View Full Version : which pet talker would you like to meet in real life? :)

02-01-2005, 10:53 PM
Which pet talker would you like to meet in real life and why? here are mine:

Orangutango-I LOVE Echo and of course her other 2 dogs and she is a sweetheart and very patient.
Lexi_Lover-she's a sweetie(I thought she was an adult when she posted all the time;)) and her Lexi is toooo cute for words.
Chocolatepuppy-because she is so kind hearted and nice to everyone and I would want to meet Lacey(of course Buster would
:p ) and Mandy and I think we'd get along GREAT in person;)
Flamepony12-because she is very kind and her furkids are sooo cute and I would like her to teach me how to make siggies;)
Kristl-she is very sweet and her pets are lovely and I think we'd get along just great:)
PepperSM(I think that is her name?)-because persy is soooooo cute and she is a sweetie pie.
Senorita-because I LOVE her dogs!
Buddy Blaze Lover-because I just LOVE Blaze and she seems so sweet.
Karen-for making this board possible and the others that help:D
Kfamr-because I LOVE her dogs they're so photogenic:p and she is nice.
Chelsea-because she is sweet and Trinity is just stunning :D
Luckydog-she is so sweet and does GREAT things for animals
Puppy_Love4-I am going to meet her later in the fall but she is a sweetie and we get a long so well, and I LOVE her dogs.
2crazypuppies4me-because she is so sweet and her beagle girls are sooo precious:D
kimlovescats-because she is so sweet and her furkids are so cute.
lute-she is very kind
animal_rescue-because she is so sweet and her animals are so adorable.
edited to add I would also like to meet
star of light-she is sweet and has no pets but she will someday I know she loves pets
manda_moo87-she is so nice and so creative :) and her animals are soooo cute

I hope I didn't leave anyone out just for the record I love you all :D

02-01-2005, 11:07 PM
ohhh, there are so many and I love everyone here! :D

Katie (Buddy Blaze Lover)- She is always so nice, and Blaze is such a beautiful border collie!!

Ashley (binka_nugget)- Because she's always been nice to me, and I'd love to meet Kai and Kaedyn in person!

popcornbird- Even though I know that will never happen, (;)) She is always so helpful and It would be so much fun to visit Popcorn and Muffin!!

Audrey (slleipnir)- She is such a nice person, she makes great sigs, and her furkids are beautiful!

shutterbug0303- She is so much fun to talk to and I think the little lovers Chloe and Zeus would get along really well in real life!

Devan (Orangutango)- She is really nice and her doggies are so cute!

Megan (ILoveMyAbbyGirl)- She is so kind and thoughtful, and I would love to meet her, Gavin, Charlie, and Abby!

Amanda (manda_moo87)- She is so sweet and fun to talk to, and her bunny buns are soooo cute!!!

Remember, these are only a small few!! :D I'm going to keep thinking and adding! :D

02-01-2005, 11:13 PM

02-01-2005, 11:22 PM
Amanda (manda_moo87)--> Manda is soooo caring and she always knows the right things to say. She is such a great person and I would love to someday be able to meet her. I would love to see her ADORABLE baby bunnies as well

Devan-(Orangutango)-->Devan is such a nice person, I would love to be able to meet her in person. I'd love to meet the pups, they looks like such sweet hearts!

Tina--> I feel like I could talk to you about anything, you are a great person and a great doggie owner. I think it would be awesome to meet you and your fur and skin family.

02-01-2005, 11:30 PM
ALL of them!! :)

02-01-2005, 11:41 PM
I agree every one eachis so different and bring different things to the board.

02-01-2005, 11:41 PM
All of you and PeeJ !!!;)

02-02-2005, 01:12 AM
Too many to list, i would be here all night ;).

02-02-2005, 02:35 AM
Awwwww... :D thanks Devon and Lauren! I'm flattered.

dogs_4_me: Great person to talk to, she's a great person and her puppers are adorable. :)

flamepony12: A very kind person and so talented with graphics, I love seeing her furkids. :)

Jods: Jodie is awesome, I love getting letters from her, she is very generous and has sent the critters here lots of goodies.

