View Full Version : Jail sentence (hopefully) for cruelty to dog..

02-01-2005, 03:08 PM
I don't usually like to post about cruelty to animals, or stay out of those posts, but I just wanted to share this with you all.

A monster took his dog , tied it up to the back of his car, drove at top speed dragging it behind him, all because it got off its leash.

The good news is this disgusting excuse for a human being, may indeed get one years jail, I know it is not enough, but still I am hoping with all my heart he gets a custodial sentence, I want him made an example of, so other sicko's get the message.

The poor dog received terrible injuries, and suffered awfully as you can imagine, but it survived, it is now a very happy content dog living with a new family who love it to bits,. the happy ending.

They even showed this evil sicko 's face on TV, good so everyone can see this monster for who he is.

Please let justice prevail here.

02-01-2005, 03:13 PM
I wish so much people who abuse their pets were punished like the people who abuse other people...although sometimes that's not enough either! Well, I just hope he ROTS. People make me sick sometimes...

02-01-2005, 03:15 PM
:eek: OMG!:eek: That poor, poor pup!:( That is horrible!:mad: Some people are just terribly disgusting to their pets!:mad: You're right, one year IS NOT ENOUGH for this *person* to think about what he did!

I'm glad there is at LEAST a happy ending in this story!:) Glad the pup has found a new FUR-ever home!

I hope that LUNATIC thinks about what he tries to take care of, next time, NOT THAT THERE WILL EVEN BE A NEXT TIME!:mad:


02-01-2005, 03:50 PM
Carole, I darn near became sick to my stomach when I read your post. this lower than low-life should be put in his cell and the key thrown away! I ABSOLUTELY HATE people who abuse poor defensless animals. The one bright spot in this that the pooch survived his injuries and has found a loving furever home.

02-01-2005, 06:36 PM
My husband and I were just talking about this the other night when we saw something on TV about a woman who let her dog starve to death...that they should have punishment just as if it were a human life...it is still life..and to deliberately do something to harm them...they should have to face extreme punishment..not just a fine or a slap on the wrist..makes me so ill

02-02-2005, 03:59 PM
Sorry David and anyone else this post upset, i usually don't post this kind of stuff, because it is too hard for even me to read, but I remember this case well, and was so pleased to hear he may get a custodial sentence, it does not seem near enough one year, but to be honest it probably is a first, and even yet it is not definite he will get that, I hope he does not get home detention, that is far too easy, he needs to be made an example of, and learn from what he did.

I am disgusted as the rest of you by his cruel actions, sometimes I wonder if these people and I use people lightly, are very intelligent, they don't seem to realise a Dog does not understand that getting loose from its chain is going to annoy anyone,(not that it should) but did in his case, he needs to learn anger management for one, the poor thing was probably chained up for hours anyhow, that would not suprise me, but to deliberately do that to a defenceless animal, is unforgiveable, I would dearly like him to suffer the same as the dog did, but of course that is also inhumane, but truth be told , that is really how I feel about these type of situations.

02-02-2005, 04:32 PM
Carole. that is all right. That kind of story would do that to anybody. I think that in addition to his jail sentence, that when he gets out, he would be forbidden to own any animal again for life.

02-02-2005, 04:44 PM
Yes that is what worries me that this moron , will indeed get another animal, I hope they also impose that on him, justice today just is useless really.