View Full Version : Thursday # 92- Back To The Beach.

02-02-2005, 12:02 PM
It's a nice day here in Lost Angeles and I think I want to spend the day at the beach!!

Sooooooooo let's put on our flip flops and Let's Frug!!!

Malibu Baybreeze


1 1/2 oz. Malibu Rum
Splash of Pineapple juice
Dash of Cranberry juice


02-02-2005, 12:37 PM
Happy Sun Hog Day .... at least that's what we're calling it up in NorCal.

02-02-2005, 12:57 PM
Richard, that DOTD sounds yummy! I'll take a double please...oh, and can I have a little umbrella in it? I'm feeling quite tropical today. Thanks.

Hi RedHedd. Apparently the groundhogs are in conflict this year. Some say more winter and some say early spring. Purrsonally, I vote for the latter.:)

02-02-2005, 01:00 PM

No, it wasn't the groundhog who told me. It was the weatherman on the Weather channel! Besides I saw a flock of geese the other day ... flying NORTH!

I'm ready for some fun in the sun. The Budwiser Shoot Out is the 12th, then it's the Daytona 500. A sure sign of spring to me!

I'd like a chili cheese dog, onion rings (need I ask? ;) ), a cherry root beer and 4 catnip teas on ice. Please?:D

02-02-2005, 01:01 PM
Well gee.. it just MIGHT get up to mid-30's here today. That might melt some more snow just so it can re-freeze overnight in time for tomorrow morning rush hour :mad: Don't mind me if I feel like kicking sand in someone's face ;) Gee Richard, you haven't lost your moves since your Hullabaloo days have you - I'm impressed. Malibu Baybreeze huh? I had something very similar in the Islands a while back but I think they called it a "Windrose" Whatever, it was yummy and I would love one kind sir. Let me look for some coconut or pineapple mugs to chill up and use to serve..

02-02-2005, 01:04 PM
Can I have one too? Sounds yummy!

PJ's Mom
02-02-2005, 01:08 PM
Zippy your sig is soooo cute!! :D

02-02-2005, 01:09 PM
Hi Zip, I was thinking of fixing you a specialty called a "Funky Monkey" mix up some banana chocolate mix (I just happen to have some a special friend sent me ;) ) then splash in some kahlua or something similar. I bet you could pour over ice into a mixer and make a "Funky Monkey Slushie".

02-02-2005, 01:15 PM
After driving 1,5 hrs in a queue at 10 mph because of lots and lots of snow (20 inch since noon) I feel I need a Malibu breeze. Whether drink or weather.

02-02-2005, 01:22 PM
Hi Barbara.....let's see now....2006....start off in Scotland, then Wales, then England, then hop on a plane to Munich. What a trip that would be! :)

Speaking about funky monkey, take a look at those shorts Mario is sporting today? :eek:

Connie, I tried to bring in a pic of your onion rings but imagestation is not cooperating for me. :rolleyes: Guess I'll just have to go into the kitchen and make some for real.

02-02-2005, 01:27 PM
Oh yeah, onion rings. Need a snack with the drink or I'll sleep in no time.

02-02-2005, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
After driving 1,5 hrs in a queue at 10 mph because of lots and lots of snow (20 inch since noon)

Lost Angeles traffic in Germany????

Double for you!!



F-u-n-k-y M-o-n-k-e-y.......Mario went nuts when he heard that...

He thought he was getting a Girlfriend for Valentine's day.

Wanna drink??


A breeze or a M-o-n-k-e-y??



One chili cheese dog, onion rings, a cherry root beer and 4 CNTs on ice...



Hi Redd,

A drink for ya?

02-02-2005, 01:33 PM
NASCAR...YEAH!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!

I'll have one of them there DOTD's please! :D

(Oh, and we're s'posed to get 2-4 inches of snow tonite here in Western NC)

PJ's Mom
02-02-2005, 01:36 PM
Hi Richard. You're looking quite dashing this afternoon. :D

I would like a DOTD, please. :)

02-02-2005, 01:40 PM

A DOTD for you done...