My mind is going blank at the moment.... lol I'm sure I'll add more people later. :)

02-02-2005, 04:26 AM
There is one person that I would like to meet in real life (I talk to her on the phone) and that is Donna (moosmom!) However as Corinna has said, every Pet Talker brings something different to PT. I'd like to meet everyone in person!

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-02-2005, 05:27 AM
Impossible to choose!!Why?? Because I wanna meet EVERYONE ;) :)

02-02-2005, 08:03 AM
Aww...thank you so much Krista:) I really appreciate that!

Hmm...of course I wanna meet everybody but there are a couple of people who have caught my eye in posts!

Krista(luvofallhorses)-she is so nice and always talks to me on IM, her dogs look like the sweetest cuddlers:D

Devan(Orangutango)-I love her dogs, for one, and she is so nice, cooperative and she is very patient (who wouldn't be with Tia-just kidding!;))

Tia(petslover)-We always talk about ANYTHING on IM, and she seems like such a friendly person to hang around with, not to mention that Buster is her Valentine;)

Kay(Kfamr)-Simba, Nala & Kiara are just the cutest and smartest dogs on EARTH! Kay seems like a wonderful person to meet and hang-out with, I think I would get along with her!

Devon(flamepony12)-I just LOOOOOOOVE your pets, they look like they could be some of the best dogs to own, you are such a nice person and SO creative!

Ashley(binka_nugget)-She is so nice to me, her dogs are so beautiful! She seems like such a cool person, somebody I could DEFINETLY be myself around:D

Katie(Buddy Blaze Lover)-She is so friendly, she would be like a person taht evrybody would get along with, she is so polite to everybody!

Amy(wolf_Q)-she has the most gorgeous dog ever, Nebo, he is so stunning! She does amazing photography as well! Somebody who I would for sure get along with! ;)


02-02-2005, 08:19 AM
Sandra and Johanna

I SUPPOSE Mik too ;)

02-02-2005, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
ALL of them!! :)

Agreed!! :D

PJ's Mom
02-02-2005, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by tomkatzid
All of you and PeeJ !!!;)

Awww. :) I know he'd love you. ;)

I don't know too many people here, but I can't think of one person I wouldn't want to meet. A few that come to mind are:

Katz, who always has a kind word about my babies.

Tonya, who I think would be a hoot. :D

Kay, so she can show me how to train my dogs. :p

Anna66, who seems like she's just an all-around great person.

Richard, need I say more? :D

As I started typing this list, a whole bunch of other people came to mind, so I'll just finish by saying that I'd like to meet everyone on PT. :D

star of light
02-02-2005, 12:18 PM
cali- she was one of my first friends on pettalk

luvofallhorses-you helped me threw my depression along with others, and you even gave me you adress so we could write...btw. i am planning to write you one

i know that i am sort of new and i dont know all your names..and you all have helped me threw my depression i have had lately..well i luv you all..and thank all of you for helping me:)

02-02-2005, 12:28 PM
aww star of light I tried calling you the other day but you weren't home or your cell was being retarded I edited my list saying I wanted to meet you too :) if I think of anymore I will let you all know :D

Buddy Blaze Lover
02-02-2005, 12:42 PM
Oh wow, quite a few! and thanks Devon and luvofallhorses for the nice comments! :D

Devon (flamepony12)--who is always so nice to me and Blaze, makes great sigs, starts great threads, and has a beautiful pony, as well as dogs!:D

Kay (Kfamr)--who is always nice and considerate of everyone, and loves her dogs very much!;)

Devan (Orangutango)--who is always nice to me and Blaze:D, and has BEAUTIFUL dogs! (I mean seriously, especially Tango!):D

Lexi_Lover--seems like a very nice person, and is great to Blaze!:D;) A great newcomer to Pet Talk!;)

Vette--who is fairly new to Pet Talk, but is making me an awesome webpage for Blaze! Kirby's so cute and so are the kitties too!

