View Full Version : A few new pics of the "Baby Brats"

01-29-2005, 07:21 AM
They are really growing and doing well. We have come to the sad conclusion that little Abigail does not have a full deck. She is not very bright and can't even learn her name. I think the early starvation robbed her of some of her brain cells. I got so tickled at hubby a few weeks ago. He picked little Abigail up and looked in her eyes and said to me " Honey, I think we are going to have to accept the fact that Abigail is going to be our simple child". I just about died laughing at the way he said that. So we have a "simple" little girl but we love her anyway.
On the other hand, Rosco is too smart for his own good!!!

On with the pictures!

Here is simple little Abigail asleep in my poor demolished tree

Rosco hanging out on the cat tree

Rosco hanging out in MY tree



Both "Baby Brats" in MY tree

Ummm, sweety it's fake. It doesn't have a smell.

Here's Abigail bird watching with Pete

I'm so glad that I caught these two and got them indoors. Abigail would never have developed street smarts and would surely be dead. Rosco would probably be king of the jungle by now!!:rolleyes:

01-29-2005, 07:26 AM
LOL Poor Abigail...she's so cute! She can't help herself--not all of us were born to have street smarts (I sure don't). Roscoe is so adorable and nawtee looking. :D

01-29-2005, 07:36 AM
very beautiful pictures!

your poor tree...

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-29-2005, 07:41 AM

kisses for Abigail... she is so lucky she has you!!!

I LOVE THE pictures of them in your tree... They could be in a calendar!!

They are both so cute!:D

01-29-2005, 08:18 AM
STUNNING shots of the baby brats in the dead tree (funny, for being dead, it looks plenty green to me! :D)

01-29-2005, 08:37 AM
The first picture is soooo sweet! Precious little simpleton Abigail needs only to look cute, Rosco makes up for what she's lacking! Which is nothing IMO! :o :p :) ;) :D

01-29-2005, 09:20 AM
Awwww, sweet Forest -- er I mean -- Abigail. Remember, Simple is as simple does. Don't worry. Grandpa Magoo will look out for you and everyone else will help. And don't worry, Kuhio scratched on the hinges of the cabinet doors until she was about 15 or so. She finally figured out tht it was the other end that would get her into the cabinet. :rolleyes: But, we loved her anyway and you are loved too!

01-29-2005, 09:51 AM
cute pics :D

01-29-2005, 10:24 AM
I love,to see the Baby Brats,and we had a Lovely Cat,who was slow,and he wouls sit,in front,of the cellar door,wanting ot! He was a Dear Cat,despite this,and i know,taht Abigail,will be Special too.

01-29-2005, 11:15 AM
I often think that those with simple souls are the happiest.

As someone mentioned, Abigail has Magoo and the others to watch over her - what more could a girl want?

01-29-2005, 11:24 AM
Aww! Sweet simple Abigail. I'm glad she has Magoo and the others to help her out. Don't fret; my big boy Mishi is a bit slow due to a severe head blow. I love my big goof ball just the way he is. Just makes them extra special to love.

01-29-2005, 11:29 AM
Awww, love your baby brats. Abigail is special, I don't believe there is anything simple about her.;) Anyway she doesn't need smarts, she can get by on her looks.

What color are Rosco's eyes. I love his eyes.

01-29-2005, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
Awww, love your baby brats. Abigail is special, I don't believe there is anything simple about her.;) Anyway she doesn't need smarts, she can get by on her looks.

What color are Rosco's eyes. I love his eyes.

Rosco has brown/honey/coppery colored eyes. I keep thinking they will change to kind of a golden color but so far they haven't. Sometimes they look lighter than others but it depends on the light. The brighter the room the lighter his eyes but they are still a strange color.

This picture was taken with no flash a few weeks ago and this is the color of his eyes most of the time. I love his little straight across eye lids that give him such a cute expression.

01-29-2005, 03:23 PM
She's such a cutie pie.

01-29-2005, 03:44 PM
Aww little Miss Abigail may be simple, But she is about the cutest little girl EVER! And Rosco looks like a really fun kitty to have around! I bet him and Squeeks could get into ALOT of touble together, lol.
I agree, his eyes are amazing:D

01-29-2005, 04:35 PM

01-29-2005, 04:38 PM
I was so overtaken by the pics that I didn't read the text! CCL, my emily can't learn her name either! she's pretty bright as far as knowing how to get around, but we can't seem to get her to learn her name!! She was a feral that my husband's buddy found while hunting (some hunters were being mean to her and he couldn't have that) and she was SOOOOOOOO sweet when we first got her - now she 's still sweet but doesn't care to be held much like she did when we first got her! And she never responds to her name! She is very small - we thought she was a young kitten, but she went into heat last week so she has to be at least, what, 7 or 8 months old? Her teeth are TINY. That is so interesting what you said, I'm glad I was able to recover and read it. Thanks! Tina

01-29-2005, 05:46 PM
Aww, give her time, Abigail is just a baby and might grow up to outsmart them all.
Phoenix still hasn’t learnt his name or he chooses to ignore it when I call him.
Great pictures! Abigail is such a cutie pie and Rosco looks stunningly handsome in that last picture.

01-29-2005, 06:13 PM
That's interesting Tina because Abigail is real small too. It's not just the not learning her name as there are other things that lead us to believe that she is "simple" (according to hubby). She is a sweety and certainly knows that she loves to eat and play.;) I have never had a cat before that didn't learn their name so this is new to me. She just doesn't seem to get a lot of things. But hey she's happy so I'm happy!:D

Oh, sorry you hurt yourself but I'm so glad you recovered!;) :D

01-29-2005, 06:16 PM
These are all really really good!

01-29-2005, 07:07 PM
Sometimes simple is best!

You have beautiful babies:)

01-29-2005, 07:27 PM
Beautiful beautiful babies you have. Love the pictures.

01-29-2005, 11:34 PM
OH Lisa, those pictures are so gorgeous.

The first one of Abigail is priceless and Roscoe is just so darn cute.

Give those sweet little babies some hugs and kisses for me please.:)

01-30-2005, 01:53 AM
Awwwww the baby brats are so adorable.:D My Sunny was considered to be the slow learner of his litter and that's the reason why he was the last one to be adopted. Now he's not the smartest but knows his name and has the best personality. I'm sure that little Abigail will do just fine since she's in such a loving home. I also love Rosco's eye color.:)