A drink of the day for you!!





02-02-2005, 02:04 PM
A DOTD sounds yummy - can I have one please?

It's a clear sunny day here. We've had lots of morning fog lately but then it burns off and we have nice afternoons.

Hey Richard and Gini - you know all that rain you've had this winter? You took it from us - our snow pack is 29% of normal, the ski season here is a disaster, and we'll probably be looking at water rationing this summer.

Oh fun.:eek: :rolleyes:

02-02-2005, 02:07 PM
PJM, if you think Richard looks "dashing" in those puka beads, platform shoes and lime green polyester disco suit while doing the Frug... me thinks you perchance have had enough DOTD :D :p

02-02-2005, 02:38 PM
Anyway better than moonboots and these Russian hats that go over the ears and that would be recommended here.

02-02-2005, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by catland
A DOTD sounds yummy - can I have one please?

Hey Richard and Gini - you know all that rain you've had this winter? You took it from us - our snow pack is 29% of normal, the ski season here is a disaster, and we'll probably be looking at water rationing this summer.

Sure blame us for El Nino!!





No more DOTDs for me!


I always wanted to be an Astronaut!!!;)

02-02-2005, 02:49 PM
Yeah, astronauts at the beach- that's what we think of you Californians;)

02-02-2005, 03:06 PM
astronauts at the beach
Far out dude

02-02-2005, 03:14 PM
Gosh, Mario! Where did you get those flowered bloomers? er trunks? You look like a tourist! At least you don't have the black knee socks on this time!:eek: :D

02-02-2005, 03:32 PM
Sunny and 70's here in the S.F. Bay Area. A nice, cold ice tea would be WONDERFUL!

Pit Chick
02-02-2005, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
Yeah, astronauts at the beach- that's what we think of you Californians;)

Astronauts or space cadets? ;)

Mario, if you insist on wearing a grass skirt and coconut bikini, at least keep your swim trunks on. No one wants to see YOUR "funky monkey". :p

I'll have a DOTD too please.

02-02-2005, 03:44 PM
I'll take another DOTD please Richard. Going out shopping on the weekend to scout out some little paper "brallies" to bring to the BBQ this year. ;)

Space cadets? There are some people that think we Canadians live all year round in igloos. :eek:

02-02-2005, 03:52 PM
Hi all!! I ll take a diito order of MOFF and a diet coke its so gorgous today 50 F here and the sun is out .Best of all they tore down thw corner house that has been condemned for a year. No more finding dead animals in it and stinking.

02-02-2005, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
Yeah, astronauts at the beach- that's what we think of you Californians;)

You mean ASTRO-NUTS!;)


Ice cold tea! DONE!


Funky M-o-n-k-e-y......




Whats a brallie?:confused:


Chili Cheese dog, Onion Rings and Diet coke, how many CNTs???


02-02-2005, 04:03 PM
Whats a brallie? slang for umbrella....

02-02-2005, 05:50 PM
At last it was sunny today! I drove around with the car window open. RICHARD, could I have a DOTD and an order of onion rings? And two catnip teas my girls?

02-02-2005, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by david p
At last it was sunny today! I drove around with the car window open. RICHARD, could I have a DOTD and an order of onion rings? And two catnip teas my girls?

You sure can.

DOTD, onion rings and 2CNTs



A refill, DONE!

02-02-2005, 06:44 PM
Why doesn't everyone join me on the dog beach? Those of you that have dogs can bring them. We can stay the night and make a bonfire to cook hotdogs and marshmallows. Hope everyone is having fun.

02-02-2005, 06:49 PM
I'll be there in a heartbeat, Val. Just let me clean up around here a bit and I'll grab my coat. A beach, a dog, a bonfire and weenies on a stick. Life just doesn't get better than that! :)

02-02-2005, 08:42 PM
Let me get my Goldwing parked (yes it was so nice today we took a little bike ride) That fire looks great pass the hot dogs please. The sunset is really quite a sight tonight.

