View Full Version : I need to tell everyone something...

01-31-2005, 04:29 PM
I am very nervous about telling you all this. I am still not sure if I should say anything or not. Because I'm not to sure how people are going to feel. Specially people think I'm a bad pet owner.:( But I know I can not keep this from you all much longer. It is not fair!

I just do not want anyone think I'm a cruel or bad person. No this is not bad news at all... I promise! Maybe now was not the right time for this to happen. But I felt I needed to do this.

Last Thursday we added another member to our family. I was looking through the paper and seen a "ad" for terrier mix puppies. I was going to "just" look I was plan on waiting to add another pup maybe later on. I thought well maybe I could bring one of the pups home and foster him and find a new home. Well it didn't turn out that way.

When I got to the people's house I seen to little fur balls one was brown and the other was white. Kaitlynn of course feel in love with the brown boy.

The puppy was from a accidental litter, the lady told me her dog had got out and got pregnant. His mommy is a Fox Terrier mix. She doesn't know who the daddy is she thinks maybe a Chow or Chow mix. I seen a Chow mix at her neighbors house. So I am thinking that was his daddy. Jake has a blue tongue. She plans on spaying her dog!

Well we ended up bring the little brown guy home and naming him "Jake." I really hope no one gets mad at me over this. I don't think I could take that right now. It would really crush me.

I've just needed someone to help me get through my depression.

Here is a picture of Jake

I really hope I do not get blasted over this.:( Sorry this was so long!:( :o

01-31-2005, 04:36 PM
im not going to blast at you for this.
What a cute little guy!!:D I love his name,too.Congrats on your new addition!:D

01-31-2005, 04:40 PM
Wow he is adorable! Im so glad you are adding to your family :D

01-31-2005, 04:44 PM
he's so adorable! if you can provide the love and care that this puppy needs, your not a bad owner.:D

01-31-2005, 04:48 PM
So that means you guys are back in your house now right? Congrats.

BTW, when I get depressed, I turn to my dogs and cats that I already have. They are a great source of comfort for me :)

My Peanuts
01-31-2005, 04:51 PM
Jake is so cute! It was an accidental litter, so I hope Jake's mom gets spayed soon, but you are not bad for taking him. We need more pics of him!:D :)

01-31-2005, 04:54 PM
Wow! Isn't he adorable, when I read this thread I thought it would be about something horrible! This is not horrible at all, amazing news is what it is!

Congratulations! Have an awesome time with your new pup, keep us updated with LOADS of pics:D

01-31-2005, 04:55 PM
No, we are not back in our house. We are not going be going back there was to much damage. We plan on building in the spring.

Thankyou for everyone's kind words. And yes Aly I turn to the pets I have also. I felt bad for Jake and thought he needed a home.:)

01-31-2005, 04:55 PM
He's adorable!! Congrats!

01-31-2005, 05:00 PM
All I'll say is I feel bad for a huge amount of animals and wish that I could give them a home but I know that's not possible, or practical, so I find other ways, like volunteering.

01-31-2005, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
All I'll say is I feel bad for a huge amount of animals and wish that I could give them a home but I know that's not possible, or practical, so I find other ways, like volunteering.

Great point. When I volunteer, I forget about all of my problems and concentrate just on helping the animals. There is an extreme sense of gratification and happiness that comes from volunteering.

01-31-2005, 05:07 PM
I don't know whether to be mad, sad, happy.. or all three. :(

I'm just not understanding how you're capable of owning yet another animal.

I just got back from the Humane Society. I have not been the best emotional-wise this month. I saw more than one dog I would have LOVED to bring home with me.. all of them NEEDED homes. BUT, I have three dogs already... they're my top priority and #1 source of happiness.

01-31-2005, 05:14 PM
Tina I am not sure on the whole story here, why are you so worried people will blast you, is it because you have said you really cannot afford another animal or have already given one away, if that is the case you really have to ask yourself have you done the right thing?

Getting another pet you cannot afford will only add pressure and make you more depressed if you are struggling, again I really don't know the full story.

