View Full Version : Kodie Pictures!!

Aspen and Misty
01-29-2005, 12:22 PM
I posted these here so that more people would see them, you can go Here (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=68466) to get the whole story on Kodie.

Here they are! He is VERY handsom!

His cute face

A nice body shot

Kodie's Moose


Who is at the door?

A nice body shot

I love his face!

:D Ashley :D

01-29-2005, 12:27 PM
aw cute pics :D

01-29-2005, 12:57 PM
I want Kodie!! lol! Kodie is a precious dog!

01-29-2005, 03:50 PM
Kodie is very handsom!

01-29-2005, 04:14 PM
Kodie is adorable! I like his 'moose'! He has a very cute face, too. :)

01-29-2005, 06:35 PM
How handsome!!! Kodie, you're such cutie pup. I love those spots:) Thanks for the smiles, sweetheart:)

Aspen and Misty
01-29-2005, 10:56 PM
Kodie is doing great. Connor is trying to play with him right now but he isn't to sure about it! :D

Thanx for the coments everyone! Kodie goes home tomrrow.


01-30-2005, 03:48 AM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
A nice body shot
:D Ashley :D

a two-legged-dog????

just kidding... :D
he's a handsome dog!

01-30-2005, 05:23 AM
Funky markings! it really does look like a moose! LOL
handsome boy. :D

Aspen and Misty
01-30-2005, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by vinjashira
a two-legged-dog????

just kidding... :D
he's a handsome dog!

LOL! I never thought of it that way!!

Well, I don't know how well Kodie will do living with another dog. We just had a pretty bad dog fight at our house between Nova (my alpha) and Kodie. However, Nova is a dominant dog, no dog will change that. Luckily, she isn't to nasty about it. Something about Kodie though set her off this morning (first time Nova has ever fought with a dog).

Nova was on the bed and Kodie was on the floor walkin around. All the sudden Kodie growls at Nova. Nova did not like that and soo she showed her teeth. Next thing I know they are the whole way across the room in a full out dog fight. I jump between them with my back towards Kodie. He scratches me the whole way up my back and almost bites me in my head. Nova jumps over my arm I had that I was trying to controlle her with and attacks him again. I flip back around and try to get one of them under contorlle. The thing is Kodie weighs 85 to 90 pounds and I have trouble controlleing him and Nova doesn't have a collar on! So I grab Kodie and body slam him against the wall. I smack Nova on the butt and tell her "Stop is NOW" and she backs off a little bit but she is still growling and bareing her teeth and Kodie was growling. Luckily I was inbetween them so no harm would come to either. I start to drag kodie out of the room, I am pushing him with my knees, pulling on his collar and pushing Nova wiht my other hand. Kodie turns around and nips Nova on her shoulder. Nova begins to attack him again and Kodie goes NUTTS. I finally get him out of the room and check Nova over, nothing. So I put on clothes and go check Kodie over, not one scratch :rolleyes:

Me on the other hand, I about 20 scratches down my back that hurt, REALLY bad :(

Hopefully this will be the last problem we have.


ps: The new owners got alot of snow where they live and they don't want to drive there car in it. So we are going ot wait till Wednesday or something.

01-30-2005, 01:44 PM
Wow!!!!!:eek: :eek:
I started to write how Beautiful Kodie is.....
Then I kept reading.....

I hope that you are all alright...
Yes, It sounds like he should be an "Only Pup"...

I hope you are all o.k. till wednesday...sounds like you'd better keep them apart...

You are a Lifesaver!!!!
Hopefully this doesn't backfire on you....

Please give Both the Pups a Hug and Tell them to Behave!!!:)

Please keep us posted!!!

I hope that Captain sees' this....Maybe she has some advice as she is a Dal Expert!!;) :) :D

Aspen and Misty
01-30-2005, 01:52 PM
Delidog- Vicouse, I mean Kodie :rolleyes: attacked Connor today on the way to the Do it yourself pet wash! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

He is now banished to the Kennel or the hallway.

My next concern is, the new owners have a female dog. I'm going to recomend she tried them together, maybe they will like each other. I think if she introduces them very slowly he might be ok. She has said that her dog is very submissive. If it doesn't work out I will come pick him up ASAP. If she gets them on Wednesday, like we plan, I am avaible the rest of the week to come and get him if it doesn't work out.