02-02-2005, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by catland
A DOTD sounds yummy - can I have one please?

Hey Richard and Gini - you know all that rain you've had this winter? You took it from us - our snow pack is 29% of normal, the ski season here is a disaster, and we'll probably be looking at water rationing this summer.

Oh fun.:eek: :rolleyes:

Geeze, Richard, we Californians get blamed for everything don't we? Look, I probably still have some water left in my basement I could ship to you if you like.:D :D

02-02-2005, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
PJM, if you think Richard looks "dashing" in those puka beads, platform shoes and lime green polyester disco suit while doing the Frug... me thinks you perchance have had enough DOTD :D :p

Richard, you aren't going to wear that to the BBQ are you?

What would my neighbors think?

02-02-2005, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by gini
Richard, you aren't going to wear that to the BBQ are you?
What would my neighbors think?
Just you wait until you see what I've decided to wear at the airport????!!!:eek: :eek:

02-02-2005, 11:30 PM
Obviously, the bar has been open for some time and it is completely empty. Oh............you are all at the beach.......I get it.

Lemme grab my flipflops and a towel and I will meet you in a minute.

But first, looks like Richard left some fixins for the DOTD here, so I will just make myself a teeny tiny little Malibu Poo for myself..........hang on, I will be there in a minute.........oh, this drink is so good..............yup, I am coming..............really, save a hot dog for me...........and MOFF........I bet you eat ALL of the onion rings AGAIN!

Now where was I? Oh, making myself a drink, now I remember...........mmmmmm good.

02-02-2005, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by slick
Just you wait until you see what I've decided to wear at the airport????!!!:eek: :eek:

Yeah, but NONE of you know what Richard and I are going to wear to the airport. This time - you are going to have to LOOK FOR US! :D :D :D :D :D :D

02-02-2005, 11:33 PM
OMG Gini I'm choking and spitting here....:D :D :D
You, maybe, but Richard won't be hard to spot unless he shaves....

02-03-2005, 03:03 AM
Originally posted by gini

What would my neighbors think?

Regarding this question, the only choice you have is to invite them. If they are part of the disaster they have to keep their mouth shut afterwards:D

Killearn Kitties
02-03-2005, 05:38 AM
Sorry I'm late folks! Are there any of those hot dogs and marshmallows left? Great idea about the beach, just what I feel like at the moment. We have had almost a fortnight (that's two weeks to most of you ;) ) of wall-to-wall sunshine and warm days. Have you any idea how unusual that is for us? - winter or summer! You normally don't venture outside the door here without your brolly!

Barbara! 20 inches of snow since lunchtime? :eek: I've never seen that much snow. How are your roads?

Oh and I'll take a drink of the day please. :D

02-03-2005, 06:08 AM
Wow. Nothing like sleeping on the beach, cuddled up with your special furry friend. What a fun time that was. Now, isn't that sunrise beautiful? I gripe about Florida but we have some of the prettiest sunrises and sunsets around. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves. In real life, you have to leave the dog beach at dusk but I thought since this was our world, we should be blessed with a night there. I really would like to do that, though. So, what would everyone want for breakfast besides coffee?

02-03-2005, 06:30 AM
For breakfast? Black Forest Cake. That's what we got today at the office:D No kidding.

02-03-2005, 06:59 AM
The sunrise here (DC area) was incredible! BUT.. "red sky at morning, sailor take warning". Let's head back inside the bar before this evening fur sure. Breakfast.. on the beach.. OH, campfire biscuits are a must.. some nice embers from the bonfire. That will be purrfect with my big ol' iron skillet. By the way, if we do get some sleety rain this evening you can use your brollys and brallies :rolleyes: I'll just carry along my bumbershoot :p

02-03-2005, 08:07 AM
**yawn** Good morning....how come I've got all this sand in my hair? What a night that was. Great idea Val.

