View Full Version : Catnapper's Abby

01-30-2005, 02:18 PM

:confused: Did I miss something:confused: ;) :p :)

01-30-2005, 02:21 PM
Yep! Abby was kidnapped and put up for auction and spayed all in one week! :D

01-30-2005, 02:23 PM
Thanks Lacey!! I knew that Abby was staying with Jen, and about the kidnapping and auction fun - but I did not know why she was with Jen or about the spay. Is the collor usual after a spay?? I have only had one girl (Emily) but she had no collar. Lizzie is next!

01-30-2005, 03:13 PM
Abby has the collar because she is BAD. I keep trying to trust her and take it off, but she is an over-zealous groomer. So she licks her front paws, then works her way up to her shoulder, down to her chest, works down to her tummy and starts licking the wound. BAD girl! She won't leave the incision alone once she starts licking it - she actually BIT it this afternoon! :eek:

I don't think she is licking it because it hurts or is infected... if that was the case, she'd go straight to licking the incision as soon as the cone coes off her head. Nooo... she sits and scratches her neck for a few minutes (the cone must be itchy) and then proceeds the whole grooming ritual and works her way down to the belly.

I'd like to remove the cone and trust her, but she's being BAD. She is starting to get a little mark on her chin from the cone (how fast does a cat get kitty acne? I'd swear that is what she's getting!)

She is acting completely normal and the only time she seems to be in any pain is when I clean it. I tried to take the cone off and wrap the incision with gauses -- that apparently was painful so I didn't do that and replaced the cone. I guess the pressure of the gauze hurt to much. :confused:

01-30-2005, 03:54 PM
Most of my recent spays did not need the cone. They were all good. Bonnie had it on for one day and then was good. Abby is just NAW_TEE! Actually, it probably feels good, TOO good, when she licks at it and then she doesn't want to stop.

01-30-2005, 05:35 PM
Debbie - Rumor didn't need a cone. She didn't appear to have any pain or problems either. She stayed overnight at the vet and was home by 10:30 the next morning. She and Rocky just slept most that day but it was business as usual the next morning. I was told to not let them play rough or to let her jump but, ha, that was impossible.

01-30-2005, 05:39 PM
Thanks all - Lizzie will have to spend the night too, as did Emily. I don't recall any licking problems with Emily either. Guess I will find out!! I have not even made the appointment but it is supposed to be done in February. I HATE the thought of it as I know what a wreck I will be:rolleyes: .....

...like I am normal anyway!

01-30-2005, 05:41 PM
Both Maggie Sue and Stubby pulled out their own stitches! BAD BAD girls! They behaved in front of me but as soon as I went to work so did they!:eek:

01-30-2005, 05:42 PM
I was a wreck when R&R went through it but everyone was here to hold my hand. We'll get you through it too.

Will Robbie be staying with her overnight? They kept Rocky with Rumor in a cage together and I think that helped.

01-30-2005, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
I was a wreck when R&R went through it but everyone was here to hold my hand. We'll get you through it too.

Will Robbie be staying with her overnight? They kept Rocky with Rumor in a cage together and I think that helped.

Yes they both spend the night - I *think* E&E were in a cage together so these two should be as well. But then, E&E were also declawed so I am not completely sure. If not - I will *request* it:D They can't sleep apart!!!:eek:

01-30-2005, 10:11 PM
I hope precious little Abby feels better soon.

Kim, I just wanted to tell you that your new siggy just about had me on the floor when I saw it. I was dying from laughter. You are such a hoot.:D

01-31-2005, 07:41 AM
Thanks Lorraine! LOL... I HAD to make fun of Jen! :D Thats my job!

She somehow got the cone off during the night. She was sound asleep in bed with me when I noticed it (strange but I had a dream she got it off, woke with a start... and she DID actually have it off! :eek: ) I gave her a nice pet and she woke up... and proceeded to groom. And groom. And groom. It was the world's longest groom EVER. I know because I timed it. I woke around 2:20, and she started grooming 5 minutes later, and finally at 3:35 I found the cone and put it back on her!

I was up that whole hour she groomed panicky watching her to make sure she didn't lick the incision. She didn't, but one or two quick licks before she moved on to lick every piece of hair on her body 2 or 3 hundred times. :rolleyes:

By the way, her incision looks GREAT this morning. No swelling at all! :)

01-31-2005, 08:21 AM
That is wonderful,that Nawtee Abby,left her wound alone,and she should heal,fairly soon,and the stitches,will melt,and she will be fine,again.

01-31-2005, 08:50 AM
I don't think I would have survived an hour long licking session. :eek:

I am so glad that the incision is looking better....you don't know how worried I was. (It is hard being responsible for someone else's baby)

01-31-2005, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I don't think I would have survived an hour long licking session. :eek:

I am so glad that the incision is looking better....you don't know how worried I was. (It is hard being responsible for someone else's baby)

Jen, it wasn't that hard because the whole while she was purring up a storm. LOUD and HAPPY. I didn't have the heart to stop her and put the cone back on her (which I did eventually do... I shudder to think how much longer the groom session would have lasted otherwise! :eek: ) Funny thing? Since she's had the collar on for a few days, her fur is not as nice as normal. Its actually kinda greasy looking in spots, and spiky in others. Poor thing DOES need constant grooming. I never noticed how much she groomed before, but it must have been lots.

And you did a fabulous jb of taking care of my little girl! She was spoiled as only she shold be! :D