandy. :(:( I've become SO attached to her. The woman wanted to know her temperment, if she's good with kids (I told her no one under the age of 7). I don't want to let her go!!! :(:(

I'll keep you posted.

02-04-2005, 05:59 PM
Oh Donna...I didn't know you were still looking for a home for her.

Keep her! ;)

02-04-2005, 06:43 PM
Donna, I have been in your position. BOTH Bonnie and Mickey has an application on them AFTER I decided to keep them. In both instances I decided to LISTEN to the applicant and see if they would be proper homes. As it turns out, noehter one of them could pry my babies from me (but the RIGHT person probably could have).

So, try to listen to both your head AND your heart....together, they will come up with the right answer.

02-04-2005, 06:49 PM

I will. I have a feeling that this whole thing is going to fall through. Especially since I'm asking $125 for an adoption fee to try and recoup some of the money I spent on her. She's due to be spayed in another month or so.


We'll see. She has got THE loudest purr of all my furbabies.

Laura's Babies
02-04-2005, 07:32 PM
I think Jen has the best advice anyone can give! It would be hard to give one up for me... When I found out L & L were in Ma already, I was on the boat and I was heartbroken but now I know they have a great home and I am happy for THEM...

02-04-2005, 07:40 PM
I just got another email from Emilie. She's 14 years old and lives in Indiana. She has her own horse and is very responsible. I asked her if she got her parents okay. She has 2 brothers, 10 and 12. I'm waiting to hear back from her.

It'd make me happy if I could find a great home for her. That was my intent in the beginning anyways. How did I know I'd become so attached to her.

Laura's Babies,

Jen ALWAYS has the best advice. And she's right. If I can find her a great home, then it was meant to be. If not, no big deal. There's ALWAYS room at the Ploss Cat House.

02-04-2005, 07:54 PM
Great advice from Jen! ;) Listen to your heart, and the right decision will come from it. If they are really ready to adopt Mandy, the fee should not throw them considering paying full price will easily run them $200.00 and then some. A friend of mine into rescue for some time, called a number of local vets, and asked what it cost for combo testing, spay/neuter, rabies, and FVRCP shots, and came up with some incredible $$$ figures$$$! She then took all the various prices (not naming the vet) and listed them on a sheet of paper that was posted and handed out at the shelter. It really put things into perspective for a lot of adopters. ;) Remember...there's no such thing as a "Free Pet"! ;)

02-05-2005, 08:51 AM
We are wishing,and praying,for Mandy,to get that sacred Furr ever Home,taht every pet needs,and wants! Bless You,for Helping!

02-11-2005, 09:40 AM
I got 2 emails regarding adopting Mandy. One was from Chicago :eek: Not sure where the other one is from. This woman just adopted a MC from the Maine Coon Rescue Alliance Network and her references are impeccable.

Only one thing...she has 2 kids, one is just under 2 years, the other one is 6 weeks. I don't like placing a kitten in a home with children that young. Not only that, but I'm so afraid that down the road, Mandy will get put out because either the little crumbsnatcher will be torturing her or she's not cute anymore.


I'll keep you posted.

02-11-2005, 09:43 AM
Above all, follow your heart. And be honest about Mandy... about her quirks and her sometimes ravenous behavior. I'd hate to have someone drop her off at a shelter after she nearly takes their hand off trying to steal food. ;) :(

02-11-2005, 10:19 AM

I spoke with the woman on the phone. She 's from Decumptsy (sp?) I also got an email from Retta, the woman I've been in touch with at the Purrsabound rescue. A co-worker of hers is looking for a MC mix kitten. I'd fee alot better if Mandy went to Missy's house rather than this woman with the two young kids. I'm trying to follow my heart and do what is best for Mandy. I think Missy's house would be better. I'll let ya know.

02-11-2005, 10:24 AM
Hang in there Donna because I know this little girl has grabbed your heartstrings big time. You will do what is right for her and for you. She sure is a cutie pie with tons of personality! You know her best but I think Mandy might be a little...ummmm...*active* for two very small children. You will make the right decision and we all know that.:)

02-11-2005, 06:50 PM
Wonderful news!!! I spoke with Missy (she's a volunteer with Purrs). She's coming over tomorrow to visit with Mandy and take her back with her. We both agreed that the only way to find out if Mandy will fit into her fur family is to see how she does. And guess what????

She's bringing Tonka with her!!! Tonka is going to be my new foster dude! She's been fostering him and says that he is a marshmallow! He loves getting belly rubs and is not at all aggressive. Sounds like a Doogie type to me! ;)

Here he is...


02-11-2005, 08:21 PM
OH! Double good news! :D:D And Mandy will be able to tell you in no time flat if Missy's place is to be her new home.

02-11-2005, 08:37 PM
That sounds like a happy ending all around! Good luck with your first foster!

02-12-2005, 12:25 AM
good luck to Mandy and you!
and Tonka fits him!! he is a HUGE beautiful boy!

02-12-2005, 08:10 AM
awww..Tonka looks like a cuddly hunk. How I would love to have a big ole "marshmallow" who loved to be loved!! I know you will really enjoy this fostering experience - someone will be getting a great siamese companion cat:) Tonka is beautiful!!

02-12-2005, 08:46 AM
There's been a slight change of plans. Retta, the rescue coordinator, sent me an email with a cc: to Missy. She said she'd rather wait on Tonka because there's a female meezer that is in desperate need of a foster home. Tonka is Missy's foster. Retta feels it's better if Mandy stay here for the time being and Tonka stay with Missy, for fear of territorial issues at Missy's house. I totally agree with her. She said she's concerned about the stress and overwhelming of the cats. So, for now I'm fostering Mandy for her new meowmie, Missy. I'll find out about the new foster today around 4:30. It seems that she belongs to 2 girls that went away to college and the mother doesn't want her. :mad: Retta is going to see if the mother will foster her in an effort to avoid uprooting her until a permanent home can be found.

Stay tuned!! :cool: