View Full Version : Pregnancy question

01-28-2005, 10:05 AM
If you've read my other recent post, you'll know about Angel. A basic summary...I found her abandoned at a farmhouse yesterday and she's pregnant.

Anyway, last night, she was loving all over me...couldn't get enough petting. This morning when I went in to check on her (she's in the bathroom, away from the other cats) she was hiding under the heating thing. It's a hot water type of heating system that's throughout my house. It sucks, but anyway, there's about a 6 inch space under it. It doesn't get hot, just warm. You can touch it fine. So, she was acting weird, hiding, then she came out and let me pet her for a minute, then jumped in the bathtub and laid down. Then she got out and went back under the heating thing. She's acting kinda restless and skittish...is it possible she's farther along in her pregnanct than we thought? Also, I can find no evidence that she has gone potty...please help!!!

01-28-2005, 10:13 AM
Im not a pro, but I beleive they won't eat when they are close. Also sounds like she could be trying to nest. Also Another sign is panting. But you want to keep an eye on her, but not bother her. She is looking for a safe place to have them, so your other cats wont get her babies. Are you going to put her up somewhere? Or just let her have them whereever? Closets work well. Sounds like she is definetly looking for a place. Let us know, how exciting.....

01-28-2005, 10:20 AM
I don't know what I'm gonna do...this is all SO SUDDEN! I've never seen kittens born, let alone be the only one there! I've witnessed many foals come into this world, but nothing else, except on TV! I'll just let her have them in the bathroom. It's linoleum floored and she's got her crate to go in to. I'll let you know!!

01-28-2005, 11:34 AM
I don't really know that much about pregnant cats. I worked at a vet clinic for about a year and a half and we never had any cats giving birth. (hmm...I don't really know why, actually, maybe they're just good at it! ;) )

It sounds, to me, like she's just getting used to her surroundings and like a pregnany human, probably is experiencing some wierd physical and emotional things right now.

I would just keep an eye on her and if she seems distressed, call your vet.

01-28-2005, 04:22 PM
She could very well be preparing to birth kittens. :( I had one i rescued last year that was starved, and very thin looking. I thought she had a major case of worms, but she went to a foster home, and delivered six stillborn babies the next morning. :( So yes...she could be in labor in which case she shouldn't be disturbed. ;)

01-28-2005, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
She could very well be preparing to birth kittens. :( I had one i rescued last year that was starved, and very thin looking. I thought she had a major case of worms, but she went to a foster home, and delivered six stillborn babies the next morning. :( So yes...she could be in labor in which case she shouldn't be disturbed. ;)

YES, please don't relocate her to the farm until after she has delivered!!!;)

01-29-2005, 10:47 AM
Being a Stray,she is very nervous,and I would be concerned,about her,not eliminating.She,might,be testing that pad,to see ,if she can have her Kittens,there,and is making sure!

01-30-2005, 03:33 PM
I found evidence that she has been going potty. In the other litterbox. I figured she's use the one with the new litter in it, but she uses the other one that's in the bathroom. Good, I was worried!