Breakfast, sounds good. I'm not much for sweet foods though but could sure use some eggs bennie, hash browns and some of Laurie's fresh biscuits.

Karen, I was disappointed this year. My Mom usually goes to a Robbie Burns celebration every year and brings me back some haggis, but this year she had a cold and couldn't go, durn it. Nothing like a good bit of haggis and neeps.

02-03-2005, 08:09 AM
:( I'm upset guys... I'll take anything ya got but mostly a shoulder to cry on.

My mom has to go to the doctor (we were trying to convince her to go to the emergency room) because of K'Cee.

Sid got out of his "quarantine" room and had his first run in w/ K'Cee. K'Cee was upset -hissing, spitting, growling- the nosey dog went over and dumbly got between them. K'Cee is known for batting at the dog and Mom went to grab her (K'Cee). K'Cee freaked and went wild.

I didn't actually see this. I had gone out to dinner with my cousin (she had her dalmation of 10yrs pts yesterday) and we got a call on my cell; it was Dad they needed us home ASAP as they couldn't get K'Cee under control and my cousin's a nurse (well, used to be).

Mom's wrist had a knot the size of a golfball and was spurting blood. K'Cee bit into her vein. Eventually the swelling went down some. The knot's gone this morning but the swelling has gone down further into the arm. :( She's going to call her doctor as soon as they're open.

K'Cee's NEVER acted like this! :(
She she's never scratched anyone intentionally (playing sometimes) and she's never broken the skin by biting. I don't know what got into her. I can even bathe her without problems. (And last night, she let me handle her just fine.)

I want my mom to go to the Dr. (actually, I wanted her to go to the emergency room) but at the same time, I don't want my cat to go to pound's quarantine for attacking anyone. :( :(

Sorry, didn't mean to bring the party down, just looking for an ear. :(

Killearn Kitties
02-03-2005, 08:18 AM
Onion rings, hot dogs, marshmallows, campfire biscuits, black forest gateau ..... I'm trying to loose weight here people!! All I need now is Lynne with her black pudding!

Laurie, what IS that you are carrying?

02-03-2005, 08:19 AM
Zip, remember what Catcrazylady went through with Magoo? Tell your Mom to get to the ER now, especially if the redness is spreading down her arm. Has she had a tetanus shot? If not, she will need one right away.

{{{HUGS}}} to all of you, including bratkat. She was obviously very upset by the meeting. It's going to be a very long introduction period. Maybe they will never like each other but I'm sure in time they will at least tolerate one another.

02-03-2005, 08:23 AM
Well KK, it WAS a big black skillet for the bisquits but I handed it over to my sous chef while I grab a soft pillow for Zippy. There there my friend... this too shall pass. Big squeez and warm hugs to you this morning

Killearn Kitties
02-03-2005, 08:39 AM
Good luck to Zippy's mum! That arm needs attention. How is K'Cee now?

Slick, you missed your haggis, neeps and tatties? That's terrible! Why don't I bring some along for lunch? Just the thing after a morning of black forest gateau!

02-03-2005, 08:55 AM
Zippy, sorry to hear about all that. You mom does need to seek medical attention right away, though. I can understand about your cat, too. I would die if something like that happened with me. I hope it all turns out alright. Now, I'll take one of those fresh bisquits. They sure smell good. And, nothing like coffee cooked over a campfire.

Pit Chick
02-03-2005, 08:58 AM
You had a bad night too Zippy. Tell your mom not to let anyone stitch the hole. It just needs to drain and she'll need meds.

