View Full Version : Tutorial for kitty condom beds

02-03-2005, 10:45 PM
This is for the kitty condom type beds that Laura's Babies designed and taught Lori (Jazzcat) to make. Then Lori taught me, so hopefully these directions make sense. The pictures are some that Lori sent to me and some of mine, too. The directions are some of my own, and some of Lori's all pasted together!!

Each bed takes 1 yard of 60 inch fabric (flannel is a good bit less expensive that fleece, but fleece is cozier) Laura's are fleece. If the fabric is 45' wide - it takes 1 2/3 yards. A 16 ounce bag of polyfil made two beds for me. I bought my flannel (pink and blue) at Jo-Ann on sale for $1.50 a yard and it was 45 inches wide. The regular price was $4.99. Check the remnant area, too! I also saw cute fabrics at Wal-Mart.

First, cut a long piece of fabric 12 inches wide. An 18-19 inch bed takes 60 inches. A 24 inch bed takes another 12 inches sewed on to the end to make a 72 inch x 12 inch strip.. This is the rim. To make the circle, try cutting a square the size you want and then rounding the corners - it takes two circles.

First, fold the long strip in half lengthwise with right sides out. Use pins every here and there to keep it even. Put one round piece down, right side up, and pin the strip all the way around, folding the tube in pleats towards the inside as you go. When pinning the tube, cut off your excess material if you have some, but leave enough to fold in a little to make a little hem then pin one end inside the other just a little.

When using batting rather than polyfil, Lori discovered that it is best to pin the tube to a piece of the base with the batting so your layers are batting on bottom, base material and then tube. Here is what it looks like so far:
If you are going to stuff the middle, it looks the same only no batting.

Then, add the other circle, right side towards pleated tubing and pin all the layers together with right sides facing.

Stitch around the circle, leaving enough room (about 3-4 inches) in order to turn everything rightside out after you sew the circle. You can leave a smaller opening if you do not use batting. Pull the tubing and all through that opening.

If you used batting, you can now stitch the opening closed - I found it helpful to now zigzag all the way around the base of the bed - tacking down the seam and making sure the seam faces in towards the circle. If you are going to stuff with polyfil, of course do this first and spread it out to the edges and some in the center until it is as fluffy as you like. I used about 1/4 a bag on this step.

Now stuff the tube with polyfil. I found it easiest to push the first handfuls to the far side of the tube and work towards the opening on each half. 1/2 bag is enough for me - the first time I used a whole bag and it was too stiff so I pulled half back out!! Too much stuffing will also make the bed curl up. Just stuff so it is soft and fills out the circle but don't overdo it like I did:p

Stitch the tube closed with a whipstitch. That is all!!

Here are six of Lori's bed:

Here is my 18 inch bed with batting on the bottom and a bit too much stuffing!! Big enough for Dylan - fitting snuugly :D

Here is my 24 inch bed with less stuffing in the tube (about 1/3 bag) and this one I also stuffed the bottom rather than use batting. Altogether, this big bed took about 1/2 bag of polyfil.
Of course, no kitties would model it!!

I hope this helps!!! Thanks for the step by step pictures, Lori!!

02-03-2005, 10:48 PM
Those look great! How long do they take on average -- from cutting the fabric to finishing?

02-03-2005, 10:50 PM
A little over an hour for me, Kim:p Lori made all six in one day!!

02-03-2005, 10:56 PM
Hmmm... I just might have to make one for my guys. I have some old blankets in the basement and bags of polyfill. Only problem is that my sewing machine and I have an agreement: I don't use it, it won't frustrate me. :p

02-03-2005, 10:59 PM
Looks great Debbie. :D
I'll have to try the zig zag stitch around the base, that is if I even know where that is. I don't know much about sewing.

As you can see in the picture with the six beds I made this week that I hit the remnant rack at JoAnn's. :D

Kim - it took me about a total of 7-8 hours to make 6 of them but that includes dealing with two kittens who thought the material was a toy and breaking a needle on my machine.

PJ's Mom
02-03-2005, 11:01 PM
Thanks for this! I can't wait to get started! :D

02-03-2005, 11:04 PM
Thank you so much. I had no plans for tomorrow and the weekend - now I do!!

