View Full Version : Thor has his grumpy pants on...

01-27-2005, 09:55 PM
He's being SO mean...I understand that he's most likely PO'd about our addition today, but Angel has been in a crate on top of the kitchen table. Thor goes and gets up there and then gets mad because she looked at him. He's lashing out at the dog, me, and his BFF, Mason. I had to lock him in the bathroom for a little bit just so he'd calm down. He did, but then the dog barked at him and he swung. Thank goodness he's declawed! Mason is ok with the rescue kitty, but Thor is being a butt head. Any ideas? How do all you rescuers get the residents to get along with the fosters???

01-27-2005, 10:07 PM
S.L.O.W. introductions Kristl.

This is just my opinion, but I feel it should not be Thor who should be the one put in the bathroom, but the rescue kitty. Don't forget, this is Thor's home. By you locking Thor in the bathroom it will make him reject the new addition.

Put Angel in the bathroom for the time being. Rub her with a towel to get her scent and then place it on the floor in the room where your cats are. This way they will get use to her scent and also do the same with your cats and place it in the bathroom so Angel can get use to your cats scent.

I always introduced my new additions, by placing them in a cat carrier and placing them in the middle of a room for about half an hour so the others could investigate the new one. Expect some hissing and growling going on. Then put the new one back in the room. I did this for a few days and then left the carrier out longer as time went on. After about a week and a half, I placed the carrier in the middle of the room and left the door open.
Fortunately it went well for me.

I'm sure others with have other suggestions also.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do. :)

01-27-2005, 10:12 PM
You're right about Thor...he won't be put in the bathroom again...he was just becomming so agressive I thought it would help him calm down. Cats do not think like humans, though, they're reasoning is not the same. Their litterboxes are in the bathroom, and since the dog is in the kitchen, I'm not sure where to put her...maybe the bedroom, but Thor and Mason sleep on my bed every night, and I don't think I should kick them outta there...I'll come up with something. May have to move some litterboxes...Thanks for your advice!!;)

01-28-2005, 08:50 AM
Maybe,youshould keep Angel,out of sight,until Thor,calms down,and I never really had,that type,of trouble,as the Found Cats,were always,pretty nice,to the additions,to the Found Cat Family,and are curious,as hell,about the Strays,that they know,live on the Porch.