I'm gonna need something strong this morning. Last night I almost had a disaster on my hands. I have 3 Pits (2girls Ginger & Gravity and 1 boy Hydro). Ginger and Hydro stay in my room with me and Gravity stays in her own room because she doesn't get along with Ginger. When I let Gravity and her potty buddy outside I had to clean up some vomit in their room and I left the window wide open to let the room air out. I brought them back to their room to eat dinner and let Ginger and Hydro outside. A few minutes later I let Ginger and Hydro back in and here comes Gravity too. As they run into the living room we can see a fight about to happen and just as we grab the girls, they grab each other :eek: We get them apart, but then Hydro comes charging at Gravity and she slips out of her collar. So here I am in the kitchen holding Gravity by the leg and Hydro by the collar trying to keep these two apart while my mom gets Ginger out of the house. I had forgotten to close the window in Gravity's room :o Try explaing that one to the Animal ER in the middle of the night.

02-03-2005, 09:10 AM
Mmmm, I could smell those bisquits clear out here in CA. so forgive me while I wipe the sleepies out of my eyes and go look for some honey to put on the bisquits.

Having pets is sometimes like having small children who squabble. The only difference is our critters can't talk, so they use claws and teeth.

Please keep us posted on how your Mom is doing, Zip. This must have been very upsetting for everyone.

Well, by the looks of that bottle of Malibu rum - I don't think I even made it to the beach.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-03-2005, 09:37 AM
Oh no, Zippy! I'm so sorry to hear that K'Cee freaked like that! I know you know this, but your mom really needs to get to the doctor and get started on the antibiotics ASAP. I don't think you'd have to worry about K'Cee ending up in the pound. I'm sure your family loves her dearly and will be willing to forgive this one unforeseen "event" (for lack of a better word), and I'm sure animal control - if notified - will defer to the family and to the fact that she has never freaked like this before, especially now that you know she's capable of it, you will be much more aware of her actions and take preventative measures ahead of time. Sounds like it was just too much all at once for K'Cee. {{{hugs}}} and calming pets for K'Cee.

'Morning everbody! I missed the beach trip - waaahhh....

Mmmm....camp coffee...we went on a week long rafting trip in Idaho a few years ago. You know, the type where you raft all day and sleep in a tent all night? We had a blast, but I will never forget the coffee we had every morning. Honest to goodness camp coffee....and I'm not even a coffee drinker!

Camp coffee and biscuits, eaten on the beach as the sun rises - how much closer to heaven can you get?

Hmm...what...oh, the phone is ringing? You mean I'm at work at not on the beach - DRAT!

02-03-2005, 09:56 AM
T&P, I'm at work too but I'm in really big denial about it. But, after today, I'm off and heading to Maryland on Saturday where I hope to see snow! I am looking forward to it so much. Also looking forward to shopping at Kohls. We don't have them down here yet but rumor has it there's one being built near me. I can't wait! It's also going to be near a Target so I'll be having lots of retail therapy. Now all we need is a Starbucks to complete the shopping experience.

02-03-2005, 10:06 AM
Where in MD Val? Anywhere close to DC? Cheryl (EmilyTheSpoiled) and I meet downtown for lunch every so often. I'll p.m. you. Glad everyone likes the biscuits.. campfire food just tastes better no matter what you're cooking I think :cool:

02-03-2005, 10:56 AM
Good morning man those bisqicts smell so good. I have some huckleberry honey from Montana here. UMMMMMMMM
zippy prayers and hugs. Also for you Pit chick. Do we need a corner for these kids for time outs?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-03-2005, 11:40 AM
Slick, any uppydate?

02-03-2005, 11:57 AM
Just going into a meeting Debbie. I'll email you in a while.

Pit Chick
02-03-2005, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Corinna
Do we need a corner for these kids for time outs?

Does time out work for "kids" with ADHD?

02-03-2005, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Why doesn't everyone join me on the dog beach? Those of you that have dogs can bring them. We can stay the night and make a bonfire to cook hotdogs and marshmallows. Hope everyone is having fun.

Bring the Doogster too!

we need a guitar player.:)

Corinna has a Gold Wing??

Details, please!!


