View Full Version : My Puddy is squatting

01-30-2005, 08:03 PM
My calico, Puddy, is suddenly squatting in the corners of the house, as though she has to pee or maybe even have a bowel movement, I can't tell, and she's doing it right in front of me. She has NEVER peed anywhere in the house and has always been a good cat. Does this sound like a bladder infection?

I have to take my Yoda in for spaying tomorrow. What in the world am I going to do? I can't leave Puddy to suffer. I may have to reschedule the spay and tend to Puddy first. Why does this stuff always happen on a Sunday night?


01-30-2005, 08:47 PM
stinks doesn't it? how do the critters know to do this on the weekend?:rolleyes: to the vets in the am

01-30-2005, 08:51 PM
Yep, I'm definitely going to cancel the spay for Yoda tomorrow and tend to Puddy. I can take Pud to my local vet; Yoda has to go to a specialist 1 1/2 hrs. away. Besides, Yoda is still in heat and Dr. Lee doesn't really like to do spays then. Sigh. I feel for my kitties but lately I've been feeling like the vets have a direct pipeline to my bank account. :(


01-30-2005, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Medusa
My calico, Puddy, is suddenly squatting in the corners of the house, as though she has to pee or maybe even have a bowel movement, I can't tell, and she's doing it right in front of me. She has NEVER peed anywhere in the house and has always been a good cat. Does this sound like a bladder infection?

I have to take my Yoda in for spaying tomorrow. What in the world am I going to do? I can't leave Puddy to suffer. I may have to reschedule the spay and tend to Puddy first. Why does this stuff always happen on a Sunday night?


Sure does sound like a UTI, I went through that in September/October with my 5 year old Persian female. She'd never messed outside the box. She was almost frantic because she had the constant urge to go and got caught every few minutes wherever she was.

Have you noticed any blood in the urine?

I took her to an emergency vet (was on a friday night so that fits with everything happening on the weekend) they expressed her bladder by needle and the urinalysis showed infection. She was given Clavamox, however that didnt clear it up, she ended up getting sicker then dehydrated spent a night at the vet's. They eventually gave her baytril and something to settle her stomach, which had to be given by injection for a week. That finally worked.

Take them both to the vet tomorrow.

Good luck.

01-30-2005, 11:51 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Puddy.:( I'm glad that you'll be taking her to the vet tomorrow and hopefully it's nothing serious. It's probably a UTI but she could also be constipated. Good luck and please keep us updated.

01-31-2005, 07:29 AM
Y'know, I thought about constipation, too. Yesterday, I found little "dingleberries" around the house. I could tell that it wasn't deliberate, just little tiny pieces, but I didn't know which cat was responsible. At the time, none of them was acting peculiar. So you may be right. Anyhow, she's scheduled for 10:15 this morning and Yoda is rescheduled for next Monday. Sigh. I'm the old woman who lived in a shoe except my kids are cats. (Plus I'm not old. Not yet. ;) )


01-31-2005, 11:01 AM
Just got back from the vet's. Puddy was her usual "I'll rip your head off and smile while I'm doing it" self. Puddy is a good cat insofar as never messing in the house, leaving the other cats alone, etc. But she detests being handled. By anyone. Including me. That makes for a fun time at the vet's. They've written on her chart in big bold red letters "NOT PEOPLE FRIENDLY". It took 3 of us to hold her down just to have the vet look in her eyes, check her teeth, listen to her heart and feel for lumps. In her defense, she was feral and born w/birth defects, one of which is a hind leg that, in the beginning, stuck out to the side like a wing. It later strengthened somewhat so that it hangs down now but it doesn't reach the floor. And she has spiny growths on her tail and spine, so ya gotta know how to pet her. When she wants affection, she'll let ya know. And when she's done wanting affection, she'll let you know that, too. By biting your hand. Charming, huh? Anyhow....

My vet is treating her w/amoxicillin for infection and amitryptilene for pain. If she shows no improvement or gets worse, she'll have to be sedated for blood and urine samples. Puddy doesn't hold a grudge, though. She already hopped up onto my desk as I sent email, just watching. (Probably waiting for the right moment to strike. ;) )

I had to reschedule Yoda for next Monday to be spayed. Can't be in 2 places at once. All my cats need to get jobs pronto!


01-31-2005, 11:08 AM
Just got back from the vet's. Puddy was her usual "I'll rip your head off and smile while I'm doing it" self. Puddy is a good cat insofar as never messing in the house, leaving the other cats alone, etc. But she detests being handled. By anyone. Including me. That makes for a fun time at the vet's. They've written on her chart in big bold red letters "NOT PEOPLE FRIENDLY". It took 3 of us to hold her down just to have the vet look in her eyes, check her teeth, listen to her heart and feel for lumps. In her defense, she was feral and born w/birth defects, one of which is a hind leg that, in the beginning, stuck out to the side like a wing. It later strengthened somewhat so that it hangs down now but it doesn't reach the floor. And she has spiny growths on her tail and spine, so ya gotta know how to pet her. When she wants affection, she'll let ya know. And when she's done wanting affection, she'll let you know that, too. By biting your hand. Charming, huh? Anyhow....

My vet is treating her w/amoxicillin for infection and amitryptilene for pain. If she shows no improvement or gets worse, she'll have to be sedated for blood and urine samples. Puddy doesn't hold a grudge, though. She already hopped up onto my desk as I sent email, just watching. (Probably waiting for the right moment to strike. ;) )

I had to reschedule Yoda for next Monday to be spayed. Can't be in 2 places at once. All my cats need to get jobs pronto!


02-01-2005, 08:08 PM
Sounds -exactly- like my Wobbles. She's a little monster, quite frankly, and while she's one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen, she's absolutely vicious. ;)

If she had opposable thumbs, we'd all be in serious trouble. :D

Once, it took three vet techs to hold her down in the back room while she howled, as the vet was giving her the rabies shot...poor people in the waiting room looked absolutely terrified. I had to let them know it wasn't the vets, it was the cat. ;)

The great thing was that vet swore she could handle Wobbles just fine...Wobbles had other ideas!

02-01-2005, 08:42 PM
LOL I can relate. The very first visit to the vet's office, Puddy was only 6 weeks old and she knocked my vet's glasses right off his face. (I'm laughing as I type this. Can't help it. It was funny!) Puddy scratches and bites and she means business. But I know that it's only because she's afraid. Since she got home, she doesn't even fight me when I give her meds. She does have her lovable moments. I love and cherish all my cats but Puddy, or The Puddilator as she's affectionately known at my vet's, is my favorite. The meds seem to be helping, although my latest rescue, Coco Puff, vomited up round worms this morning, even though he'd already been dewormed. So I had to treat all 8 of my cats, just in case, because they share litter boxes. Just what Pud needs. Oh well. Such is life in a multiple cat household.