I myself desperately want to adopt a cat called Tina, but I know I just have not the financial capacity to do so, and both my cats would suffer as a result, so as much as it pains me, I have to tell myself Tina will eventually get a great home, and I am positive she will.

I am not judging you Tina,or blasting you in anyway, if you feel comfortable with your decision to adopt Jake, then so be it.:)

Tina I guess you have to ask yourself, can you give Jake everything he needs, or would he be better elsewhere, or have you saved him from worse, death perhaps, only you and you alone can know if getting Jake is the right thing for you and your family.:)

01-31-2005, 05:17 PM
NOBODY that I know of is going to bash you over this, hun.

What a cutie pie :D CONGRATS :D

All I'll say is I feel bad for a huge amount of animals and wish that I could give them a home but I know that's not possible, or practical, so I find other ways, like volunteering.

same here

01-31-2005, 06:16 PM
Congradulations on the new addition! He is *adorable* I cant wait to see tons of pictures of him. :D

01-31-2005, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I don't know whether to be mad, sad, happy.. or all three. :(

I'm just not understanding how you're capable of owning yet another animal.

I just got back from the Humane Society. I have not been the best emotional-wise this month. I saw more than one dog I would have LOVED to bring home with me.. all of them NEEDED homes. BUT, I have three dogs already... they're my top priority and #1 source of happiness.

:( I agree. I think you should find better ways to deal with your depression. :( :( :(

01-31-2005, 06:32 PM
Well of course I knew people were not going be happy with my decision. I wish I had not said anything at all now.:( I just wish people would think better of me then worse.

Maybe I did not make the right decision but I know he will have a very good home with us.:)

I've had a very bad time the last few months. I have had very bad depression I was in denying and my house burned last month. Plus I have felt like such a bad mom because I could not take care of my girls when they were sick. No maybe a puppy was not the answer. I will be going for some therapy tomorrow to try and help me.

I'm just trying to take it one day at a time now. Alot has changed his December 18th and it has really made me think. I am so home sick it is not funny. Hopefully when we get started on our new house it will make me feel bit better.

This is suppose be a happy time for me right now and now I just feel rotten. Thanks to the few negative post I got. I knew I should have never said anything.

I hate being so lonely and feeling like alot people don't like me. I wish I could make some friends but seems like no one wants get to know me. Yes I do have few friends but we don't talk much.

~Thanks to everyone else that has said nothing but kind things. Thankyou so very much!!~

01-31-2005, 06:38 PM
we all heal ourselves in different ways. Hes adorable, hope the house building this spring goes well. Married to a specalized carpenter I know the stress that goes in . Plan a trip while its being done. (i knoew thats not possible but but your mind in a great vacation place to get through it.)

01-31-2005, 06:51 PM
Look at your past with animals.

Your house burnt down. You got rid of some pets, which is sort of understandable, because you'd be tight on money. You're not even in your own home, and you get another dog.

The beginning of your post said you weren't sure if you should post this, obviously you know you've done something that isn't acceptable by the majority.

Honestly Tina, I tried to be as nice as possible. I've tried to "think the better and not the bad" .. but your history with pets isn't all that "better". I've tried to REALLY become friends with you.

In all honesty, I just think you need a better coping situation than you've chosen, and you need to think of the ANIMALS and yourself. Getting more animals that you may not be able to care for financially (according to recent posts about getting rid of pets because of expenses) will just cause you more trouble.

I'm honestly sorry if this post hurts you in any way. I'm just trying to possibly show you where we're coming from. Please do not feel you need to reply back to defend yourself or what not.. it's not to be offensive. I've tried to word myself as best as possible, which is quite hard to do when i'm upset over something.

Besides all of that, he IS a very cute dog and I hope everyone, including him, is very happy.

01-31-2005, 06:59 PM
You know what I know my past with animals.. and tell you the truth it hurts me more then anything! But it seems like no one cares that it has. It is like it is my fault or something.

Yes your post has hurt me..I've tried to be friendly to you. I've told you I was sorry numerous times over stupid things I said. You know things have changed which has really made me have grow up.

Yeah I don't live in my own house and I can say it was stupid move of me. Sorry for caring and loving animals so much. I can't help it! No that is not a reason and I am in no way trying to defend myself.

