View Full Version : Kia and the pet psychic

01-29-2005, 11:46 PM
*edit* Kia was read by Nancy back in January 2005. Since I had Chipper recently read, a few a have inquired about Kia's results. So I'm bumping the thread. :)

Gone 2 the Dogs (http://www.gone2thedogs.biz/) hosted a pet psychic this morning and I signed Kia up for a session. :)

Nancy prefers to read from photos and so I took a couple and Kia with me as well.

We arrived early and spent some time chatting with Jana (store owner) and her sister. Nancy was in the back connecting with the photos from Jana's sister.

After Jana's sister session, Nancy came out and gave Kia some love before taking the pictures and the few questions I had with her into the back room.

Not 5 minutes later she came out with tears in her eyes and gave Kia a huge hug telling her it'd all be all right now.

My first question was of course, what her past owners were like.

She had a litter of puppies at a young age, under a year old most likely. The rest of those three years were full of emotional abuse. :mad: :( She was tied up outside and ignored. Never played with or talked nicely too. She remembers a man that would scream at her. When she was on a leash she was dragged around.

Because of this she's very insecure about new places and people. She trusts few and her self esteem is low.

It's this insecurity that makes her nervous about the car.

(I need to work harder on visualizing where were going to help ease her mind.)

Yet despite what happened to her she holds no ill will or a grudge. Nancy said she's one of the sweetest dogs.

The more she talked, the more things made sense. The way Kia acts, her quirks, ect.

Nancy said Kia repeated how grateful she was that I adopted her. Grateful would be shouted out. :o :)

Kia said she'd like a canine companion, but she is very concerned that the dog won't like her. She'd like a quiet and submissive dog that likes her.

Kia knows she's in a loving home now but carries the past like baggage.

This was how Nancy wrote as she picked things up:

- puppies yes

- very sweet but not fully trusting.

- feels she needs to be more aware and alert -> not always trusting

- does not feel any pain in her head.

- much better place now

- was left outside a lot, not a lot of attention paid to her - treated with disinterest and disdain

- not so nice - a man who yelled

- dragged on leash somewhere

- car rides take her to new places and new situations

- does not feel comfortable with that - it is unknown - what if it is bad?

- poor thing!

- This dog makes me sad.

- She is in such a good place now.

- She trusts you and is very grateful


- If a dog would be friendly & nice to her

- a nice quiet submissive dog

- She is worried the dog will not be nice to her

- This poor girl just feels as if she has been "neglected aand tossed aside" not abused

I feel sad about her.

Nancy would then go into detail further when we talked. We both had goosebumps.

I understand my lovely girl now.

I highly recommend Nancy. She lives in the Detroit area and Jana is going to have her back at the store in the spring.

Next up is Logan. :)

01-30-2005, 12:03 AM
Cool. I've had a communicator talk to a few of my animals. I'm always amazed by what she gets from them!

01-30-2005, 12:07 AM
That's awesome Kimmy!!
NOT awesome how the poor thing was treated tho!! :mad:
poor baby
Gentle hugs to Kia...

01-30-2005, 12:10 AM
Oh poor Kia! :(
That's enough to make anyone want to cry. But you are in SUCH a good home right now, with a mommy who loves you soooo much.

Kimmy, what a neat(!) story. I would like to have K'Cee and Piper read but I'm skeptical. Sounds like this lady was right on the money - neat experience!

I'm on pins and needles to hear Logan's tale!

01-30-2005, 12:18 AM
That's very interesting! It's so sad to hear of past abuse with Kia....I'm so glad she's with you now, she couldn't ask for a better home. :)

01-30-2005, 12:31 AM
that's cool! i'd love to take Beanie to a pet phychic to find out about his past owners. there are so many unexplained things he does.

thanks for shareing!:D

01-30-2005, 01:57 AM
What all did you tell her before she read the picture? I mean did you tell her that Kia was adopted or did she get that from the picture too?

01-30-2005, 08:05 AM
Very interesting.
I remember I applied through the animal planet
for the animal psyhic for Rocky when they were
going to be over our way.
(Never heard from them.)

01-30-2005, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by aly
What all did you tell her before she read the picture? I mean did you tell her that Kia was adopted or did she get that from the picture too?
I didn't tell her that Kia was adopted when we first met, just gave her my questions and Kia's pictures. My first question was if she remembered her previous owner(s).


I know many are skeptical but I'm not one of those and just seeing her face with those tears. She was sincere. :)

01-30-2005, 12:23 PM
That sounds interesting. I wish I could have someone tell me about my dogs before I got them. I wish *I* had those powers to communicate. Kia had a bad start but is happy now with you! :D

01-30-2005, 09:41 PM
Sounds like Kia had a rough start, but is a happy girl now!!