I've never been known as a fashion plate:rolleyes:
I think I'll give everyone a hint....

Think Roman Senators and Quest for Fire.

Last time you could see the little opening in the curtains in the neighbor's windows I think they were scared....

MMMMM Black forest cake!

Would you like a coffee?


DO you a have fancy bumbershoot or a plain black one?

:p :eek: :D


And who says Global Warming is bad?




Sorry to hear that.

It's all the excitement of having a new housemate.

Best wishes to you and mom, DONE!


I am not a coffee person but there is nothing like a fresh pot off the campfire!!! With some grounds at the bottom of your cup!:D


Wow, You had a brush with Gravity....BA DUMP...

Glad to see everything didn't get outta hand!


Why do you think they invented voice mail!!:)

Camp coffee?


If I missed anyone I am sorry!!!

I'll be back later!

02-03-2005, 12:49 PM
Lbaker, I pmd you. I was looking at the forcast for the coming week and it doesn't look promising for snow at all :( At least I'll get cold, though. Thank goodness it's getting closer to going home time.

02-03-2005, 01:24 PM
Hi guys,

Feeling a little guilty for "spewing" all over the board this morning. :o Sorry about that.

Miss K'Cee was settled after I got home last night; she's back to being the normal Hissy-Prissy Princess except that she's still cuddling a lot more. (Not that I'm complaining...)

Mom admits to it being her fault and no one harbors any ill will towards K'Cee (except maybe for Sid and that's not so much ill will as it is scared sh--less lol). It's not mom's fault; granted, grabbing a battle-prepared animal wasn't the smartest thing to do, how was she to know? K'Cee's never freaked like that before.

Mom did call her doctor; they said her tetnus was up-to-date, to treat it like a normal puncture wound, and they called her in an antibiotic.

I was talking to Staci (shais_mom) after all this, and she wonders if K'Cee would've reacted differently if I was there. I have no clue; it's possible she would've been more possessive/territorial (I've never seen a cat so possessive of her "mommy") or that I could have handled her without problems or that it would've played out exactly the way it did....

I guess this is a lesson for the future: when introducing Sid to K'Cee, make sure the dog's out of the room and don't hold/corner/pin her (K'Cee) down. *heavy sigh* :(

02-03-2005, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat

make sure the dog's out of the room and don't hold/corner/pin her down.

Real funny....

That's Rule Three in my "10 Simple Rules for Dating Someone's Daughter...."

02-03-2005, 01:36 PM
Any day we learn something is a day not wasted Tonya. Val, don't know what they are calling for in the next week but right now it's snowing like crazy :eek: Of course this morning the weatherperson said "maybe a few light flurries later this evening, probably nothing" yeah, right. Richard, my bumbershoot is a black classic. I keep it handy for whenever "Singing in the Rain" is on TV. Gene and I do a mean dance together in my living room :D

02-03-2005, 01:46 PM
Zippy I am so sorry. I can imagine what a shock that all must have been.

If a cat reacts aggressive like that she will usually be very scared too and run into a scared Tigris is the last thing I want to do.

Can we have a drink on Filou. He's nine tomorrow. Catnip tea for him and another beach cocktail for me. Here it's definitely after five.:)

Laurie, I have been dancing with Gene in my living room too. It was the time when I broke my wrist because I was not used to Gene's acrobatic style.

02-03-2005, 01:56 PM
Tonya, thank goodness your Mom is alright - well sorta alright.

Years ago, my sweet, pure white, angelic looking Sugar was having a face-off with a neighborhood cat. My husband, not knowing the ways of cats, went over and picked him up. My husband just about lost his thumb - which Sugar being in battle mode reached around and crunched.

So we all dance and sing in the living room............alright girls, get your umbrellas and line up - CHORUS LINE HERE WE COME!

Richard, we are gonna be thirsty after this - get ready!