I know I've done lots of bad things in the past which I plan to change. I've acted very childish in the past and I'm working on that.

Sorry Kay.. but I had to reply back.

01-31-2005, 06:59 PM
Sorry, Tina, but I have to agree with Kay and Micki.

I'll leave it at that.. but he is a very cute puppy.

01-31-2005, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Sorry, Tina, but I have to agree with Kay and Micki.

I'll leave it at that.. but he is a very cute puppy.


01-31-2005, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Tina
You know what I know my past with animals.. and tell you the truth it hurts me more then anything! But it seems like no one cares that it has. It is like it is my fault or something.

But you see Tina, we DO care or else we wouldn't reply to your threads.

As I said, getting animals while having financial problems is only going to cause more emotional troubles inside yourself.

I'm not sure who's fault you think it is... like I said, the fire situation is understandable. But to get another animal so soon after getting rid of other's isn't.

I guess what's done is done, and there's nothing I or anyone else can do to change it, but I'm just very upset about it.

I do hope you find some sort of help whether it be from the new addition or a professional.

01-31-2005, 07:16 PM
Yes I know I've made a mistake...I am sorry! I think I've should of used better judgement.

We are financially secure enough to take care of the animals we have now. I made a rush decision after the fire I could have rehomed a couple and kept the rest. But I thought we would not be able care for them.

That is a big problem I do have I make to many "sudden" decisions! I need to work on it big time.

I am sorry that what I've done has upset you. I don't like to upset anyone.

I'm nothing but a big emotional mess myself. I take everything to heart and alot things hurt me. I try to stay strong but it is hard!

01-31-2005, 07:16 PM
Congratulations on your new addition. He is adorable.

01-31-2005, 07:16 PM
hey Tina :) I dont know anything about your situation, but I do think it's sad that you take things said here so much to heart. DONT! These boards and the people here and not here to judge you, they are here to give advice, opinions, and support. No matter what, we have all had PT people disagree with our decisions, you should not let it hurt you that much.

:( If you do feel so guilty about getting this puppy, maybe that is really your conscience talking? Can you afford to neuter/vaccinate/medicate, and possibly pay for the bills for this pup if he becomes sick (which SO many puppies from BYB's do!!)? I think the only reason anyone is angry/sad over this is for the animals, not because they dont like you! Personally, I would not be able to cope with 4 dogs on top of other animals and kids and having such a horrible thing happen to my home (:(), and financial problems, and depression! Its way too much to put on yourself, maybe the real solution to you feeling so bad is to make it easier for yourself... imho, if I were you I would foster this puppy! Neuter him, get him all healthy, socialize him, and find him an amazing home. If anything, THAT would make you feel very good!

On the other hand, I'm not telling you to adopt out your puppy. This is your decision, and you know better if you can handle this than anyone else. Just remember, puppies are a lot of work! They require huge amounts of exercise and time and exhaustion, they go through endless amounts of chew toys, and they should go through Obedience classes, which can be expensive. They are tons of work for anyone! Let alone a mom with 3 other demanding dogs, and a house to re-build! It sounds like a really tough situation :(... whatever decision you make, I will not bash you for it. It's your life ;)

01-31-2005, 07:25 PM
Tina, don't worry what people say. If they are un happy on your decision then who cares about them. It's their problem. The only thing that matters is that your happy. You can't help but love animals like you do, and try your best to give them homes. I think thats great. :)

anyways, people need to stop looking on the downside of things. Thats not what life is about.

Congradulations on your new puppy! I know this little cutie will be very happy! :D

01-31-2005, 07:28 PM
I'm not a single mom..I've been married for 5 1/2 years now. Yes we are going through a tough situation right now. The in-laws have been help us a bunch!! Which I am very grateful for!

Like I told Kay we are now financially secure enough take care of the pets we have now, including Jake.:) We will not be adding anymore for a very, very long time.