::sigh:: Bad bad Kodie :(


01-30-2005, 05:00 PM
Any dog, not just a Dally, will attack when growled at.

With Nova being your alpha dog, I am certain she was "protecting" you. Unfortunately, Kodie would not have seen it that way, and because he is not used to you "NO is NO!!!", you ended up being scratched ........... I am really sorry about that.

One of the main ways to punish a Dally ............. IGNORE THEM. Banish them - by that I mean, away from you .......... outside if possible, where they get NO ATTENTION for at least a day. Feed him, water him .......... but don't talk to him.
He needs to understand HE is NOT the main dog here - You are, and then Nova!

I would suggest to the new owner that they keep the dogs seperated for a day or two - but seperate so that they can see each other, but not get to each other. Then little by little - supervised together - and then seperate again.

Will help HER dog and also help Kodie realise that he has to SHARE to belong!!!

Good luck, and well done!

Aspen and Misty
01-30-2005, 08:36 PM

Both times Kodie started the growling. Kodie growled at Nova and Nove will not tolerate that being our Alpha so she showed her teeth and growled. The next time Connor jumped into the backset with Kodie. Kodie bite Connor on his butt and then it started a whole fight in the car. I was able to get Kodie out and keep Connor in. Poor Kodie has a wound on his butt because of it. I blame the second attack on myself. I should have known better (him and Connor get along wonderfully, I thought maybe he just didn't like Nova).

I have noticed that Kodie HATES to be ignored, it is horrible. I think he would rather die then be ignored.

Thanks for the suggestions! I will pass them on to his new owner.

On a happier note: I love him! He is the sweetest baby in the whole world (with people). He loves my attention and sleeps with me on the couch. He has the best personality and gets along with everyone! He loves to rest his head on my shoulder when I'm driving. He also loves to sleep with his head on my lap. He is such a loving dog!


01-30-2005, 08:39 PM
Sounds like you have a Typical Dally on your hands!!!!!

Like Captain Said...They HATE to be ignored!!!!
So True!!!

You are doing Great!!!
Keep it up...and Keep letting us know what happens....Maybe we can help!!!

Hugs & Traets!!!

01-30-2005, 08:48 PM
Oh, sorry - I must have misread. I thought your darling Nova growled first ...................:cool: (<- me being BLIND!)

If Kodie growls again, immediately say NO, banish him out!!!! Ignoring will make his Dally mind start to work, and realise he cannot be the KING!!!!

My Ruby does that sometimes, and she HATES to be ignored. She will sit in front of me, just staring, or staring in the window when I am not talking to her ..........:rolleyes:

You are doing so well ............... keep it up. And YES, let the new owners know how to handle him too. Banish him for longer than 1 hour!!!! at least half a day ......:)

01-30-2005, 09:17 PM
Thank YOU Captain!!!!
I knew that You could Help with the Dally Mind!!! ;)

01-30-2005, 09:22 PM
I'm sorry Kodie is being such a handful, but he is a gorgoues boy!! I hope his new family is willing to work with him and that he is able to get along with a new sister. He deserves a great home, but sounds like he will needs someone understanding to help him adjust.

And let me third the notion...Dals hate to be ignored!! Sadie is only 1/2 dal, but the worst punishment in the world to her is to be told to go away.

Aspen and Misty
01-30-2005, 10:23 PM
Captian - Don't worry about it. :) Thank you for the help. Kodie is in the hallway whinning and crying because no one is with him. :rolleyes: (he isn't beind punished, but he has to stay in the hallway/spare bed room with a baby gate between him and my dogs.

I am letting him settle in tonight and tomrrow during the day. I will try to introduce them again tomrrowith a couple of walks and then some romping in the living room. If anything happens he will be taken outside and left out there. I do have 2 worries about this method though.
1. Kodie gets cold easily and there is snow on the ground. Today it was only 38 degrees out. I do not have a dog house for him to go into if he does get cold.
2. He barks constanly at the door till you let him in. Today he was put outside by my brother who didn't let him in right when he barked, he barked for 3 mins straight :eek: and he has a loud bark! LOL. We are in town too, our next door neighbors are only on the other side of the fence.

Well, we will see what happens and take it one day at a time. Hopefully Kodie's new owners still want him. Thank you for all the kind words everyone and I will keep you updated!
