View Full Version : Nova Update and **Pictures**

02-03-2005, 06:52 AM
Well as some of you might remember we found Nova on Thanksgiving day when she wondered into my yard (well, we first spotted her in my neighbors yard). She didn't have any tags so we started looking for her owner/home. We posted signs around the neighborhood that day. I checked the pound and vets that next week to see if anyone had reported her missing, they hadn't.

One month later, on Christmas eve, we got a call on Justin's cell phone, it was her owner. She had seen one of our signs and called, she described Nova to a tee and said she had been missing for a month. I told her we were in Orlando shopping and could we call her when we got home. She said NO! She didn't want Nova back.

I interviewed some potential homes for her, but none were right. One lady had a heavy work schedule and Nova would be home alone too much. One lady was was too old and frail. One lady thought Nova had too much hair (um, her hair is pretty short, but I guess she wanted a bald dog) :rolleyes:. One lady's other dog was big time afraid of Nova. The list goes on. I was getting stressed trying to find her the perfect home, but everything ended up at a dead end.

I kept saying we're crazy if we have 5 dogs, but then I realized that 5 is just a number. The fact is she gets along great with our other dogs, especially Nacey. We love and adore her, and we can afford all of her needs, so why not. We decided to keep her!!

This was not a quick decision, Justin and I sat down and discussed what having another dog means. In the end we decided I would cut my hours at work back to 3 days per week, I was only working 4 days to begin with. That way I would be home more with the animals, I should have done that a long time ago. Money isn't an issue as Justin makes enough to cover anything she or the others may need.

We also decided NO MORE FOSTER DOGS. I also had 2 foster cats and a foster cockatiel to find homes for, but they were all adopted!!

Anyway here are a few Pictures of Nova.







02-03-2005, 06:59 AM
I'm sure she is very happy to stay with you and your dogs, congratulations for the new addition :)

I think I know why you call her nova, she does look like a nova scotial duck tolling retriever :)

02-03-2005, 07:07 AM
Originally posted by vinjashira
I think I know why you call her nova, she does look like a nova scotia duck tolling retriever :)

Actually we named her Nova because we found her on Thanksgiving Day, which is in November.

02-03-2005, 07:54 AM
my mistake :o

but love the name just the same :D

02-03-2005, 08:52 AM
Ha ha ha!! Another foster failure!! :D Congrats to you and Nova! :D She sure is a little cutie pie!

02-03-2005, 09:26 AM
Oh Congratulations! She sure is a super cutie pie. I can totally understand why you would want to keep her:D

02-03-2005, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by micki76
Ha ha ha!! Another foster failure!! :D Congrats to you and Nova! :D She sure is a little cutie pie!

That's exactly why Justin and I decided no more "foster" dogs, I guess I'm just not cut out for being a foster mom.

02-03-2005, 09:40 AM
The pictures say she's in the right place. She is so cute and she looks so happy. I'll agree 5 is a number. We have 5 and I'd have more, but Dick says no. We'll find out after I bring the two foster doxies home on Friday night! ;)

02-03-2005, 10:09 AM
She is a cutie!! I'm glad you all decided to keep her!

02-03-2005, 10:11 AM
Congratulations on your foster failure :D ;) :D. She's as cute as can be and looks like she is fitting in wonderfully! It makes me so angry to read how Nova's previous owner just cared less about her and didn't even want to see her again or take upon the responsibility of finding a new home for her if she couldn't handle her anymore :mad: People are so irresponsible!

But she is certainly blessed to have you and Justin. Thank goodness there are people like you out there :)

4 Dog Mother
02-03-2005, 10:15 AM
I am glad you decided to keep Nova. She is a darling and fits right in. Five is just a number ( having 6 I know that for sure). And fostering if you love dogs doesn't always work out which is why I have 6. What would Nacy do without Nova??

02-03-2005, 10:36 AM
Congrats on your new addition! :D She's darling. :)

I just know I'd be a foster failure. ;)

02-03-2005, 12:11 PM
Congrats on the new addition. :D She is adorable.

02-03-2005, 09:04 PM
That's great that you've decided to keep Nova! She really is cute and fits in great with your crew!! :)

02-03-2005, 09:47 PM
aww! Congrats!!

02-03-2005, 09:59 PM
Nova is a cutie! And now she has a forever home! :)

02-03-2005, 11:41 PM
I love the term foster failure! ;)
What a cutie!!!
grrr to her old owner but Thank God she wandered into you're yard!

02-04-2005, 12:30 AM
I think this is wonderful!!! I'm so happy for Nova and so glad that she wandered into your life. Now she will have a happy forever home!!


Robin :)

02-04-2005, 02:57 AM
That's awesome! Congratulations and Kudos to Nova, and even more to you!

02-04-2005, 06:06 AM
Thanks everyone.

Originally posted by shais_mom
I love the term foster failure! ;)
What a cutie!!!
grrr to her old owner but Thank God she wandered into you're yard!

Justin and I had taken our dogs outside and she sat in my neighbors yard watching us. I went outside the gate to see if she had tags, when she ran to me (no tags). She was so scared. She right away liked Nacey though, and Navey and Charlie accepted her right away. Bitsy and Buster don't like new dogs but warmed up to her within a couple days of us having her.

02-04-2005, 12:36 PM
I'm so happy you decided to keep her, I'd love to see more pictures of her. It's horrible that her last owner didnt want her, Im so happy she didn't have to go back to the nasty person :)