View Full Version : Can you do this?

02-01-2005, 03:19 PM
Ok, theres a girl in my town...she's 16 or 17, I think. She decided to get pregnant to keep her boyfriend. Didn't work, but the baby making sure did! Well, the baby girl's about 3-5 months old and I guess she just decided that SHE DIDN"T WANT IT ANYMORE! WWHHAATT???? She gave her away to her cousin. You just can't give a kid away! It's not like the kittens that your cat had...no "free" ad in the paper. What the heck? Talk about irresponsibility! So now the mother's living in the city about 30 miles away. And the cousin is taking care of the baby!

02-01-2005, 03:27 PM
That's horrible, "Oh ok, I didn't get what I wanted so, I think I'll just throw you away!" :eek: I could never do that, not that I would even do that at such a young age! Especially for that reason!

Watch the baby grow up and find out, and then the bialogical mother will come over and say, "Oh ya, you were an acceident," I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but thats just plain stupid and not to mention mean!:mad:

What some people will do for love(tahts not even real):rolleyes:

02-01-2005, 03:40 PM
Poor kid! :( Just think about when she grows up how she will really feel about her mother. I hope the cousin of the mother will take good care of the baby. And I hope that the baby will still feel loved when she found out that her mother (I guess you could say) "gave her away." :( :( :(