Thankyou for your concern.:)

01-31-2005, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Amber
Tina, don't worry what people say. If they are un happy on your decision then who cares about them. It's their problem. The only thing that matters is that your happy. You can't help but love animals like you do, and try your best to give them homes. I think thats great. :)

anyways, people need to stop looking on the downside of things. Thats not what life is about.

Congradulations on your new puppy! I know this little cutie will be very happy! :D

Thankyou Amber so much for your kind words!!!!:D

01-31-2005, 07:34 PM
We love animals every bit as much as she does, that's why we're showing concern. I've got a great paying job but I know that I cannot care for more animals than I have now. That's called reality. If you don't care about keeping all your pets up to date with shots and all, then I guess it's alright. I, personally, prefer to give my animals the best life possible. Which is the way it should be. This isn't a Tina bashing post. I was thinking what Kay was thinking as I was driving home tonight. If she knew she shouldn't say anything, then that's a good clue that she made a hasty decision. Animals aren't disposable and shouldn't be treated as such.

01-31-2005, 07:38 PM
I think it is great you told everyone about Jake, he is such a sweetie. I know you want the best for your dogs Tina, so I know that you will take great care of him.

I'd love to see more pictures of him:)

01-31-2005, 07:38 PM
And who said he was going anywhere? My gosh I said I didn't want say anything..cause I know how people feel about me.

I've said yes I made a "sudden" decision couple different times already. But you know what I don't believe it was a mistake.

Yes I know everyone here loves animals much as I do and have concern for them. But right now you are making me feel like a horriable person.

01-31-2005, 07:40 PM
I have the same thoughts as Kay. I'll leave it at that.

01-31-2005, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Tina

Yes I know everyone here loves animals much as I do and have concern for them. But right now you are making me feel like a horriable person.

You are not a horrible person, people just want to make sure that you Jake was the right decision, nobody said you were a horrible person and I highly doubt anyone thinks you are a horrible person. :)

01-31-2005, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by dogs_4_me
You are not a horrible person, people just want to make sure that you Jake was the right decision, nobody said you were a horrible person and I highly doubt anyone thinks you are a horrible person. :)

Yeah, I guess you are right.:)

01-31-2005, 08:20 PM
Tina, don't worry what people say. If they are un happy on your decision then who cares about them. It's their problem. The only thing that matters is that your happy. You can't help but love animals like you do, and try your best to give them homes. I think thats great.

anyways, people need to stop looking on the downside of things. Thats not what life is about.

I totally agree with what Amber said. Well, I don't really know what the whole situation is though, but from reading the previous posts I can figure out what its basically about.

Honestly, if I was dealing with depression I would probably have done the same thing. (I'm just saying this now though, I don't really know much about being "financially stable to take care of a pet" yet, since I'm only 15;) ). But when I think about it, getting Blueberry was the best thing thats ever happened to me so far.. So if I am to go through a really hard time in life, I would probably go and get another cat, because I know it will make me extremely happy and be able to deal with life easier. And even if I know I wasn't really ready for one, I would still take care of him the best that I can and give him the best home I possibly can.

Anyways, Jake is really cute!!:D Congrats!

01-31-2005, 08:28 PM
Jake is adorable Tina! :D

More pics please! :)

01-31-2005, 08:33 PM
He really is a cutie

01-31-2005, 08:35 PM
Thankyou! I will try get pictures posted tomorrow!

I am tired I have a appointment tomorrow with a doctor. I am glad this post didn't turn out bad.:)

01-31-2005, 08:59 PM
yes, more pics! he is a real cutie!:D

01-31-2005, 09:11 PM
congrates on the puppy :D he is a cutey for sure :p dont worry about the other people lol I know how it feels to be hated when the people dont know anything about my life they make assumptions from things that happend in the past, I used to get upset over it but now I just say "their loss" because anyone who bothers to get to know me finds out what I am like and tell me I should be a phyciatrist(though it may help to learn how to spell it lol) because they can talk to me about anything and I will listen and I will help them. to be honest I just would not waste my breath with people who would make assumptions like that.

01-31-2005, 09:13 PM
Except the difference is that we do know.