I have been tempted to have our dogs read before, esp. Spot...maybe one day I will :)

01-30-2005, 09:58 PM
That is so cool that now you know Kia's story, poor baby!!!
I'm so glad she's with you in a wonderful home!
I just looked at your web link and saw the pics from the Findlay dog park ---:eek: we moved to Findlay in August '03 and i joined that dog park in October(?). Have met many pettalkers there on a couple occasions - I'll sure keep an eye out for their next meeting and maybe we'll get to meet Kia in person! (It's always a "husky" day when the PT-ers meet there!) :)

01-30-2005, 10:09 PM
w:eek:w!! I never really believed in pet phsycics before... especially that show 'The Pet Phsycic' on AP. But now that I've heard someone who witnessed it themselves, I'm amazed!! I'm really glad you found out what Kia's past was like, and you were able to connect it with her problems.

01-31-2005, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by ramanth
I didn't tell her that Kia was adopted when we first met, just gave her my questions and Kia's pictures. My first question was if she remembered her previous owner(s).


I know many are skeptical but I'm not one of those and just seeing her face with those tears. She was sincere. :)

I'm not skeptical :) I believe in a lot of out of the ordinary things :) I was just curious on that. I would like to take my animals to a communicator one day. I feel like they can get more from the animal than the picture though. But then again, who am I to say :)

01-31-2005, 12:31 AM
Poor gal.. I'm glad she's with such a loving mommy now. :D

That sounds really interesting. Maybe I should look for an animal communicator too.. I'd really like to know about Kaedyn's past and why he acts aggressive to some strangers.

01-31-2005, 12:43 AM
cool !the only one we don't know about is Dugan I would love to know the real story as to why they didn't pick him up from the pound. all the others came so young that we formed their world for them.

01-31-2005, 06:32 AM
My boss has a monkey, Abby, and they were on the pet psychic show. (Do they still have that show?) Anyway Abby had gone blind and stopped eating, my boss was having to force feeding her. She was planing on having Abby put to sleep as she was not adjusting to the loss of sight. Abby was so depressed, she wouldn't do anything but sit there. My boss signed up to see the pet psychic and got on the show. The psychic told Abby she needed to eat and encouraged her to play with her toys and move around her cage. I kid you not, someone from the show went and got Abby something to eat and she sat there and ate it on the show. She hadn't eaten on her own in weeks. It was amazing. After she came home Abby started playing with her toys and moving about her cage again.

01-31-2005, 06:43 AM
How can we get in contact with Nancy? I would love to know what's going on with Duke. He's gotten aggressive towards other dogs. He used to get along with everyone. I think it's becaue of his old age pains but not sure. I would love to take him to see her. Or better yet, does she ever make it to Florida?

01-31-2005, 08:03 AM
Kimmy, that's really awesome that she was able to tell you so much about Kia (even though it wasn't all good news).

At least you know she's now is a wonderful loving home:D

01-31-2005, 09:08 AM
Thanks for the comments. This weekend was amazing and I've seen a big change already in the way she rides in the car.

In the past she'd pace, whine, pant heavily, and drool. She just wouldn't settle down.

On the way to and from Andy's she was still panting, but laid down for 90% of the trip. :D

Aly - I think all Animal Communicators are different. :) Nancy said she prefers photos to the real pet because they can get distracting and she'd rather play then worm into their heads. *laughs*

Kari - I think I saw that episode! I'm glad your boss took Abby there. :) It really is amazing. :) The show is not on at the moment (I'm hoping it's on hiatus), but there is still info about it at the Animal Planet website.

Dixieland Dancer
01-31-2005, 10:28 AM
Kia is very lucky to have you for a mommy now! I feel like just reaching through my computer screen to give her a {{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}. It takes someone special to help her through her past and I'm sure you are the right person for the job! My hats (if I wore one) off to you Kimmy!

01-31-2005, 03:18 PM
Oh, poor Kia. I'm so sorry about her past. :(

We were thinking of taking Daphne and Cocoa to a pet psychic we saw advertised. I really want to go now that I've read what you said.

01-14-2007, 03:36 PM
Bumping this up for Liz and anyone else who is interested. :)

01-14-2007, 04:59 PM
Thanks Kimmy. :)

01-15-2007, 01:46 AM
Kimmy - that is great news on the readings (I read both)

Is there anyway I can send pics of my spottie monsters to her? I would love to know what they think.
(probably that their Mum is a psycho, but they love her anyway .... and Captain's would probably say he doesn't really like Ruby, but understand we THOUGHT he needed a friend :rolleyes: )