02-03-2005, 02:04 PM
Can I wear my tap shoes Gini? Maybe we can do one of those June Taylor Dancer routines like they used to have on the Ed Sullivan show! What a hoot :D

No smart remarks younguns. Why I was just a wee lass myself at the time :rolleyes:

02-03-2005, 02:16 PM
Of course you can wear your tap shoes! Oh, I love tap dancing.
When I was about ten years old (back in 1850) the boy up the street was taking tap dancing lessons - and he was so good - or as good as he could get when you are ten. I was so in love with that boy!

02-03-2005, 02:17 PM
I'll mix drinks while you dance. Not much of a dancer here so I'll sit it out. Has anyone seen Mario? I'll bet he'd make a great dancing partner.

02-03-2005, 02:24 PM
DDMom, were you here the time Mario showed up in his top hat, tap shoes and * ahem * tails :o He did a little number on the bar with his cane. Cute as the dickens that lad ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-03-2005, 02:26 PM
I'm with DDM, but instead of mixing drinks, I'll be operating the camera. MUST have evidence of this! :D

Don't forget the skimpy little skirts, and tap shoes are ok as long as they conform to the 4" stiletto heel requirement for all dancers. :eek: ;) :p :D

Skippy, I've never had occassion to experience a freaked cat like that, but thanks for the heads up so if P & CJ ever get into it seriously I'll go get the bucket of water instead of trying to pull them apart myself. Glad Mom has the antibiotics on the way.

I'll take a DOTD please, but make it with Barcardi Rum instead of Meyers - coconut, eeeewwww.....But I do want a brellie. :D

Slick, I'm dyin' here! (not to pressure you or anything) ;)

Ok everybody, camera's rolling, on with the dancing!

02-03-2005, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Has anyone seen Mario? I'll bet he'd make a great dancing partner.

He's a better drinking partner....Actually, you drink, he just sits and eats cherries!!

WOW, a birthday for Filou!

A drink and CNT for Filou and Tigris!!!


I sure hope they like the beach......It's like one huge cat box!!!:eek:


I was cat sitting when my brother's cat locked on my hand. I just so happened to have a glass of water in my hand, don't know what I would have done if I didn't....:eek:

Bacardi instead of Meyers..


02-03-2005, 02:30 PM
Sorry I said I would go to Cataholic and Kay's wedding in a tux and I will wear that tux while doing a tap dance. Skimpy little skirts. Hmph.

Which makes it rather awkward for the beach. Anyway it's too hot for dancing.

02-03-2005, 02:40 PM
Don't be silly, who ever heard of tap dancing on a beach :confused: We could use some of the sand for when we break into the ol' soft shoe routine. Instead of a tux, I told Johanna and Kay I was going to wear a smoking jacket with an ascot and riding jodhpurs to the wedding. Adds a bit of class wouldn't you say?

02-03-2005, 02:42 PM
I love those cherries like Mario. Last time I went to Sam's, I bought two big jars of them. I just love them.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-03-2005, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
Instead of a tux, I told Johanna and Kay I was going to wear a smoking jacket with an ascot and riding jodhpurs to the wedding. Adds a bit of class wouldn't you say?

Uh-hu, sure does Laurie, yep, class, that's it, sure, whatever you say....:rolleyes: ;) :D

Who ever heard of riding jodhpurs with a silk smoking jacket and ascot? You need those silly looking slippershoe type thingys, with a big stogie hanging out of your mouth and a cocktail in martini in hand, with an olive, not a cherry. Good thing since Mario has eaten the whole jar again!

02-03-2005, 03:11 PM
I am getting a mental picture:p :p :p

02-03-2005, 03:31 PM
Hi, everyone!
I just got up from a nap. Very strange morning here.
We had freezing FOG! Yep! FOG!
That was a new one on me. Never heard tell of such a critter but there it was: all over the place. It's all gone now and sunny and 53.
I ran errands this morning after the fog left and was tuckered out, so snuck a nap.