01-31-2005, 09:14 PM
Congratulations Tina. Jake's little black face is adorable.
I totally understand why you had to get rid of some of your animals after the fire. It was a very scary and overwhelming time for you. Now that things are looking up and you're getting a new home you should be able to get another dog if that's what you want. As long as you can provide his care, which you can, than you should have what you want.

01-31-2005, 09:36 PM
He is an adorable puppy :)

I can understand why people are upset about this. It seems like you go through alot of pets. There are still some I can't figure out what happened to. What happened to Tigger? Your bunnies? Gracie? Harley? Pepper? Fuzzy Wuzzy? Annie? Bandit? Smokey? Ozzie? Feathers? And then you gave away Trixie...One of your rabbits somehow runs away...Ember mysteriously dies while being spayed...Josie dies from a bad heart...Gave away Zoey...Sold Babe...Then you gave away your cats after the fire...

I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just saying that there's a point where it's a coincedence, and a poitn where its a conspiracy. All of these bad things could truly be happening to you. It all comes down to us not knowing the truth, and it looking bad for you. Which sucks big time. :(

Congrats on the puppy though, he's very cute.

01-31-2005, 10:54 PM
OMG Tina, he is just totally adorable:D I hope you can share some more pictures soon! I love that he's got a little chow in him;)

And as far as bashing you, you know I wouldn't. It's your life, your the one who has to take care of this little guy not me so I have no right to judge you.

Congrats and I hope he's making you feel better:)

01-31-2005, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I have the same thoughts as Kay. I'll leave it at that.


01-31-2005, 11:49 PM
I am in agreeance with Kay etc :(.

What happens when Jake grows up, just like Junior, Ginger and Reggie have done. I cannot see how those 3 gorgeous dogs have not been a comfort to you in the past monts. :(

02-01-2005, 02:30 AM
You know what Tina - People here get flak from other members if they do anything other then go through a rescue to adopt a new puppy. Honestly....I feel the same way about "oops" litter puppies as I do about feeder rats...

While I don't recommend or advocate getting a pet rat out of a feeder bin, or a puppy that shouldn' have been born...if one tugs at your heartstrings, you can't help it.

I admit I would feel differently if you had gone to a pet store or someone who was intentionally breeding puppies with no concern for what they were doing. My first dog was from an "oops" litter though, and he was wonderful. Best of luck with your new friend.

02-01-2005, 08:30 AM
Thanks for those that again have said nothing but kind words.

You know what alot of you don't know me but you think you do! I can't understand how you can judge someone that you do not know. All you all can do is look on the bad side of things.

wolfsoul if you go back and read some of my post you would know. I've told you all I had to rehome everyone except Ginger, Junior, Reggie and Fuzzy Wuzzy(cat)

Of course alot of you are going side with Kay because you are the ones talked about my pets in the past.

You Do Not know me or the situations I've had to go through. So please Do Not Judge me!!

I've had hard enough time going through all I've had and here people are bringing up my past. Hey I know there are quiet a few people has had a rocky past on here and you don't throw their past up on here. I just don't understand it. It is like alot people here look at the bad side and not the good at all.

Also you all didn't know what was going through my mind after the fire. I mean geesh I was looking out for my pets and trying not to hurt them. I was only looking out for the best interest for them not myself. Sure I could have kept them and struggled trying take care of them. I think it is better where they have homes and care for them.

My gosh until some of you ain't living with your parents and out in the real world do not judge!!

02-01-2005, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
It seems like you go through alot of pets. There are still some I can't figure out what happened to. What happened to Tigger? Your bunnies? Gracie? Harley? Pepper? Fuzzy Wuzzy? Annie? Bandit? Smokey? Ozzie? Feathers? And then you gave away Trixie...One of your rabbits somehow runs away...Ember mysteriously dies while being spayed...Josie dies from a bad heart...Gave away Zoey...Sold Babe...Then you gave away your cats after the fire...

This is the crux of the issue. You have ‘rehomed’ SO MANY pets (and I mean before the fire), have had pets that have died, or “didn’t work out”, etc. in the last two and a half years that of course we’re worried about you getting yet another pet. The fact that you’ve stated that you were depressed and that it made you feel better to get this puppy is really, really, really sad to me. I haven’t gotten any of my pets to make me feel better. I got them because I was capable of providing them a LONG term, forever home, not a temporary home.

