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View Full Version : Even Better!!! :)

01-24-2005, 10:45 PM
Little Melly has become the most complicated return I've ever done! She just went home with her dog sitter. Turns out he's a good friend of mine. Also a musher who is extremely good to his dogs. I have no worries about her being with him, none at all. I'd trust him with my own dogs. It was his house that Hobo ran to last winter after the wolf attack! If not for him letting Hobo in and keeping him warm, Hobo would likely be dead!

Turns out she is not young. Nor was she rehomed because she was a poor sled dog. She is 13 and was rehomed when she retired to a good friend of the mushers! She has had a great life, run lots of races and even survived being caught in a neck snare trap--she escaped while on giving a tours for some german tourists and ran into a trapline. The trap stuck on her collar and didn't kill her.

My friend says she's always been a little spooky and would take off every chance she got her whole life. She comes to him easily, but he wasn't home yesterday. He was worried sick that a wolf had got her overnight. He's a nurse and just got off shift. He came here before he went home to pick her up!

Melly was very happy to see him--pawing at him and wiggling her tail. She had no fear of him. I am so relieved that she has a nice place to spend the next few weeks. And I'm sure I can come up with some reason to go over and visit her!:D

Aspen and Misty
01-24-2005, 10:47 PM
You are such an angel for taking her in!

What a happy ending!!!


01-24-2005, 11:12 PM
Wow, that's cool! Gosh, she sure doesn't look 13! And still mischeviously running off, to boot! Glad it all worked out and you'll get to see her again.

01-25-2005, 08:58 AM
:D Yeah!!! That is great news for Mellis!!! Good luck about thinking of an excuse to visit.....