View Full Version : If you're going to kill yourself, DO IT ALONE!!!

01-28-2005, 03:45 PM
This guy is a JERK!! He deserves ALL that is coming to him. If you're going to kill yourself, do it alone. Jump off a bridge, shoot yourself, whatever...don't screw everyone else's lives over!! :mad:

(Can you tell this is a HUGE soapbox issue of mine??)

GLENDALECalif. - The man accused of causing Wednesday's deadly Metrolink train derailment made his first court appearance Friday on 11 murder charges that could send him to death row.

Juan Manuel Alvarez, 25, showed up at the downtown Los Angeles courthouse in what appeared to be hospital clothes and a bandage around his wrist, and was helped to his feet by sheriff's officials when Superior Court Commissioner Dennis E. Mulcahy asked him to stand. Alvarez was ordered held without bail, and his arraignment was postponed to Feb. 15 at the defense's request. Alvarez's attorney, Eric A. Chase, told the commissioner that he wants time for some "medical and psychological" examinations of his client.

Alvarez is accused of driving a green Jeep Grand Cherokee onto the tracks in a suicide attempt and then fleeing from the vehicle before a train slammed into it.

Eleven people were killed, and nearly 200 others were injured.

"Given both the seriousness of this case and what we already know about this case in terms of Mr. Alvarez's actions both before and after the train wreck, I think it's incumbent upon me to get some evaluations from some experts who know more about this stuff than I do and that's what we're doing," Chase told reporters outside the courtroom after the brief hearing.

"We're only two days into this thing, and emotions are running high right now," Chase said. "And I'm sensing a mentality out there that I almost want to call a lynch mob mentality.

"But I'm hoping that that calms down a little bit in the days to come and that the people who are making decisions about Mr. Alvarez's life, about the death penalty in this case, and about other factors that are going to affect the outcomes here just take a step back and think about the consequences of their actions," he said.

Alvarez was initially charged with 10 counts of murder late Wednesday -- within hours after the deadly crash -- and an 11th murder charge was added Friday.

The murder charges include the special circumstances of train wrecking and multiple murder.

"The special circumstances alleged in this complaint could possibly call for the death penalty," said Patrick Dixon, head of the District Attorney's Major Crimes Division. "Our office has well-established, very formal procedures determining whether or not we ask for the death penalty in any given case. And, after the preliminary hearing, the office will engage in that process and come to a decision ... when the case reaches Superior Court trial level."

Dixon, who went to the scene of the derailment, called it "an absolute horrible, horrible crime scene."

Deputy District Attorney Alan Jackson added, "It was unbelievable. I've never seen any sort of devastation like this in my life. It was absolutely surreal."

Alvarez's attorney said he was retained by the defendant's family, whom he said is "very distraught."

As for his client, Chase said he's had one opportunity to speak with him and "he was heavily sedated."

"He's recovering. He had a chest tube because he had a collapsed lung. He is feeling better today than he was yesterday," Chase said.

Alvarez, whose last known address was in Compton, has been under suicide watch since Wednesday because of what authorities describe as self-inflicted knife injuries to his chest and wrists.

Nine men and two women were killed, and 183 others were injured, some critically, in connection with the deadliest U.S. train crash since 1999.

Southbound train No. 100 from Ventura County left Moorpark at 5:07 a.m. At 6:01 a.m., it struck the SUV that Alvarez allegedly left on the tracks.

The impact caused train No. 100 to derail, hit a parked Union Pacific locomotive to the right, and, as it jackknifed, strike northbound Metrolink train No. 901, which had left Union Station in downtown Los Angeles at 5:48 a.m.

Some people described it as a "perfect storm," meaning all the elements for the historic calamity came together in an instant.

Despondent over the breakup of his marriage, Alvarez had planned to kill himself when he drove his SUV in the path of a Metrolink train, but he bolted from the vehicle at the last moment, according to authorities.

He reportedly watched the collision. Then, as onlookers and emergency crews rushed to help those trapped in the flaming wreckage, Alvarez walked to a female friend's home in nearby Atwater Village, where he slashed his wrists and stabbed himself in the chest, sources close to the investigation told the Daily News.

"Now that we have done further investigation, we know the self-inflicted wounds were received after he placed the car on the tracks and after he fled from the scene," one source told the newspaper.

BTW, had my stepdad kept his job at the LA Times, he'd have been on that train!!! Luckily, he left it!

