View Full Version : No more photos of Luna and Lily :(

01-31-2005, 04:37 PM
The software for my digi cam crashed tonight, and I cannot get it fixed.

I does not open, says there is already one data base opened and it cannot open a second one. Of course it isn't, it's just that one or several corrupt files must be somewhere on my computer which give the impression the program is already running.

I tried everything - deinstalled and re-installed the software, but it did not help. I deleted all my temporary files, but one cannot be deleted. Maybe that is the corrupt file that prevents the software from opening.

However, this way I'm not able to upload photos to my computer, which means that there won't be any photos of Luna and Lily the next time.

If the only way to solve the problem would be to format the drive and re-install everything, I won't do it, since I just don't have the time and the engery. It just sucks and I'm in a very bad mood!!! :(


01-31-2005, 04:39 PM
OH NOOOO! We can't go without pics of Luna and Lily! Does your software have technical support with it? Is there someone in tech support you could call? :( I'm sorry about that!

01-31-2005, 04:45 PM
I don't think their support will help since I figure the problem is somewhere in my system, and not the software itself.

I emailed a guy I know who is a real computer wizzard, and I hope he can help.

Besides, I just noticed another one of my programs (Imaging) is also responding to my camera and I can upload photos that way, but it's complicated and not very comfortable, it's just no fun - but at least it will do. :(


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-31-2005, 04:46 PM
I know you've proabaly already done this, but have you turned your computer completely off and then start it again? Sometimes just re-starting doesn't do it, you have to shut it completely off.

Did you do a search to find all the files for the software once you deleted it? Sometimes it really doesn't delete all files and if you do it manually it will clear things out.

:( If I think of anything else, I will be sure to let you know.

01-31-2005, 04:52 PM
Have you tried to Restore? Do you have that on your computer? It's where you can go back and restore your computer to a time, even days earlier before your files were corrupted. I haven't ever done it but I know hubby had to do that to fix something I messed up. It was a lot faster and easier than reformating everything.

01-31-2005, 04:52 PM
I know you've proabaly already done this, but have you turned your computer completely off and then start it again? Sometimes just re-starting doesn't do it, you have to shut it completely off.

No, I haven't tried that (totally unplug the computer, I mean), but maybe it's worth a try...

Did you do a search to find all the files for the software once you deleted it? Sometimes it really doesn't delete all files and if you do it manually it will clear things out.

When I deleted the software, it showed me several dll-files which may also be shared with other programs. One of them may be the culprit, but I did not dare to delete them since I don't want to risk to mess other programs or even my os up. :(

Have you tried to Restore? Do you have that on your computer? It's where you can go back and restore your computer to a time, even days earlier before your files were corrupted. I haven't ever done it but I know hubby had to do that to fix something I messed up. It was a lot faster and easier than reformating everything.

No, unfortunately, I don't have that option. I still use Win98. :(


01-31-2005, 05:51 PM
Did your computer come with a, cant remember what it's called, but it was a CD that you ran, and your computer went back to how it was whrn you first bought it. It stinks having to re-install EVERYTHING, but it fixed my computer when it had a virus or something. Good luck with it though!

01-31-2005, 06:27 PM
Say it isn't so! I am totally clueless on how to fix computer things. I will wait patiently for it to be fixed.

01-31-2005, 06:29 PM
My kodax camera software worked like a champ on win98 until one day it decided not to work anymore. Our computer repair guy has no clue to this day why it quit.

We put ME on my system and guess what works like a champ... :) My system now runs "error free" and I love it. I highly recommend getting upgrade on operating system.

01-31-2005, 06:50 PM
What Kristl is trying to say I think is the restore discs. They may help but it sounds like the camera soft ware to computer soft ware is the problem.
I can understand the frustration we spent all weekend changing files and programs from netscape to exploer . I got cable DSL and its great but it was tring to push explorier to over ride netscape(which I love) I think we finaly got it going right, now I just have to remember how to get places.

02-01-2005, 02:57 AM
what kind of cam u have if is has card of some kind u can et 1 of those card reader it better then plugin that cam to comp

02-01-2005, 05:30 AM
Angelkitty is right, a USB card reader may do it if you get the pictures in via USB. You don't need the software.

02-01-2005, 07:16 AM
I can understand how you feel. It can be very frustrating when your computer messes up. Do you have a virus scan on your computer? That what my husband does every time I have a problem like that on my computer. He does a virus scan and it will usually show what the problem is. If the problem still exists, he reformats my computer. Do you still have pictures on your computer and other files saved? You could make a backup of all of them and then reformat your computer. I hope you get it fixed. I love seeing Luna and Lily Pictures.


Sara luvs her Tinky
02-01-2005, 07:29 AM
OH NO!! :(

I don't know ANYTHING about computers... but I hope you can get everything fixed....

I will sure miss seeing Luna and Lily!!!:(

02-01-2005, 08:35 AM
We do hope,that you can get things fixed,as we love Lily,and Luna,here,as they are Two,of our Very Favorite Cats!