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01-31-2005, 12:38 PM
But as many of you know I lost my kitty last week, friends at work are telling me to get another kitty right away. That just doesn't seem right but I can't help but look....see what I found at the local "death row"...can't stand the place...try to save as many from there as I can...


She looks so much like gigi...she is petite like gigi too....is that wierd to want another one that looks like her?

01-31-2005, 12:46 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't see anything wrong with adopting another right a way. Barely a month after Kuhio died, my husband adopted Halo. At the time, she looked so much like Kuhio that it freaked me out. I asked my husband if I died, would he try to find my "twin" and marry her? He said no. :p (Not exactly sure how to take that). :p

Every baby deserves to be loved. Halo quickly taught us that even though she looked like Kuhio, she had a completely different personality, so we just had to learn "her" ways. It was a joy and blessing to get her off of "death row". The only thing I can think of worse that losing Kuhio was to have lost her AND never have adopted Halo.

Whatever you decide is alright. You'll know when the time is right -- maybe its now -- maybe its not. But, I think the fact that you're even looking means your heart and head are getting ready.

Please keep us posted!

01-31-2005, 12:51 PM
Thanks...well I have always been a "cat" person...always had at least 3 growing up... gigi has been my only kitty as a grown up..my hubby didn't want a kitty when we first got married 24 years ago, gigi showed up as a stray 14 years ago and stole his heart...he sobbed last week when she passed...

Prairie Purrs
01-31-2005, 12:57 PM
When I lost my Keke I went to the shelter within a few days and came home with two kittens. One was another female brown tabby like Keke, although Kiri has a different tabby pattern. I told myself beforehand that I wouldn't get another brown tabby, but sweet Kiri was just too beautiful.

So, the thing is, go with your heart. If this kitty speaks to you, visit her and see what happens. She's definitely a cutie. :)

01-31-2005, 01:02 PM
It's not weird at all to want another look-alike kitty. I did the same thing when my Goldie died a couple of years ago. Mishi was rescued by AnimalSavers (she's also up in the Sacto area) from the exact same death-row. From what I've heard about that place, it IS evil.

So sorry for your loss. You'll know the right cat and the right time; if it feels right, it is. I've learned to trust my gut.

01-31-2005, 01:04 PM
I'm so sorry about Gigi. *hugs*

Since losing Chance, I find myself looking at lots of black and whites at the shelter.

I don't see anything wrong with adopting a new one right away or if they look alike. Just follow your heart.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-31-2005, 01:18 PM
Everyone is different on when they feel it's time to get another. For me it was less than a month after Tubby died that Cracker Jack was brought home. And I know a lot of people get cats that look like the one that recently passed, but I just couldn't do that. At first I thought I wanted another blackie, but everytime I saw a blackie on Petfinder, all I could think about was Tubby and I started getting sad and my stomach started not feeling so good. This didn't happen when I looked at others (like white and orangies ;) ) so that's what I got. I still get sad when I see a blackie. I do want another black cat, but it will be awhile before I can look at one without seeing Tubby and without being sad.

So, if Stormy pulls at your heart strings - GO GET HER! ;)

And I noticed it said "URGENT" so go today/tonight! Call them right now! Do not wait! I'm sure whatever doubts you are having about getting her will be nothing compared to the guilt you will feel if you wait and then find out it's too late.

01-31-2005, 02:18 PM
I to had my 2 cats spunky and hobo since I was 16, they both passed away a few years ago at the ripe age of 19 (does this tell my age?), and now I have 9! So you go for it! Your kittie will be proud of you for helping another! And the one you sent the link too says" She's scared and wants to be in a home with love and luxury!" Thats sounds perfect for you, you 2 sound like you are the purrfect match and need each other, let us know! :D

01-31-2005, 02:19 PM
I sent my friend an email...she went with me to the shelter to help me find casey...hehe she left with a dog herself...that was her third dog and she has 3 cats....haven't heard back from her...wonder why????

01-31-2005, 02:24 PM
Cool, I hope you go, it says on her web page URGENT. Do you know how urgent? That poor thing, I wish I were in california, I would come over and bug you, and I would take you there. She is cool. I hope it works out, and you get to go there, maybe you could email them and see if she is still there?

01-31-2005, 02:26 PM
I probably wouldn't leave without a kitty if I went. When I adopted my dog casey from there its all I could do not to get a cat also...gigi was senior and I didn't know how she would feel about another cat...she did well with dogs but not sure about other cats.

01-31-2005, 02:50 PM
I also agree that it isn't weird to want another cat like Gigi.

If you feel in your heart now is time, then go and take a look at Stormy. My heart goes out to the ones that are so scared. I just want to take them in my arms and give them so much love that they would never be scared again.

Good luck in whatever you decide and please keep us posted.

01-31-2005, 03:45 PM
Here's my two cents worth. Go see her and find out if there is a connection with her. If so your heart will tell you what to do. Since she is urgent I wouldn't waste much time.

Good luck and let us know.

As for your friend, sounds like she may be wise not to answer you, LOL!!!

01-31-2005, 05:39 PM
ITA with jazzcat. Go with your heart.

01-31-2005, 06:37 PM
You will feel good about saving another cat's life.

01-31-2005, 07:10 PM
I mentioned the kitty to my daughter she felt it was too soon, she is feeling really guilty over gigi right now because she has been busy with her new puppy. She has always had gigi in her life so it is pretty tough she misses her.

Here is a picture of gigi and my daughter from 1991.

01-31-2005, 08:33 PM
This kitty looks really scared and lonely, I think saving her and making her feel love and secure would be a wonderful tribute to the memory of Gigi!;)

01-31-2005, 09:07 PM
I got a lovely sympathy card from my vet today and the rainbow bridge poem and info on a support group in town for pet owners grieving, I thought that was really nice.

02-01-2005, 12:14 AM
After my Pepper passed away, I was planning on waiting until summer to adopt another young male cat. Well I ended up adopting Cirrus a little over a month later. I fell in love with his picture on the internet. It was just meant to be.:) I also ended up adopting Sky in the summer. I think that Pepper sent both of them to me because he knew I needed some extra love.:)

The amount of time varies with each person. If it feels right for you now, then go with it. I also agree with everyone's comments about going with your heart. Only you'll know when the time is right.:)

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-01-2005, 02:59 AM
Originally posted by kuhio98
Whatever you decide is alright. You'll know when the time is right -- maybe its now -- maybe its not. But, I think the fact that you're even looking means your heart and head are getting ready.

Please keep us posted!

I agree with Kohio!! Follow your heart!!
When My Sydney died, I had another cat Maya within a week (from a shelter too). I've never regretted this!!

02-01-2005, 08:52 AM
Gigi,at the Rainbow Bridge,says Go Ahead,Meowmie,if there is another Cat,that needs a Furr Ever Home.It is a tribute,to Me,that I was such a Good Cat,that yoyu want,another Cat,and he will be adding,to your life,not taking my place,but making the World,better,for another Poor Lost Soul,who could use a Friend.