View Full Version : When to neuter. Help please.

01-31-2005, 05:18 PM
Well how do I start this:confused:

Well you all know Bon a male (duh:p) and at some point we do intend on getting him neutured. But the question now is...When?

I know alot of you would say now, but before you say first that tell me how much you know about Giant breed dogs. I have done alot of research on this subject and keep coming back to the same conclusion. Almost every website that I have visisted says to wait till at least 2 years on neutering the giant breed males...this is the reason they all give

With large breeds, early castration often results in an animal with an insufficient breadth of chest for orthopedic health. Seeing the number of giant breeds that I do, I am very aware of the tragic effects of castration on young males. The narrow chests which result are inadequate to support the weight that so many neutered animals, male or female, put on. These dogs then have to develop a 'toe-out' stance, with valgus deformity of the carpus, in an attempt to broaden their base for weight bearing. Once you've seen the harm caused by this practice in person, you quickly change that 'knee-jerk' reaction so often seen, of 'neuter everything that breathes'. If you do choose to castrate your male dog, by all means wait until he is at least one year old for small to medium size breeds, or at least 2 years old for giant breeds.

The reason I'm asking is because we are planning on taking a vacation without the dogs in August and I want to board the dogs at a really nice place, but there is one stipulation...all males must be neutured. Well in August Bon will only be 1 yr 1 mo.
Now if I had somone who could keep him and I could board the girls that would be great, but I really don't know anyone who is going to be willing to keep a 150+dog for us!

So I just feel at a loss right now. I want to do what is best for our boy.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

01-31-2005, 05:24 PM
Have you called and asked your vet? I'd get their opinion on it and go from there. They might even be willing to board him there without him being neutered yet.

Pit Chick
01-31-2005, 05:46 PM
I would check with your vet. It's good that you have done your reasearch on this and it's even better that you will be having him neutered. I don't have any experience with giant breeds so I don't know what the best thing to do is. I would try to get 3 different opinions: from a few different vets, a few different (responsible breeders), and a few different giant breed rescue groups. These 3 sources will most likely have the experience with this situation. You don't want to jeopardize his health if neutering him before 2 will cause problems.

Can he be boarded at your vet?

01-31-2005, 06:26 PM
check with your vet.

My vet spays and neuters at 6 months of age.
He says their is such little difference you will notice
at all for large male breeds.
I got this from a vet web site:

At What Age Can Neutering Be Performed?

Neutering can be performed at any age over age 8 weeks. Dogs neutered before puberty (generally age 6 months) tend to grow a bit bigger than dogs neutered after puberty (testosterone is involved in causing bones to stop growing, so without testosterone the bones stop growing later). Neutering can also be performed in the geriatric patient should the prostate gland become enlarged and the best medical decision is to shrink it. In this event, preanesthetic blood work and other diagnostics relevant to anesthetizing an older patient would be recommended.

The traditional age for neutering is around 6 months

Here is the web page, if you want to look at more
info on neuturing:


01-31-2005, 06:31 PM
I have also heard that it is better to wait until they are adults because the hormones are important to their proper bone & muscle development. I heard this from two people that show their dogs, one is a Komondor (a giant breed).
Sherman wasn't neutered till we adopted him at 18 mos.
I'm not sure what the advice is for males. Our vet told me females were better off spayed before their first heat.

01-31-2005, 06:35 PM
I'm sorry Anna, I have no experience with giant breeds. I do notice that they're also recommending that small to medium breeds should wait a year. That seems odd to me, but I guess it's a decision that everyone must make in a time frame they're comfortable with.

01-31-2005, 06:40 PM
Hi anna!

I would definitely talk to your vet about it. My vet wouldn't neuter Oz or Gully before 6 mos and he told me for Giant Breeds, he won't neuter before at least a year old. Seems logical that they'd need those hormones while they're still growing.


01-31-2005, 06:42 PM
I have had St Bernards, rotties, newfys, and springers. I have never heard that statment. But I have allways rescued mine and were at least 6months old. When I worked at the spay/neuter clinic we had a saying if you can see um clip um.
I woud call a couple vets for a concenus.

01-31-2005, 09:04 PM
I'm one of those people who tend to believe that waiting until the dog is mostly done growing before altering is better.
I would talk to your vet of course and perhaps Bon's breeder to see what they say.
Readd all the info (both sides of the issue) and make a decision you can live with. :)
Is there no one who can maybe pet sit for you? Too bad I didn't live closer or I would. $20/day for all 3 dogs........LOL

01-31-2005, 10:04 PM
Anna, I have to say I've never heard about waiting that long to neuter a giant breed dog, but that's why were all here on PT, to learn from one another!!
My friend has two male Malamutes and she had them neutered when they were about 7 months old. She researched the breed before she got them, and knows a lot about all dogs in general.
I'll have to ask her what she's knows about this.

Hey... I'm not all THAT far away, and Sierra would LOVE to have a new "boy toy" to play with while your gone!! :p ;)

01-31-2005, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by pitc9

Hey... I'm not all THAT far away, and Sierra would LOVE to have a new "boy toy" to play with while your gone!! :p ;)
LOL, think Buddy would like that!!;) :p

Ashley I'd give you double that!!!!

Well I talked to our wonderful vet this evening...she is wonderful, she was busy with some sick doggies and was just getting to leave (at around 10pm) and called me.
She did say that if he was neutered before he had done most of his growing that he wouldn't be as big (wide). He would look more like a female (with a smaller frame & head). But as far as medical problems, she said she hadn't seen or heard of any before.
The only setback she mentioned is that his testicles would be fully developed and recovery would be a little longer than if he was a pup.
As long as he isn't going around the house marking or trying to rip our arm off trying to get at another dog she doesn't see why we can't wait. So it's really all up to us.

So I guess we've decided we will wait, and try to find another place (or person) who is willing to petsit for us.
I soooo wish one of you lived closer to me. You could house sit and petsit:D

Thanks everyone for all the info given!

02-01-2005, 08:42 AM
Cherish them while ya got em Bon! ;) :D

I'd love to puppy sit the big lug. :)

02-01-2005, 09:23 AM
ramanth:Cherish them while ya got em Bon! ;) :D>>>>>>>>>>

LOL! But don't get to attached. ;)

Cinder & Smoke
02-01-2005, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by anna_66

... I want to board the dogs at a really nice place,
but there is one stipulation...
all males must be neutured.

Have you talked to the Boarding House??

Wouldn't hurt to have a seroius discussion with the Owner to
see if there could be an "exception" given to Bon.

They might be worried about his "manners" and/or his disire
to "mark" everyting in sight...
Since you're training him to be a WELL-behaved INside pooch -
there might be room for them to waive the rule.

/s/ Phred

Dixieland Dancer
02-01-2005, 03:50 PM
Have you checked with any Mastiff (I think that's Bon's breed) breeders. Perhaps if you find a breed club and get info from some other owners of the breed, it will help you formulate your opinion. Here is the link to the AKC site. AKC Mastiff website (http://www.akc.org/breeds/mastiff/index.cfm) This page also has links to the breed parent club and some breeders who may be able to help in the decision. I only know about what's best for Goldens. Sorry :(

02-01-2005, 06:16 PM
Kodie is a large breed,but not giant!:p But he was fixed at 5 months of age.He got it done when we were away on christmas vacation.But i'd ask your vet,and see when the best time is.:)