View Full Version : Magoo and Friends

01-29-2005, 07:02 AM
4:30am: Me, the Gooster and a few of his buds were having a fun time with the ribbon wand. Well, let me rephrase that...they were having fun, I only had one eye open!!!

Ribbon attack!


Pete gets attacked by the ribbon.


I'll show you how to kill it Pete!

Ummm, good ribbon!

That boy has always got his feet up and his tongue sticking out!

Peanut Butter says "Mom he's hogging the whole thing!"

Ok, ok we are all gonna share.

Goo jumps up on my chair and his heading for my lap when something distracts him.


One of the things Goo loves is for something to sneak under the towel he lays on at the end of my chair. I discovered this one time when I stuck my perfectly good hand under there and it came out as a bloody pin cushion! Now we use the wand.

What's that!?


I got it Ma!!


He's so proud.

Just a side note: Magoo got in trouble this morning. Yes, he can still be a bad boy! His newest thing is to start trouble with the litter box users. He knows the scratches of his favorite kitties. That amazes me! Leroy and Pepper Jack are his main targets. As soon as he hears one of them in the litter box he sits outside the utility room door. They have to pass him to get out. As soon as they try to go by he swats them! Now they won't walk by him and just sit in the utility room hoping he will leave but he puts his hound dog nose to the floor and finds them! He had poor Leroy cornered this morning and was swatting him and wrapping that big old paw around Leroy. Leroy saw me coming and didn't fight back, much to Goo's dismay. Once Goo knew I was coming he did that little bunny hop and that sort of run out of the utility room and ran right into Peanut Butter. He decided to swat PB too but PB swatted right back!!! Problem is Goo doesn't care! He just puts his nose to the floor and starts trying to find PB. He stalks them out. It truly is funny to watch now because he isn't attacking with that nasty "I'm gonna kill you" aggression. Now it's more like hard kitty play. The others aren't amused but Goo enjoys the challenge of trying to catch them. Every once in a while this can lead to a bit of a nasty brawl but for the most part the others get away from Goo pretty easy. They just go up. LOL!
*sigh* Life with the Gooster is always an adventure!

01-29-2005, 07:15 AM
very cute pictures of them playing all playing at 4:30 in the morning:eek:

Oh Mr. Magoo....don't be a bad boy. He looks so innocent.... little do we know. LOL

aww... but he is so cute :p

01-29-2005, 07:31 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek: Mr. Magoo being nawtee??? NNNOOOOOO!!! LMBO Your house must be bundles of fun with all the kitties. Ppppssstttt...we need more pictures of PB. He's gorgeous and keep those Magoo pics coming too. I can never have enough Magoo pics and stories.

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-29-2005, 07:39 AM

such cute pictures.~~~:D

and I thought I was doing good to be up at 0730 on a saturday morning...:eek:

All the kitties playing is too cute..

Magoo sure has that *innocent* look down.. it is hard to imagine he is such a nawtee boy!!;)

01-29-2005, 08:04 AM
It's wonderful to see Magoo playing, even if it's 4.30 in morning. LOL! :rolleyes: He has come such a long way and it's a joy to see him getting along with the others as well. :)

Kisses and scritchies from us.

01-29-2005, 08:15 AM
ROTFL!! I can picture the scene with poor cornered Leroy. Magoo... you are just too funny! Who'd have thunk it!

Better watch out... some day he'll get comfortable enough with everything that he'll be climbing and jumping up high to get those kitties!

01-29-2005, 10:29 AM
It is always so good,to see Scrappy Magoo,and his Frienfds,I voted,for the Scrappy Magoo,thread,as thread,of the year,and Scrappy Magoo,is running away,with the poll.

01-29-2005, 11:26 AM
Oh that's better! Imagestation was down for a bit and I couldn't see the pictures. My Saturday morning is now complete with Goo pics! :D

01-29-2005, 11:35 AM
ROFLOL at the thought of Magoo stalking a bathroom victim. That is so funny.

Love the pictures. Magoo looks like he is really making up for the years of play he missed.

01-29-2005, 12:03 PM
Magoo you sure beat a cup of caffeine any old day! You sweet old rascal you! :D :D

01-29-2005, 12:15 PM
Whn is the Goo meister's gotcha day???

just think...a few months ago.....


