View Full Version : leather couch

01-29-2005, 11:56 AM
i know you guys said they wouldnt scratch at it, but mine tries. she has a suit case to scratch on, and its not that far away. what can i do to get her away from it? do those double sided tape really work or do they leave a sticky stuff behind when i take it off?

01-29-2005, 12:01 PM
We have leather couches too, and both of my cats wear Soft Paws. I highly recommend them. They really work. :)

We tried the sticky tape before looking into Soft Paws, and it didn't work that well.

Here's their site if you want to check them out..


01-29-2005, 12:09 PM
how do you put them on? do they ever fall off?

01-29-2005, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by ashleycat
how do you put them on? do they ever fall off?

Taken from the Soft Paws site --

2) How are Soft Paws applied?

Soft Paws are easy to apply. Simply fill the nail cap with the adhesive provided and slide it on over your cat's claw. The glue dries very fast.

3) How long do they last and how often do they need to be reapplied?

Once the nail caps are applied they remain in place for approximately 4-6 weeks. They will fall off with the natural growth of your cat's nails. We recommend that you check your cat's nails periodically because usually just one or two fall off at a time and these can be easily reapplied.

Each kit contains 40 nail caps and will last approximately 4-6 months per cat.

Note: While the vast majority of cats acclimate to the claw covers within minutes, some cats may require an adjustment period. Cat's fastidious natures sometimes causes them to groom the claw covers excessively at first. This may result in one or two falling off. No problem. Just check the claws daily at first and if one is missing, simply replace it with another from the package. Thus, the first package may not last as long as subsequent packages. Again, most cats do not even notice they are wearing them after the first 30 minutes.

A good tip is to feed your cat his or her favorite food after applying the Soft Paws. This serves as a good reward and also diverts their attention away from their new acquisition. Some people find it easier to apply the Soft Paws when their cats are sleepy.