View Full Version : Funny Camping Stories!

01-26-2005, 01:56 PM
I didn't want to hijack the camping advice thread.

Funny camping stories!!!

I have a ton of them.

One time we went camping by the beach when a van filled with teenagers pulls up to the next campsite-The lettering on the side of the van said something like PACIFIC UNIVERSITY- It was a traveling college for troubled kids (we found this out later.)

They backed up the trailer into the space and unloaded it. The trailer doubled as a place to keep the food and personal belongings of the students.;)

Later, one of the kids came over to bum a cigarette. He explained the school and what the 'University' was all about. Parents, with troubled kids, would sign them up to get them out of the house and out of trouble.

They made their way up and down the California coastline for something like two months, camping.


The following day they had their class time early in the morning.
The kid came back to bum more cigarettes-He explained that they were unsupervised because the counselors had gone to the airport to pick up another student.

Soon, the lack of supervision was pretty apparent!

There are TONS of squirrels that inhabit the area and one "bright"
kid decided to tie a paper bag to a fishing rod and reel.

He'd cast the bag out and when a squirrel would jump into it he'd lift the bag up, the squirrel would panic, jump out and run away. Most of the kids had a turn at Squirrel Fishing.

I looked at my GF and told her that the squirrels would get them back for this.


Around noon the band of fishermen/women went down to the water to hang out.

After a while I noticed a chirping, chattering gang of squirrels running up and down the ramp of the trailer.

Squirrel fights were breaking out among 30-40 squirrels in the area.....

After about 3 hours, the kids came back and they began to talk loudly amongst themselves.

It seems that the squirrels had found their unsecured breadstuffs and ended up eating about 45 dollars of bread, cake and cookies.
:eek: :D

I learned that day that revenge is sweet, Rye, Wheat and White. :D

01-26-2005, 02:03 PM
We went camping in Attica, IN two yrs. ago. We were going to the Badlands 4 wheeler park, and wanted a cheap plase to stay=camping...

My friend Kristen had been bragging the whole ride there about how HUGE her tent was...when they set it up it was about the size of one of those Dogloo dog houses! HA!

So, after a day of riding and getting covered in mud, we went back to camp to shower and go into Attica to eat dinner. My boyfriend was totally caked in mud..inside and out! So he decided to hang his muddy undies on a stick to dry before putting them in the bag to take home...well, on the last day there I remembered he had done that, but I couldn't find them. I thought oh well....as we're pulling away I see them, waving in the wind on that stick like a flag...I kept quiet!

I have a vidoe we took, but I doubt it's appropriate for public viewing...cussing and scantily clad (drunk) people! Not me!!:D ;)

Prairie Purrs
01-26-2005, 04:22 PM
When I was a kid my family (of four) would pack up our pickup camper (a fancy sleeps-four cabover job), a huge cabin tent (could hold about a dozen), my pup tent, a couple of bicycles, and enough food to last a hungry scout troop for a month.

Then we'd pile in the truck (with camper) and our other car and drive--get this--about a mile to the city lake/campground, where we'd stay the weekend. The campsite was an easy walk from our house. Thousands of dollars of camping gear, and we never camped anywhere else. :rolleyes:

Probably just as well, though, because my Mom always got upset over something and went home by Saturday afternoon.

01-26-2005, 04:33 PM
When camping as a kid the three of us kids thought it would be funny to loosen the top on the pepper shaker....my mom made hamburger helper....with lots of pepper...guess what we had to eat it and they went and found a restaurant...guess the joke was on us!

01-26-2005, 04:37 PM
a few years ago my mom took me and my best friend(at the times, I have not seen her in 3 years) anyway we went out to lac la ronge with Happy and Shadow. well me and Jenna(my friend) went peddle boating out on the lake and first we took Happy for a ride in the boat and then we were going to take shadow, but she does not like being picked up so we had to have her jump into the boat herself. Shadow sized up how far she had to jump to get in the boat then took a leap, right OVER the baot and landing in the water oon the other side! lol a guy a few cabins down from us came over and lifted shadow out of the water with his feet. it was hilarious!

01-27-2005, 03:51 AM
I went camping just last weekend, i have not had that much fun in a long time. A couple of friends and i stayed up until 7am the next day talking and went for a early morning hike. Just a side note though dont try to ride a push bike under the influence of alchohol :o lol.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-27-2005, 11:52 AM
(also posted in "Camping with a Baby")
When we were young we didn't go camping, we went "Up North" (Up Nort' to be more precise). When my parents were first married they lived in a mobile home. After my brother came along and I was "in the oven" they realized the place was too small so they bought some land in the North Woods of Wisconsin and moved the mobile home up there. That's where we "camped." It was similar to camping because we had no running water, but we did have electricity, a roof over our head and a bed to sleep on - if you count an old army cot as a bed (I hated that thing).

But the funny part of this is - and the reason for this post is - there was no running water so we only had an outhouse. My mom tells me today that I would NOT go to the bathroom in the outhouse! I do remember peeing in the woods, and I remember the outhouse as being all spider webby, dark and creepy and I'm not surprised I wouldn't go in there. My mom said I was usually sick by the time we got home Sunday night because I refused to use the outhouse - just held it all weekend!

I was there the outhouse "died." It had a big heavy door on it and one day (when I was in my early 20's) I remember opening the door and letting it swing wide, and when it got fully open it was too heavy for the rotten boards that were holding the outhouse up, and the entire thing fell backwards into the woods. We then burned it for fire wood - my sweet revenge. But the outhouse got back at me because it turns out there are new covenants now and if an outhouse is still standing it can still be used, but once it's down you cannot build a new one, so the place has no bathroom anymore. However, now with the motorhome, this isn't a problem. We've got running water, electricity, comfy beds, and all the comforts of home. I do have a really neat picture of the motorhome parked next to the old 50's sytle mobile home, but I don't have it here at work. I'll have to post it from home.

01-27-2005, 12:06 PM

Does a Tubby, Peanut and Cracker Jack's Mom pee in the woods?

I know what a bear does.....
:confused: :eek: :o :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-27-2005, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

Does a Tubby, Peanut and Cracker Jack's Mom pee in the woods?

I know what a bear does.....
:confused: :eek: :o :D

Now she pees wherever necessary - when ya gotta go ya gotta go! But back then I guess it was a different story.