View Full Version : good greif, ever heard of a LIFE?

02-02-2005, 03:49 PM
jeeze I have a theory about my english teacher. when he was in high school he had no life and now he is taking his revenge ;) why? well I mentioned my homework load last semester, well now get this, we have till febuary 14th to read a 100 chapter book twice over, write 100 titles(1 per chapter), write 10 paragraphs on passages this is for part 1 of the book. on feb. 16th we have 2 formal commentarys on 2 passeges in part 2 of the book due. on feb, 20th(I think) we have some other paragraph things due on the 22nd we have to hand the whole thing in along with an essay. this is just the stuff we have to do at home! we also have class notes everyday, which is basicly your jot notes from class then a formal paragraph on the most impotant points, plus paragraph answer questions on our short storys. oh did I mention we also have to purchase a canadian novel from a list of choices, read it entirly on our own and write an essay on it? this is done at the same time as the other 2 things mentioned by the way. HELLO! ever hear of other classes? :mad:

02-02-2005, 05:38 PM