Like I said before, you need to find a better way of dealing with your depression. Getting pets and then giving them back, or rehoming them is just cruel and confusing to the pets. We all make mistakes and many people have rehomed a pet. Most people only do it one time, though and then learn from that mistake. :(

Honestly, I would think getting a pet and then rehoming it would make me more depressed.

It’s not all about you Tina, it’s about these animals. I don’t hate you-I have no reason to; I just hate to see this happen to innocent animals over and over and over again.

02-01-2005, 08:55 AM
Like I said you don't know me or what kind of situation I was going through. So you can not judge me. You can only accuse me of stuff!

I didn't say anything was all about me did I? No I did not! I am tired of being accused of being cruel! I am not a cruel person! If you knew me in real life you would know that. But no one wants try get know real me.

I know you are concerned over my pets but don't be. They have loving homes!

I am getting help with my depression I've done told said it I don't know how many times now. Of course you must not read my post before I was going in for therapy today.

I just really don't understand how you can judge my life when you are not here with me.

PJ's Mom
02-01-2005, 09:22 AM
Tina, I don't know you, or your situation. Because of this, I am not going to judge you. I do know that Jake is adorable and it sounds like you both need each other a lot. If there is something going on with your pets that isn't right, you have to live with it, and I truly believe in the saying "what goes around, comes around." I pity you if/when that day comes.

However, if everything you say is true, I wish you nothing but happiness with your new puppy and with your other babies as well. Keep us posted on how they're doing, and be sure to post lots of pictures! :D

02-01-2005, 10:31 AM
There is nothing going on bad with my pets. There are just people that think I've been doing bad things. I've told nothing but the truth here to people.

I've also tried to be nice to everyone but then I learn they are saying things about me. If they would read some of my post and not accuse of stuff they would know the truth. But of course they make things sound worse then they are.

Like I said they don't know me and they don't know what has gone on in my life. If they knew then they would not be saying such bad things.. really!

Thankyou for the kind words about Jake!!:)

02-01-2005, 10:43 AM

Nobody thinks you're a bad person. No one thinks you're cruel, mean, evil, whatever. You are right that none of us can judge you because we simply don't know you.

We do know certain things however, and those are the things we've expressed concern about. I have never seen anyone judge your character. I have only seen expressed concern for your animals. We're all here because we love animals. I don't doubt that you love animals very much as well. However, and this is not a judgement call but purely factual, you have gone through an insane amount of animals during the past couple years. I know things happen sometimes and the fire was truely tragic for you. But there were tons of animals that were killed or given away before that. You have shared many of those stories with us, although you have deleted almost all of those posts now.

So when people express concern, they are not jumping to conclusions at all. You have told us many things which you've now deleted. You admitted that you make decisions in haste and need help in that and I am TRULY glad that you are getting help. Next time this happens, I hope you will think more about what you're actually doing before jumping into it head first.

Your daughters need a strong mom, so take care of yourself. Take things one day at a time and lean on your family and current animals for comfort.

02-01-2005, 11:15 AM
Hey Tina,
I have to say your puppy is so cute. I love the picture and I can't wait to see more pictures.

Dixieland Dancer
02-01-2005, 12:04 PM
I don't know you or your situation since I haven't posted on pet talk for the past couple years. I try to live by the rule of "let him who is without sin, cast the first stone".

I only have one question. Why were so many of your past animals rehomed? I understand from reading the thread that you had a house fire in December and you had to find homes for some of them then. But it sounds like this has happened before the fire too. Again, Why were so many of your past pets rehomed? Hopefully that will not happen when the new pup is not so little and a bundle of fluff anymore but a grown dog. I think that is the whole reason for anyone having an objection to your getting a new puppy.

Personally, my concern with this post is that you are clearly in a state of depression. I hope you get the emotional help you need. Depression is not something to take lightly. If left untreated, life can only become more miserable and complicated. But there is help available, you just need to work on getting it. It takes a lot of work and determination and a good counselor. Please seek quality medical treatment not only for yourself but for your daughters, husband and your animals. I understand depression since I was in that state many years ago too. Life can be better but you are going to have to work hard to emerge from it. I wish you the best.