Sandra--just an all-around wonderful person, who always has such nice things to say about and to everyone!! A GREAT example of a caring person about all too--people and animals!;)

There are more...everyone has been so nice to me!;)

02-02-2005, 01:07 PM
Aww...thank you Katie, you are so nice!:D I would love to meet you in person one day;)

02-02-2005, 01:16 PM
thanks luvofallhorses! i'd love to meet you also!:D

oh gosh! i'd love to meet everyone! everyone here is so nice!:D

02-02-2005, 03:49 PM
I have an answer to this question, it's easy! :D I would love to meet my Valentine, Barbara, as soon as possible. :D :D :D


02-02-2005, 04:06 PM
Aw thanks for listing me and my pups luvofallhorses. You know I'd love to meet you and Buster especially with Lacey and Buster being Valentines! Why we could be in-laws someday! And you've been so kind in helping me deal with ..., well you know ;) There are so many nice people and lovable furkids on here I'd just love to meet them all! :)

02-02-2005, 04:26 PM
I am too shy to really meet anyone in real life but if I were able the list is long but here is some that come to mind right now.

David P


K9 Karen

Lynne from England




Killearns Kitties





Tubby and Peanuts mom

There are many more of you, as everyone here is special to me in different ways, love you all.:)

02-02-2005, 05:31 PM
Carole, I think that you and Donna would be both at the top of my list! I'm very flattered to be at the top of your list! I also wouldn't mind if you saw Pittsburgh in person, either!

02-02-2005, 05:57 PM
Wow. I got listed twice. What a nice surprise! :D :D :D

I'd love to meet all of you, flamepony, Carole *hugs* (don't worry, I'm shy too! We can be shy together... lol) Julie (GoldenRetrLuver), Kay, Amber (both Ambers!) Karen, Paul, Logan, EVERYONE! :D I love you all too much to be choosey. :p

02-02-2005, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
How do you suppose it feels to the majority of folks who are *never" listed in this sort of thread - the type that asks for names to be listed??

It reminds me of waiting to be *chosen* for a game of sports back in school. I feel sad for the majority who will never see their name mentioned:(

That's how I always feel about these threads... but for the first time I was mentioned and I can't help but feel a wee bit happy.

A lot of people said everyone, and EVERYONE means EVERYONE!

02-02-2005, 06:41 PM
If it bothers you, don't participate. No need to bring everyone else down. Oh, by the way, I haven't been listed yet and I'm not crushed. I would be honored to meet any of you.

02-02-2005, 06:49 PM
Thanks Flamepony! :D

I don't know if it will ever happen, but if I could meet any PT'er, I would LOVE to see Johanna (Cataholic) in person someday. Of course there are many more I'd like to meet if I could, but I'm tired right now and worry about leaving anyone out unintentionally, therefore, I'll stop right here. :p

02-02-2005, 06:50 PM
I would love to meet you to dukedogsmom! You seem like a wonderful person, like I said, the list could always go on!

You seem so wonderful and polite, you always make something thats negative, into a positive! :D You have a REALLY good outlook on life!

I just wanted you to know that!

02-02-2005, 07:03 PM
I agree with you sirrahbed, same with the who is you fav PT dog/cat threads....

02-02-2005, 07:16 PM
This is the first time I've been listed on one of these lists. Doesn't matter that much to me. If these posts make people feel bad what about all the contests? Wouldn't that be the same thing? "Why didn't people vote for my dog/cat? Don't they like my dog/cat? Don't they like me?" I feel~IMO~that people are just having fun with these posts no one should take it to heart.

02-02-2005, 07:21 PM
If anyone it would be Julie (Goldenretrluver)... We haven't been talking much lately, but i've been so moody and kind of shutting everyone out, but if i could only meet one person it would be her.

