View Full Version : Lizzie growing up!!

01-30-2005, 11:18 AM
After seeing the sequence on Little Bit, I thought I would do the same for Lizzie:)
Here she is on her BIRTHDAY!! She was born at Cats4Keeps and hand raised by Kimlovescats - who kept me in pictures!!
She opened her eyes finally - 12 days old here!!
Kim took LOTS of pix!!
Six weeks old...almost ready to come home to me!!
Just brought the babies home from Tennessee...
with surrogate momma Emily at about 10 weeks...
Such a pretty princess-in-training!!!
about 3 months old with brother Eliot...
Pretty teenager, too
Still Emily's surrogate baby today - but getting a bit crowded in the carpet condom!!
And today!!

01-30-2005, 11:26 AM
Awwww! Gorgeous baby girl. :) I love the photo of Lizzie with the pacifier as a prop! She keeps getting prettier and prettier every day, though I'm sure you long for those fleeting kitten days again.;) My they grow soooo fast. :eek:

01-30-2005, 11:32 AM
She has changed so much and yet not much at all! That made sense didn't it? I think she was so adorable as a tiny baby and she is still so adorable, just bigger! Is she still showing signs of being daddy's Princess #2?

01-30-2005, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Is she still showing signs of being daddy's Princess #2?
Lizzie is pretty much an enigma around here - very aloof actually! It is frustrating sometimes because I often catch her watching me with those eyes that melt my heart - yet I don't know what she wants:rolleyes: She does have her affectionate times - but not too often. She really isn't a daddy's girl either - she loves the other kitties to death - but not a real people cat - at least not yet.
Do you think this will change??? She is more like an Ice Princess :rolleyes:

01-30-2005, 11:43 AM
Lizzie,has grown,and matured,as is even more beautiful,than ever.And as My Mother,once said,there is never A Cat,so old,that you cannot,see the Kitten,that they once were.

01-30-2005, 11:49 AM
AAAAHHHHHHH....seriously now. Cuteness warning needed! I'm drowling over here from a sweetness attack. :D I love lil babies and she's grown to be a pretty, dignified teenager.

01-30-2005, 11:59 AM
Awww beautiful Lizzie. She just gets more gorgeous every day.

As for her aloofness, it may very well change. I've seen Jazz go through all types of changes over the past 2 1/2 years. Maybe a bond with humans will come with age.

I'm guessing little Robbie is the momma's boy he was suppose to be??

01-30-2005, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
I'm guessing little Robbie is the momma's boy he was suppose to be??
Lori - I hope you are right about Lizzie - I SOOO want to snuggle and love her!! She does cuddle when she sleeps - but otherwise not. Both babies will have surgery (snips) next month and we will see how they act afterwards....

Robbie is as close to a momma's boy as he can be:D He comes several times a day for his private lovins with me - but not approachable if it is MY idea:p The babies do still like to pile on top of me together though.

Truly, the only kitty that ever preferred me to all others was my RB Bert .... gosh I miss that orangie. :rolleyes:

Get this - last night - DENNIS says that since none of the kitties seem to have *chosen* me, maybe we need more:eek:
He knows that I have been sad lately and would really love to have one of the kitties as mine... know what I mean??

01-30-2005, 12:09 PM
Lizzie you are such a gorgeous little girl!!
lots of lovin to you!

01-30-2005, 12:16 PM
Debbie, even though Abby was spayed just a few days ago... she has become a total velcro kitty! She is dying for affection. I hope it stays because Abby was always sweet and affectionate -- IN HER OWN WAY. Definately not a lap kitty, but since the spay she's been more affectionate than ever before. Is it because she's still sore? I hope it stays once the boo boo is healed!

Ok, now onto the squeeling at those kitten pics! It seems like just yesterday she was that tiny! She gorws more lovely every day.

01-30-2005, 12:18 PM
I got a porch full of kitties!!! Know what I mean????:D

I think I can get my hands on Abigail and Rosco's sister. She has finally been coming around now and I managed to pet her the other day. She rolls all over the porch at feeding time and she is as cute as a button! She has a very unique coloration and one one very precious face. I also have a very elusive baby kitten that looks just like Rosco. A little lighter maybe but I don't know if its male or female. I'm getting ready to start trapping the little stinkers so let me know!!!