02-01-2005, 01:38 PM
Tina people can only judge you by what you write in your posts, that is how they know you,

I can honestly say I believe you are a kind caring human being, but you have some problems that need addressing, and it appears you are dealing with those, which is great to hear and should be your uppermost priority, alot of us have been there , done that so to speak, so feel free to pm us and chat about it, we can only hope to offer you some support and friendship.

No-one can hate you, we don't really know you as you have told us, so it is only out of concern , nothing else, so please take it for what it is ok.

Jake looks so adorable, and if you feel now you are in a position to offer him a good home, then I hope it all works out.

Everyone makes mistakes Tina, and as long as we learn from them, that is what really matters here.

Now Tina when you posted this thread, you knew full well some people would have issues with what you were doing, those who did not, simply did not know the full story,so obviously there would be some negativity in responses, as long as you know in your heart, you have made a good decision here, then you should not feel any guilt, I guess Tina you could take the attitude, I WILL SHOW THEM, everyone deserves a second chance.

Good luck with your appointment, and I really hope you can start to feel well again and soon, keep in mind that because you are feeling depressed, it will seem that the world is against you, when in reality they are not, most people on PT here just want to help you and be your friend, even if it does not seem that way to you,I can assure you it is probably more so the case.:)

02-01-2005, 02:05 PM
Dixieland Dancer- why was so many of my pets rehomed in the past? There was not that many!

I had to give up Trixie the chihuahua because she did not like my husband. She would bark at him all of the time and hide from him. He did not like that he told me I had to find her a home.

Zoey I had to take her back to the shelter because she attacked one of my cats. I could not keep her around the cats.

Tigger I rehomed him because he did not get along with another cat of mine.

Ozzie and Little Kitty ended up with my neighbors because Ozzie was fighting with Fuzzy Wuzzy and making her miserable. And Little Kitty loved Ozzie so she went live with him.

Annie I had to give back or her owners was going call the cops on me! They said they wanted her back! At the time I didn't know any better and gave her back. Sure yeah I could have faught to keep her!

I know I made lots of sudden decisions after rehoming these pets and getting another one. Which I want to change!! I don't think it is normal for a person and something I can not control! That is why I'm getting help.

As for Babe the horse you all keep bring up. I sold her before I even came here to Pet Talk. I could not afford to take care of her. Plus we did not have our own land.

02-01-2005, 02:13 PM
Tina I am glad that you did manage to re-home all the pets, that is something we all should keep in mind, Tina did not dump any of the pets, leaving them to fiend for themselves, like i said Tina just learn from any mistakes you have made, and learn not to act on impulse and that will indeed be a step in the right direction. GOOD LUCK, and let us know how you got on with the Doctor.:)

02-01-2005, 02:26 PM
Tina, I have been pondering how best to respond here over the past day or so. I realize you are feeling particularly sensitive and vulnerable right now, and that the least bit of disapproval feels like a punch to the gut, and perhaps with each one you feel a bit more of a failure. I'm torn between understanding what you are going through with this depression, being worried for your family and pets, and being worried for you. I know how utterly dark and miserable and suffocating depression can be, day after day. I know how something new and exciting can lift that for awhile, and how after awhile one seeks out that feeling to push away the day to day misery. It can feel like you are drowning, and a drowning person will instinctively grab ahold of anything to keep afloat.

I tell you this from personal experience. I did not take on more dogs and cats, though I cannot rule out that I wouldn't have if my mom and living situation would have allowed it. I'd go out and get something beautiful that I could care for, most often fish or plants. For awhile they would push away the darkness and I'd feel actually happy inside. Inevitably, at some point I would just take on too much, and the weight of all the responsibility would begin pushing me back down. Then I'd see a plant here or there dying because I had neglected it, or the fish swimming in a dirty tank, and suddenly I felt lower than low, disgusted and ashamed of myself, my energy and will power went out the window and I slumped down deeper than ever. So I would work to fix the problem, lighten my load by giving away the plants and fish to people I knew, because I was just too overwhelmed and didn't have the money to take proper care of all of it. It was a vicious cycle. I don't know if this is what is going on with you, but it is what went on with me. I was not a bad or unloving person, and neither are you. But I did have problems.

