View Full Version : We got a little bit of snow/ice last night .. *pics*

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-29-2005, 07:31 AM
We got just a LITTLE bit of snow/ice last night....:D

I am sooo glad it is winter time around here now instead of temperatures in the high 60's! :eek:

We are supposed to be getting more freezing rain today, so I hope our power doesn't cut off.. Last night it cut off several times.. and I am so thankful it is on now...

Here are some pictures.. It sure isn't the snow a lot of PT'rs have gotten.. .but I am soooo glad for it!!!

I just hope everyone stays safe if they have to get out on the icey streets...


here is Tinky and Jupiter looking outside... :)


all the trees are sagging from the ice.. .and you can hear this cracking noise everywhere when the wind blows... :)


Sara luvs her Tinky
01-29-2005, 07:32 AM



:D :D

Im still not giving up on my *SNOW* for this winter!:D

01-29-2005, 08:11 AM
We're getting it this morning, Sara! It keeps alternating between sleet and snow. There were the biggest, most beautiful flakes falling a little while ago. I got a few pictures, not that it will mean anything to those who get tons of it all the time, but we southern girls gotta take what we can get!!! :)

01-29-2005, 11:22 AM
All we got was freezing rain and it's already melting (a good thing). They are calling for a little snow tonight but I doubt we'll see anything - again. I live in "the valley" of the Smoky Mountains and we don't get anything anymore. Used to we would have 5-6 good snows a year. Last year we had one that lasted a day and this year nothing so far.

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-29-2005, 11:35 AM
The power has been out almost all morning. :(

But now it is back on ..

I filled up the bird feeder with some bird seed and my yard is swarming with birds. I opened up the two front windows for Tinky and Jupiter .. and they have been airplane earing all morning..

Jupiter is so scared of the birds .... whenever they take off to fly he jumps out of the window and sits on the floor with his airplane ears... SILLY BOY!!!

So for entertainment all day has been swishing cat tails and A LOT of singing birds out in the front yard...:)

Hopefully now the power will stay back on...

01-29-2005, 12:04 PM
Ohhhh, how I hate the snow!! Its always snowing here in Ohio. As I'm typing this second there are big flakes falling from the sky. I guess I don't mind the snow, but we've had it all winter and I'm tired of it. :p Good to know that you enjoy the snow and it snowed where you live. I hope your power stays on for the rest of the day. I always hate it when the power goes out. ;)