Oh and guess what else I have! A fuzzy little girl that is the spitting image of Stubby!!! She is young but not a kitten. She doesn't show up very often but when she does she loves to be petted and loved. At first I left her alone because I thought she might belong to someone but I was just telling hubby the other day that she does not belong outside. She has matted fur now and she looks so sad. I'm going to try to get her and clean her up. She is GORGEOUS! I think she may be a throw away or one that my neighbor tamed but then moved away and left!

In my experience a feral will develop an amazing bond with the person whom they learn to trust. All of the ferals in my house are mine and mine alone. They tolerate hubby but they let me do most anything with them. They are devoted and loyal and extremely loving.

Just thought I would let you know about all of these kitties. Sorry but you know I will take any opprtunity to find a wonderful home for these little ones!;) :D

01-30-2005, 12:28 PM
Sounds like Lisa has a lot to choose from or you could do like I did and go hang out at a pet store with an rescue adoption center untiil you find "the one". That was how it happened with Scout. I just knew I had to have her from the moment I saw her. She was kind of wild at first because she was so fearful of people but in just a month or two she was totally bonded with me. She's been my little girl for a year and half now and just the past couple of weeks finally decided to sleep with Richard in the chair and not me. I think it's because I usually have a kitten with me.

Sorry the kittens aren't the velcro kitties you hoped for but give them some time. I think it's possible they will change with age. My guys are almost too clingy for me. I haven't had a good night of rest in months. I usually have Rumor wrapped around my neck - making biscuits on me (ouch!), Rocky somewhere on top of me and Scout in my right arm. I wake up stiff as a board from sleeping in the same spot all night.

01-30-2005, 05:25 PM
I wanted to give this post a *bump* because the pictures are soooo cute!!:D :D

01-30-2005, 08:12 PM
That Lizzie is such a princess! Beautiful!!! I love that in some of her pics, it looks like she's smiling! :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-30-2005, 08:16 PM
LIzzie is just so cute

What a great pictorial.!!! It is soooo much fun to watch her grow up!!!:D

01-30-2005, 08:19 PM
omg how precious is she :D SQUEAL!

01-30-2005, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed

Get this - last night - DENNIS says that since none of the kitties seem to have *chosen* me, maybe we need more:eek:
He knows that I have been sad lately and would really love to have one of the kitties as mine... know what I mean??

OOPS, you should have never let me see this!!!!:eek: :D

01-30-2005, 09:38 PM
Lizzie is growing into a beautiful young lady. I knew she and Robbie were special, but I just realized something after seeing that first picture--They were born on my wedding anniversary.:D

01-30-2005, 10:37 PM
OOOOOHHHHHH Lizzie you are such a pretty girl. Look how adorable you were when you were just a little itty bitty kitty.
Thanks Debbie for bringing us down memory lane.:)

Loved all the pictures.

01-31-2005, 12:33 AM
Lizzie sure is growing up fast and turning into a very beautiful young lady.:) I'm sure that she'll become more loving as she gets older. This has been true with all of my furkids.:)

01-31-2005, 05:34 AM
She's a pretty princess!

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-31-2005, 05:40 AM
Oh my, Debbie, thanks for bumping this up!! This is almost to much cuteness for mr heart ;) :) :)
What a cutie Lizzie was AND is!! Those baby pics of her are so adorable; makes me dreaming of a new kitten too.... . No no Lut, don't even dream about it, it is a big no :( :(

Love ye, Lizzie!!!

Killearn Kitties
01-31-2005, 06:33 AM
Beautiful pictures. :D She really is an adorable girl. Her most recent photo is gorgeous!!

01-31-2005, 07:19 AM
Lizzie is such a beautiful kitty!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-31-2005, 02:05 PM
I love the 6 week old pic. You can see she is going to be a beautiful princess in that picture. :D

Get this - last night - DENNIS says that since none of the kitties seem to have *chosen* me, maybe we need more
He knows that I have been sad lately and would really love to have one of the kitties as mine... know what I mean??I know exactly what you mean by this! Peanut is not a snuggler and is such a Daddy's girl. She does sleep with me at night in the wintertime though. And CJ prefers his daddy too. :( I'm happy that CJ is settling in and all, but I want a snuggler! I mentioned to Terry last night that now he has two and I have none. Unlike your Dennis who wants to find you your very own snuggler, Terry says "Well, you have me, don't you?" He doesn't get that it's just not the same. :rolleyes:

I'm hoping that Jack will come around. He is a snuggler and will climb on me, but thats' only when Terry is not on the couch. When Terry sits down, Jack moves to him. :( I had the perfect snuggler in Tubby - waaahhhh...I want Tubby back....sniff, sniff... ;)