Like you, I finally did seek help. Counseling did not do a lot for me, but it can help some people a lot. I also went on an antidepressant for a time, which helped some. But what helped me the most was reading and learning all about the disease of depression. The more I understood what was going on, the more I didn't feel so controlled by it. I read a lot of self help books, books on relaxation and meditation, books on dealing with anxiety and depression, feel-good books like the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. I think those helped me the most. Getting involved in a club or group of some type can be a very healing thing as well. Perhaps look into doing therapy with one of your dogs, or agility, or something fun you can do together. If you can't afford because of the upkeep of too many pets, perhaps it would be best to rehome some so you could truly spend some time doing something with one. I'm not trying to tell you what you should or shouldn't do, I'm trying to throw out options or ideas, because Tina I think some things need to change or be done for you to start healing and pulling out of this rut you are in emotionally.

Jake is a beautiful puppy, and precious. If you feel you can really provide him the home and attention and training he needs to have the best quality of life he can, go for it with all your heart. If you feel deep down you can't really give him what he needs, and that will later cause you shame and guilt, then perhaps foster him instead, and help find him the perfect home. But you will need to go with your heart on it, because you are right, only you truly know what is going on with your life. Tina, I wish you, your family, and all your furkids the best. Try to be strong, it is hard, but I have confidence in you. I made it through, and I never thought I'd be strong enough. That's why I know you can too.

02-01-2005, 02:38 PM
K9soul, I think what you wrote was indeed so helpful to anyone, and hopefully will make Tina feel good about herself, a very thoughtful and caring post, you said what I feel, but cannot quite put into words. Tina take it all in and see we really all do care about you.

02-01-2005, 02:52 PM
Thankyou Jessica for your post. It really has helped me and has described alot what my life is like. Also going to the couselor today helped me realize that I've been depressed for years! I thought it was just me and it was normal. But it is not!

I believe that the couselor may be able actually help. There are lots days I just feel drained. I also told her about me being implusive. I basically answered some questions today and talked some.

I think I may need put on some different meds too, I don't believe the Paxil is really working for me.

I'm trying my best to change alot of things and take one at a time.

02-01-2005, 03:08 PM
Good for you Tina, you're making progress already :). You should take a lot of pride in the steps you are taking because so many people never find the strength to take that first step, they just give up!

02-01-2005, 03:10 PM
Way to Go Tina, good on you, keep thinking positively, HUGS.

Dixieland Dancer
02-01-2005, 03:12 PM
Thanks for answering my question on why so many of your animals got rehomed. From it, I don't see a pattern of neglect towards your animals but one of understanding they need a better place to live. I personally would not take on so many but I understand others do and they do it very well. I'm just not one who can handle more than 2 dogs, 1 cat and a guinea pig at one time. Especially since the dogs like to be petted at the same time and I only have two arms to accomodate them. ;)

I'm glad you are getting professional help. The counseling along with medications for about a year or so helped me through a dark time in my life. I haven't been depressed or on meds now for a long time but I remember too well those dark days.

As someone else posted, a new pup can help for a little while but then the responsibility of every day care takes over and it can be overwhelming, especially when you are battling depression on top of it. I don't think anyone here was actually judging you. They are all just concerned about the welfare of the pup. After all, that is why we all talk on this forum... our love of animals. ;)

If you believe you can provide the best home that little pup can possibly have then nobody can argue with that! However, if you think you need to concentrate on "you time" in your recovery then find him a new home now while he is still in his formable and impressionable years.

All of this is said with no judgement. Only concern.

02-01-2005, 11:00 PM
Congratulations on your wise, honest decision to see a therapist! Good luck!
Jake sure is a cutie!

02-02-2005, 08:18 AM

02-03-2005, 12:50 PM
he is very cute.
more pics :D..

i hope he has a forever home with you Tina :)