Of course there's others like Audrey, Liana (Primabella), Megan (Ilovemyabbygirl), PCB, Micki...... So many.

Im sooo happy i got to meet Logan. She was always on my "wanting-to-meet" list. :p

02-02-2005, 08:18 PM
Thanks to everyone that mentioned me!

02-02-2005, 08:33 PM
All of them. They all have great qualities!!!! :D

02-02-2005, 08:45 PM
Whoa. A lot. Just a FEW of them are....

Devon(Flamepony12)~ She seems so nice and she is close to my age:)

Kay(Kfamr)~ I Think she seems so nice too:rolleyes:. She was one of the first people to greet me to PT, and her pups are adorable!:)

Megan(ILoveMyAbbyGirl)~ She is nice. And she seems like a smart person too.:)

02-02-2005, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
How do you suppose it feels to the majority of folks who are *never" listed in this sort of thread - the type that asks for names to be listed??

It reminds me of waiting to be *chosen* for a game of sports back in school. I feel sad for the majority who will never see their name mentioned:(

I am sorry if this opinion bothers anyone and it is NOT directed at the person who started this particular thread...there are MANY such threads. If this opinion offends you - ask yourself why??

EVERY PetTalker is well worth meeting, IMO.;)

I agree. I usually don't even look at these cause I'm NEVER mentioned. Nor my pets in other threads. I posted in this one cause I figure it doesn't matter seeing no one posts my name anyway..

02-02-2005, 08:55 PM
how do you suppose it feels to the majority of folks who are *never" listed in this sort of thread - the type that asks for names to be listed??

Ah, but NO ONE should feel bad, because right away, several people said they would like to meet everyone here! And I am sure they meant it!

I HAVE met many Pet Talk people, and would like to met everyone. And I mean that! So just because I have not typed anyone's name, that doesn't mean anyone could or should feel bad.

And if ANYONE is traveling to Boston for business, let me know. For example, Smilla, who used to live in Texas, ended up relocating to this area for her husband's job. When they first traveled to Boston, they had an appointment with a realtor - IN THE BUILDING WHERE I WORK! She was brave enough to come upstairs, and we met, gave each other a big hug, then had to explain to her husband and my co-workers that no, we had never met before, but she was a Pet Talk person! ;)

02-02-2005, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
I agree. I usually don't even look at these cause I'm NEVER mentioned. Nor my pets in other threads. I posted in this one cause I figure it doesn't matter seeing no one posts my name anyway..

Audrey, I put you down, Maybe you missed it!

02-02-2005, 09:19 PM
I Think it is sad when a positive thread can be turned into a negative thread, it is fine IMO to compliment people, and say you especially wish to meet whoever, and as Karen pointed out most of us would love to meet everyone, like myself for instance, there are so many special people here, just because you are not listed does not mean you are not included, everyone means just that EVERYONE.

I totally agree with DUKESDOGSMOM, I have not always not been mentioned either, but it does not bother me.:)

02-02-2005, 09:32 PM
I never said it bothered me :confused: was just stating my opinion. Nothing negative was ment by it.

Devon: aww, I totally missed that :) You're a very kind person :)

star of light
02-03-2005, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by luvofallhorses
aww star of light I tried calling you the other day but you weren't home or your cell was being retarded I edited my list saying I wanted to meet you too :) if I think of anymore I will let you all know :D

hmmm i had my phone on all day but who knows...well feel free to call me today i will have it on all day just rechraged it

02-03-2005, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Logan
I have an answer to this question, it's easy! :D I would love to meet my Valentine, Barbara, as soon as possible. :D :D :D


Oh Butter it's not easy to find all your little love letters you hide at PT but of course: I'd like to meet you too:)

02-03-2005, 02:37 PM
hmmm i had my phone on all day but who knows...well feel free to call me today i will have it on all day just rechraged it

well I cannot call you until I get another calling card and thanks for whoever mentioned me :)

02-03-2005, 04:19 PM
well........everyone. I could never choose just one. :)