Laura's Babies
02-03-2005, 11:20 PM
Wow!! Those look GREAT!! You ladies could go in business now. 6 in ONE day???? That is some work but it is a labor of love, isn't it? Amy still uses hers and sometimes there is a fight over it. I have had to washed hers but she prefers it DIRTY! I make some sort of bed for mine everytime I am home.. I love sewing for my babies and they KNOW when it is for them and are so willing to help.

GREAT JOB ladies... I want to see what the rest of you make when you make them... I wish we had a JoAnns here!! :(

02-04-2005, 12:19 AM
They all look so comfy,cozy, and beautiful.:)

02-04-2005, 06:29 AM
LOL - I can see why you call them kitty condoms! They look very comfy though.

02-04-2005, 07:04 AM
Thanks for the "tips" Lori & Deb! That is much easier than how I made mine . . . I always have to make everything too hard for some reason :rolleyes: but I will try this way.

02-04-2005, 08:38 AM
That certainly makes a lot more sense,that paying that horrible price,at the Pet Food stores,they want 20,or 30 Dollars,for a bed,that is not half,as nice!

smokey the elder
02-04-2005, 10:29 AM
I like the "quality control" shots. Those beds are so cute!

02-05-2005, 02:41 PM
any new beds stitched yet?? Please post photos:p :D

02-05-2005, 05:59 PM
I posted another thread, but this is the one I made last night, from the bandannas I bought. I saved the fleece, just incase I messed up, did not want to waste it! The kitties loved them. I have about 20 pictures of the kitties napping in them, but here is 2 of just the bed;)


02-05-2005, 06:10 PM
Are they really called what they are in the title? That is funny.

02-05-2005, 06:29 PM
Marshmallow wishes her meowmie could sew! Maybe if meowmie went shopping, grandmeowmie would be willing to do the cutting and stitching;)

Laura's Babies
02-05-2005, 07:26 PM
sirrahved...if grandmommie can't do that, I know a great guy who can make a cart yours could sleep in!

02-05-2005, 07:30 PM
I've posted these before, but here's my version of a kitty condom bed!



Both of mine LOVE this bed! Better than anything I could have bought (surprisingly!)

I'm gonna make another one soon using the suggestions listed above. I think I made it harder than it should have been ;)

02-06-2005, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Are they really called what they are in the title? That is funny.
:D I am not sure who came up with this but that is what everyone here calls them:p It is in the furminology dictionary, too. I *think* it was Debbie (Peanut and Cracker Jack) mom??I forget that not everyone is on to our lingo because when I was buying fabric - the ladies asked what I was making and I explained they were kitty condom beds. I got a brief stare, then a giggle - then they knew exactly what I was making!!:D :p ;)

02-06-2005, 08:06 PM
Wow! Neat idea!

Prairie Purrs
02-09-2005, 12:23 AM
Here's mine--can you tell I was around during the 60s? :D


Of course Hagrid had to be the first to check it out.


02-09-2005, 06:15 AM

LOVE IT!! Apparentlt Hagrid does too:D Did you just make it recently? I really looks great - nice, round and even:)

The bottom also looks nice and cushy - is it batting or polyfil???

02-09-2005, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by CatsinDenver
Here's mine--can you tell I was around during the 60s? :D


That's awesome! I love the fabric!

02-09-2005, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by CatsinDenver


Something broke loose in my brain and I had to hang on for a seccond....In the 70's we were tweaking the chemistry of the 60's.:eek: :D

Prairie Purrs
02-09-2005, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
LOVE IT!! Apparentlt Hagrid does too:D Did you just make it recently? I really looks great - nice, round and even:)

The bottom also looks nice and cushy - is it batting or polyfil??? [/B]

Thanks! :D I just finished it last night. I had to do it the hard way--hand-stitched--because I don't have a sewing machine. And I used polyfil for the bottom.

Prairie Purrs
02-09-2005, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

Something broke loose in my brain and I had to hang on for a seccond....In the 70's we were tweaking the chemistry of the 60's.:eek: :D

:D I'm still missing about four years of the 70s--my college years. ;)

I'm thinking that I'd better hide the bed whenever I get out the catnip, or the poor cats will have a sudden urge to wear love beads and listen to the Grateful Dead. :D

02-09-2005, 03:47 PM
These all look GREAT!!!

We bought a pattern for about five different cat/dogs beds from Ebay for the Moggies & Doggies business. I'm beginning to feel better, so we're going to get it up and running again. Do you mind if I borrow this thread to make a few??