01-28-2005, 03:53 PM
Kelly, even though it sounds harsh, I agree with you. I don't know how many times Aaron has been on one of those Caltrains, and someone commits suicide on the tracks. I seriously feel sorry for the poor train conductors, because they have to deal with the gore of finding pieces of people that were hit :mad:
Suicide is wrong, but it's even worse when you involve a bunch of innocent bystanders. It's pretty selfish of that person IMO, because if I were a train conductor and saw that...I would be scarred for life...:(

01-28-2005, 03:53 PM
That is horrible. My prayers go out to the 11 people who lost their lives :(

01-28-2005, 04:11 PM

I saw the whole thing on the news. This guy was depressed (so am I but you don't see ME sitting on train tracks waiting for a train to come along :p) but changed his mind at the last minute and fled. Instead of moving his vehicle, he just left it there!! :mad: :mad: He SHOULD be charged with 11 counts of murder!!

Stupid STUPID people!!!!!

01-28-2005, 04:14 PM
Years ago I met a nurse in the stairwell at the hospital.

She was in tears.

I asked her what was wrong and she looked at me and said that they had a suicide attempt in the emergency room.

She then started to curse--words that I never had heard used, in that order, before.

She wasn't crying that this person was hurt, she was crying that he wanted to kill himself, failed-he only succeeded in blowing the front of his brain off, and she had to spend time trying to keep this loser alive.


This AMTRACK moron-
He couldn't slash his wrists or stab himself correctly....

Can you spell LOSER???

01-28-2005, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
This guy was depressed (so am I but you don't see ME sitting on train tracks waiting for a train to come along :p) but changed his mind at the last minute and fled. Instead of moving his vehicle, he just left it there!! :mad: :mad: He SHOULD be charged with 11 counts of murder!!

Stupid STUPID people!!!!!
That's EXACTLY it!! He could get out all cut up and on who know what drugs, but couldn't turn the key and move the car? No, how about we ruin the lives of hundreds of other people! IDIOT!!

As a psych major, I do see the depression side, of course. To be in a state where you want to kill yourself must be horrendous and only understandable if you've been there. But, like Richard said, he couldn't even slash his wrists or aim at his heart with a knife (he got his lung!)....typically that shows a "cry for help" when people don't fully complete their attempts.

Cry for help where it doesn't murder 11 people! :mad:

01-28-2005, 04:51 PM
This is such a tragic situation. The poor families of the victims lost, i bet some will fall into a depression over this too...and can you imagine the guilt hanging over this guys shoulders...if he was depressed before, imagine now!! It is such a sad story all around...maybe he had to hit rock bottom, and i don't know how you could be anymore rock bottom that this, to have 11 lives dead, and it is al your fault...who knows...prayer for the families of the lives lost, is about all we can do...so sad.

01-30-2005, 12:36 AM
The article says he might get a death row sentance. If you ask me, that's what he wants. He should rot in jail knowing what he did to those poor people.

01-30-2005, 01:09 PM
He will get his wish(hopefully) but after years of us paying for his keep.

02-03-2005, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Corinna
He will get his wish(hopefully) but after years of us paying for his keep.

That's true, and I am sick of it...the inmates make stuff like liscense plates and such, but they still get paid for it, although not much...something like 24 cents an hour. Which in my mind is TOO much. Everyone in prison or jail should be required to work at something...paying for their OWN room and board! Prison inmates live better than some free people...they get hot meals, a warm place to sleep, cable TV, etc. And we have starving children living right under our noses...ridiculous!:mad:

PJ's Mom
02-03-2005, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
He should rot in jail knowing what he did to those poor people.

I agree. Death is too easy for him. :mad:

star of light
02-03-2005, 01:04 PM
i saw that on the news the morning before wow it looked awful:(

Pit Chick
02-03-2005, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Christiansmommy
maybe he had to hit rock bottom,

More like he needs to hit rock bottom...of a canyon. :mad:

If you're depressed and don't care about yourself anymore, the least you could do is be considerate to others before you check out. Don't involve other people, and do it in a clean manner and do it right. Don't leave a mess for people to have to clean up.

02-04-2005, 06:40 AM
As a nurse, I have seen so many suicide attempts.

Two days before Christmas one year, one woman HID THE PHONES, DISABLED THE CAR, then overdosed on drugs while her husband and children were there!

So - the husband found himself walking miles to get help, while the children (ages 5-12) were left at home with their unconscious mother (who they thought was dying or dead).

I had to take care of her in the ICU, while she was on life support. (Unfortunately, these people ALWAYS recover.) I called child protective services, and the children were permanently removed from the home. It turns out that this was her "last chance." She had abused and neglected those children in the past, and her husband was just as bad as she was.

Some people care only about themselves - and even seem to enjoy hurting other people. "The devil loves company," as they always say.

I have seen her since then - and I didn't feel one gram of guilt or remorse when I saw that she didn't get her kids back. I just hope they're somewhere where they don't have to watch people abuse drugs and where they're getting fed every day.