View Full Version : Cat Hair Delema!

01-25-2005, 03:35 PM
Okay I hope there are lots of advise givers out there! Here is my delima. I have my rescue kitties in kennel cages and hair is not a problem, but my own personal cats all live in my home. I have no carpet in my house, I have put all tile floors in, and it seems like there is hair everywhere!
I sweep daily and wipe counters daily. And there is still hair everywhere. I feel like I have swept and wiped so much I have a static electricity thing going on in there. Is there any advice you can give me that will help this problem? Anything that you do?
Any and all advise will be greatly appreciated!

I am prepared to live my life with this mopping, sweeping and wiping down daily as I could not give up my kids. But any tips to help this would surley be appreciated.


01-25-2005, 03:38 PM
Hmmm... I am forever dusting and vaccuming too. Hubby suggested I vaccuum the cats and save time! :D

01-25-2005, 03:55 PM
The only advice is to keep the kitties brushed regualy and same with the floors.

Now that it is getting warmer here I've noticed that all 3 of mine are beginning to shed. Yoshi is the worst! He sat on my lap last night and when he got off it looked like he exploded in my lap!

If this is any comfort, I heard this a while ago:

Cat hair sticks to everything but the cat.

01-25-2005, 04:05 PM
Hummm, I never thought to vaccuum them. Especially the deaf one, that will work for him and he is the worst! I will do that tonight!

01-25-2005, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Hmmm... I am forever dusting and vaccuming too. Hubby suggested I vaccuum the cats and save time! :D

Hee hee...if only we could!

01-25-2005, 04:21 PM
I can! He is deaf and would not care...hehehe. When I do vacuum he is the only one that won't run. I will have to brush the others though, but it would be fun to vacuum him. He is my worst one that sheds........

01-25-2005, 04:27 PM
When you find out what works, let ME know too!:rolleyes:
Welcome to PT!;)

01-25-2005, 04:27 PM
I've sort of just given up on cat fur. I vacuum and it returns a day later. I just vacuum now twice a week; if not, I would go insane with all the cat fur. I have cat fur on my clothes, couch, bed..you get the idea. :rolleyes:

01-25-2005, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by ratchet22
Hummm, I never thought to vaccuum them. Especially the deaf one, that will work for him and he is the worst! I will do that tonight! You MUST post pictures! :D

01-25-2005, 04:35 PM
Let me in on the secret too, if you figure it out. I didn't think it was too bad until we adopted R&R. It seems like the hair accumulation has now doubled in the house. I spend about an hour every day or two just "de-hairing" furniture and various items. That doesn't even include the time I spend sweeping every day. I do love my new hardwood floors but I find I spend a lot more time cleaning now.

01-25-2005, 05:08 PM
Ugh....cat hair.

I think I keep Hoover's vacuum bags in business.

I have four Persians. I vacuum my house (four level side split) top to bottom every day. I have carpeting that is on the dark side in colour and three of my furkids are on the light side, one is black. Two are easily groomed, and two are impossible except occasionally when I trick them. Still, there's a lot of vacuuming to do.

I dont have a solution, I wish I did, but they are my furkids and I love them, and I like a clean house and seeing cat hair on the rug, for me isnt conducive to that.

So having said that I guess my point is do the maintenance you're comfortable with and what you can live with.

Here's two of what I contend with ;)


01-25-2005, 05:09 PM

01-25-2005, 05:55 PM
they are to precious! Thanks for sharing.

speaking of persian, my next delima, ugh. My husband bids on auction unit, storage units ect, people dont pay and the storage place auctions the stuff off, anyways, monday he was at one and a lady bid on the unit and won. He noticed after the bidding was over that there was a kitten in there, he asked if he could try and get it. She allowed him but to no success, anyways, as he was trying to get it, he noticed there were 2 more, a total of 3, they were all white and persian. He said he also noticed food in there that they had been eating. Not cat food, human food. So he gave her my number and told her that I would come and get them, to call when she was ready to empty the unit.

Now beleive me I have let him know that he screwed up! He should have gotten her number so I could get them out now. He admits he made a mistake and feels bad. I am worried sick, there is no way to contact her. She has till saturday to get the items out. So I guess at this point I hope she calls, every day I keepwaiting, but worst comes to worse, at least she will have to empty the unit and the kittens will run out, and have a better chance then being stuck in there. BUT I HOPE SHE CALLS>.........
My husband says it looks like the momma cat may have come in over the top of the inside unit and had her babies there, therefore that would explain why they are still alive, if she is still nursing them, he said it is to high for the babies to jump and get out where the mother could. So CROSS your fingers, Im so worried.

01-26-2005, 07:51 AM
I tossed and turned worried about these babies all night, I'm headed to the storage unit myself right now. I will demand a phone number of the lady that won the auction, or call animal control. I hate to call them, and would much rather work this out peacefully, but gee whiz, someone has to look and speak for these babies, and it cant wait till later! Later could be to late......

Will let you know what happens.......

01-26-2005, 08:00 AM
You say you don't have carpet...that you have bare floor. Well I use the Swiffer and you would be amazed how much cat fur is on the floor that the Swiffer picks up. I don't use the wet swiffer only the dry one.

01-26-2005, 08:33 AM
It is like the Fellow,in Greek Mythology,that rolled a boulder uphill,and then have it roll down,just as he got,to the top,there is sadly ,no easy answer,just keep vacuuming,and brushing.

01-26-2005, 02:10 PM
Hey I just found an ad in the sharper image magazine. It has an item called the ROOMBA ROBOTIC FLOOR VAC. Says it runs and does the vacuuming for you. Picks up dust and pet hair :p
could this be the answer to my prayers :rolleyes: or just another toy for them to puonce on :( oh well the darn thing cost 250.00, guess thats not in the budget. Oh well, I continue to brush, and sweep and I am okay facing the fact that this will be a forever job. We would be rich if we could come up woth something :D