02-10-2005, 03:15 PM
I'm thinking that I'd better hide the bed whenever I get out the catnip, or the poor cats will have a sudden urge to wear love beads and listen to the Grateful Dead. :D [/B]

Too funny :D :D :D :cool: :cool:

02-10-2005, 03:43 PM
I really want to task this project. But I am TOTALLY confused. These driections made no sense to me :(

Originally posted by sirrahbed
This is for the kitty condom type beds that Laura's Babies designed and taught Lori (Jazzcat) to make. Then Lori taught me, so hopefully these directions make sense. The pictures are some that Lori sent to me and some of mine, too. The directions are some of my own, and some of Lori's all pasted together!!

02-10-2005, 04:16 PM
Here is what I think it says. But I think Im close but definetly not right

12 in piece by 60 inches for a 18 to 19 inch bed ( i assume this is the round top part of the bed.

Then cut 2 squares and round them? (this would be the part they sleep on?)

fold the 12x60 in peice long wise and pin.

Put one round piece down, right side up, and pin the strip all the way around, I assume this means the round top part of the bed to the part they sleep in?

but leave enough to fold in a little to make a little hem then pin one end inside the other just a little. (HUH)?

then I assume you sew on the second circle , when you are doing this the round top part should all be inside? Is this right?

I think I get it, ugh Im not sure, but the more I read it and say it, i think i get it :confused:

02-10-2005, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by ratchet22
Here is what I think it says. But I think Im close but definetly not right

12 in piece by 60 inches for a 18 to 19 inch bed ( i assume this is the round top part of the bed. Yes

Then cut 2 squares and round them? (this would be the part they sleep on?) Yes

fold the 12x60 in peice long wise and pin. Yes, fold with right sides OUT

Put one round piece down, right side up, and pin the strip all the way around, I assume this means the round top part of the bed to the part they sleep in? Yes

but leave enough to fold in a little to make a little hem then pin one end inside the other just a little. (HUH)? see below

then I assume you sew on the second circle , when you are doing this the round top part should all be inside? Is this right? Yes, it's pretty bulky inside!

I think I get it, ugh Im not sure, but the more I read it and say it, i think i get it :confused:

Yes, it sounds like you have it exactly right! The long piece is the tubular round top part of the bed once it is stuffed. The two 18-19 inch round pieces make up the part they sleep in. You need two pieces (1) to hide the seams when it is turned rightside out after stitching and (2) to hold the stuffing or padding. When you are pinning the long strip sides to the first circle, there is lots of fabric that has to be eased as you go around the circle - this fabric needs to be folded or pleated towards the inside of the circle as you get to pinning around. See:

When you put the second circle on to sew - YES, the tubing round top part (unstuffed) is all folded into pleats INSIDE to keep it out of the way. It's pretty full under there!! See:

Once you do this and pull everything through the opening - it starts to make sense.

but leave enough to fold in a little to make a little hem then pin one end inside the other just a little. (HUH)?

OK, this refers to where the fabric for the ends of the tubing (sides) comes together. It has to overlap so you can stitch it closed after it is stuffed. I leave about 3-4 inches extra and tuck one end of the tube inside the other end before sewing. This way, you will stuff the rounded sides and have enough to overlap and stitch closed.

It DOES sound complicated and did not make much sense to me until I made the first one - TADA!! then it all makes sense.

After you pull the insides out, stuff it but not too firmly and it takes shape. Before I stuffed, I made another row of zigzag stitching on the rightsides - where the tube meets the cusion - this really helps everything lay flatter and keeps the round shape. After you stuff the center, you will need to stitch the opening closed. After you stuff the sides, that is when the ends of the fabric overlapping is important as you pull the ends together and handstitch this tube closed.

Does this clarify anything for you?? I hope so. It REALLY is much easier after the first one because you know exactly what you are doing.:D :p

02-11-2005, 10:00 AM

02-13-2005, 04:28 PM
What a brilliant idea, and the name, kitty's condoms, ever so cute, have you thought of offering them to PT, I think you could well get some orders, and make a nice little business for yourself, I cannot sew at all, and would not even attempt them, probably would work out to expensive for me to order one with postage and the difference in the dollar, but they retail pretty darn expensive here in NZ, at least 60 dollars and upwards, depending on the material.

They look so warm, cosy and inviting.:)

12-15-2007, 12:54 PM
This is SUCH a BRILLIANT idea for this time of year I just had to bump it. :D