Look what I missed: a chorus line right here in the bar!

Mario, I bought several jars of cherries but you can NOT eat them all at once. I don't want monkey barf all over everything from you making yourself sick on them.

Could I get a cherry limeade?:D

Zip, glad to hear your mom's ok. Poor K'Cee probably didn't even realize what she was doing. She was scared of the new kid and then the dog stuck his nose in her business and she freaked out.
It's the fight or flight reflex. She fought.

02-03-2005, 04:01 PM
Richard. Its a 1975 the first year they were made, we are rebuilding it. Looking this summer for a newer one. I'll see if hubby has a photo on his computer I don't seen too . We plan on not this summer but 2006 cruising around ,should have buisness to a point we can leave for a month. and I can quit my job.

02-03-2005, 04:45 PM
Hey everyone! May I please have an ice cold Nikked beer (one for each hand :D)? I've got some heavy lifting to do this afternoon.

Debbie, 15 min. before you leave. Check your email.

02-03-2005, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by slick
Hey everyone! May I please have an ice cold Nikked beer (one for each hand :D)? I've got some heavy lifting to do this afternoon.

Two nekkid beers!



A classic! Don't worry about a pic.....Thanks!

Cherry limeade?



Let me know when you go back to Sam's....We need Cherries and Toilet paper for the bar!!:rolleyes: :eek: :confused:

I got my ascot in a car door once.....:rolleyes:

02-03-2005, 06:30 PM
yes a classic we like it but need a bigger one for longer distances . Too late heres a pic. still oraninal paint

02-03-2005, 06:51 PM
It might be nice in Los Angeles but it sure is
I will need to good unbrella with a couple of
strong hunks to hold it for me. ;)

I'll try one of those
Malibu Baybreeze please.

02-03-2005, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by KYS
It might be nice in Los Angeles but it sure is
I will need to good unbrella with a couple of
strong hunks to hold it for me. ;)

I'll try one of those
Malibu Baybreeze please.

It's been windy out here too!!!

One DOTD for you.....

I can't guarantee any hunks tho!!!!



That bike is in fantastic shape.....The only thing that I can see that isn't orig are the mufflers!!!!

Get a new one and have fun!

Thanks for the photo!

02-03-2005, 11:38 PM
Yes we are debating on switching back to the old ones but will have to e-bay it for them.The bike was stripped down when we got it have added all the bags an d fairring . It was hard to find the Vetter one as they went out of business 20 years ago. I keep trying to get hubby to paint match the fairring to the bike , He has the lowers just haven't gotten them on yet. We are hoping to get the bigger one and hope the kids (daughter and sil ) get his bike from California and we go together . Our son would then stay and pet sit. Hes into paintball not motorcycles.

Pit Chick
02-04-2005, 12:32 PM
Ok, I need an opinion or two. My job is cutting back hours and with that we have the choice of working 5, 7 hour days or 4, 8 hour day with one day off. The last time they did this I worked that one day at an animal clinic that does vet care strictly for rescue groups. I loved it and I got to learn and see some cool stuff dealing with the medical aspect of rescue. (some would call it gory, I call it cool and interesting) This time I'm debating between going back to the clinic or seeing if the local Pit Bull rescue will hire me at their shelter. I feel I have a lot to learn from both places, but more so from the rescue. When there is a dogfighting bust, she usually gets involved with the legal aspect and even evaluating the dogs and the circumstance surrounding the bust (like were they really fighting the dogs). She does training from obediance to search and rescue. She's been doing this for a long time and she has a lot of knowledge about dogs, Pits, rescue, etc. I do hope to one day get a humane law enforcement (like the ASPCA in New York) started here and I think this will help get me on the right track.

What do you guys think?

02-04-2005, 12:52 PM
Pit Chick, your decision should be easy.

Just follow your heart............which is all over your post!:D

02-04-2005, 08:18 PM
I agree your answer is very obvius in the post.