01-29-2005, 02:33 PM

I love PB's mane! So gorgeous!

01-29-2005, 02:49 PM
4:30am is as long as the Brats will let me sleep. That is the normal time we get up on week days so they figure weekends shouldn't be any different!!:rolleyes:

Richard, Goo's gotcha day isn't until April 23rd. Do you remember my original goal? I had hoped to have Magoo out of his cage and getting along with everyone by January of this year. I guess Magoo had other ideas, huh?;) I still can't believe that he hasn't lived here for a year yet. I guess thats because the first few months felt like an eternity!:eek: :D

I really do need to get some more pictures of Peanut Butter but he has not been camera cooperative lately. I don't know what his problem is. He turns his head or runs away. I have to catch him in the right mood or he won't let me take pictures. I get more pictures of him when the weather is nice because he likes sitting in the windows and he won't move and lose his spot!;) :D I'll see what I can do because his mane is in full bloom right now and he is so handsome!

01-29-2005, 02:52 PM
:D Awww, Magoo you look like your having such a good time. It's so nice to see you so happy! Just don't beat up your brothers and sisters. Is that the Cat Charmer there playing with? Sash LOVES Cat Charmer, he carries from room to room. :D

01-29-2005, 03:01 PM
We have acouple of those ribbon things - but we call them Kitty Whips.

All the cats adore them.

01-29-2005, 03:10 PM
Kitty whips! LOL!!! Yes it's the cat charmer and it does look like a whip!:D :D :D
They love it but I need four: two for hubby and two for me!;)

01-29-2005, 03:49 PM
Beautiful pictures like always! I think Magoo is just too precious! he reminds me of Stash, I just dont know why??? I want to see more Pete Pictures! He is so handsome:D

01-29-2005, 06:59 PM
Magoo reminds me so much of Phoenix.
He likes to block the girls after they use the litter box. They will sit there and stare at him, somewhat afraid to walk past him. When I call out to him to let them pass by, he’ll just pretend to sniff the ground. I usually move him out the way, to keep him from getting swatted by Schatzie.
Magoo is not a bad boy, he just wants to play, and boys play ruff.


01-30-2005, 02:08 AM
Great pictures of gorgeous cats.:D It's hard to believe that Magoo hasn't even been with you a year yet. He fits in so well.:) Sometimes my boys will try to do a sneak attack on one of their brothers after they've been using the litterbox. Sunny used to sit on top of the box while his brothers were using it.:) I'd also love to see some more Peanut Butter pictures.:)

01-30-2005, 10:08 AM
Goo is such a character!!! Camera hog, company hog and now bathroom stalker!:)

Pete is looking gorgeous and WOW!! what a mane on my Peanut Butter!!:D

01-30-2005, 10:32 AM

It's always so great to see pictures of the Gooster. Speaking of which...will ya send me one so I can submit my story to Cat Fancy???? Please????

01-30-2005, 10:57 AM
Donna, my printer sucks! I'm waiting for my pictures to get here from Imagestaion. As soon as they do yours will be in the mail! I promise!!!:D

01-30-2005, 03:22 PM
Oh, okay! :rolleyes: I CAN submit it without the picture, but I think it would be better with it.

01-30-2005, 04:22 PM
Awww, Goo ... don't let Meowmmy call you "nawtee" ... I think the pottybox ambush is a very funny game! Some of the kitties around here like to play that one too!!!:eek: ;)

01-30-2005, 09:40 PM
MY Magoo being naw-tee....Never...He was just playing the, "Lets see who I can torment today game." Sades does the same thing when Chipper and Katie are coming out of the litter box.

WOW, now that is one devoted cat lover to get up before the birds to play with the kitties.

I loved seeing Magoo playing so happily with that ribbon.

PB is just too gorgeous for his own good.

Great pictures Lisa.:)

01-30-2005, 10:04 PM
WOW!:eek: :D

What a mane on that PB. i've never seen anything like that.

And for Magoo:

You go Goo! ;)

01-30-2005, 10:39 PM
You definitely have a wonderful life. All your furkids are beautiful, stunning and everything.

*in a cats eyes i see everyhing that make me feel... Love and happiness*

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-31-2005, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by Vio&Juni

I love PB's mane! So gorgeous!

Me too!! Wow, like a lion!!