View Full Version : The reason I love my cats via pictures..

01-30-2005, 05:34 PM
I know Kirsten started a thread, but I love taking pictures of the nawtee goats...so here ya'll go.

I love my cats because:

This look..she loves me as much as I love her. She NEVER looks at anyone else this way and she's my best buddy. Follows me wherever I go and is always there with me when I need her.

This position..he feels so comfortable that he could sleep like this. Whisper will never know a day without the love of his family. I will always protect him and keep him safe.

Little things about the cats I love.

It's her paw and her little muppet mouth. She lets me kiss her little footsies and purrs the whole time.

Whisper's biscuit making makes me so happy. He doesn't have a very loud purr but you can't miss it when he is this content.

This little nawtee girl means more to me than just about anything in this world. She's not the most loving kitty, but nothing makes my heart go pitter-patter more than when she comes and sits in my lap, lays on the couch with me, or simply wants a back scratchy. She saved me from hopelessness.

These stupid little reasons are the joys that my cats bring to my life. What about your kitties do you love?

01-30-2005, 10:03 PM
AWWW that is so sweet and I don't think they are stupid reasons.

I love my Katie girl, because she is my velcro kitty. Whenever I am resting on the couch, she is sleeping on me and she always sleeps with me at night. Her purrs help calm me.

I love Mooky's little tufts of fur on his paws.

I love the way my precious boy Chipper gives me such a loving look when I talk to him.

I love my little Poppy for the way he comes to me and gives the cutest little mew with a screwed up face to go with it, when he wants to play or wants his wet food.

I look so forward to coming home after work and having them come to greet me.

01-31-2005, 08:55 AM
I love My Cats,aswithout them,I would be a Lonely Old Man,and with them,a Happy Old Man,taht has found his calling,in Life,the Care and Feeding,of Former Starys!

01-31-2005, 09:49 AM
I would love for Lamoni to come sit in my lap. He won't. It is cool on those rare occasions when he will come and sit on the couch with me. He likes being near - just not that near.

Fifi now love to come and sit in my lap. She likes to sleep on the bed between our pillows. She also "cures" snoring by jamming a paw right IN your mouth. She is a grey like Whisper. Her mouth has that light line around it to. She is such an old lady that she has white wiskers along with her normal black ones.

Lamoni has such a cute face. Looking at my cats gives me a warm peaceful feeling. I get that even now, at work, typing this, just thinking about them. :) :)

:eek: I had better go get something done. :eek:

01-31-2005, 09:52 AM
Beautiful pictures and tribute to your babies, so full of love and pride. I enjoyed it a lot, thank you for sharing :)