View Full Version : PT Dreams?!?!?

01-24-2005, 05:20 PM
Well, it's official...I've spent so much time on this site, I'm dreaming about it!

This weekend I went to bed pretty late, after spending a few hours browsing and posting on here. That night I had a dream that I went to a PT meeting in FL! :D I got to meet Kay, Valerie, Devon (not even on this side of the country...I guess you flew over lol), and tons of others!! All the pups were there and we were having hamburgers and hot dogs on a grill at the beach while all the pups were running around like crazy playing with each other! I must admit...that is a dream I would like to see happen in reality!!

Anyone else have dreams about PT, members/pets on PT??? (or am I just crazy?!?! lol)

01-24-2005, 05:23 PM
One time I had a dream I found one of Ashley's shelties and brought it back to her house. Then I saw the other one and realized who she was and we started chatting haha. It was fun.

I think I had one where I went to Kay's house and I met Nala and Kiara. It was weird because she lived not too far away from my house.

Edit: Aha. Found what I posted back a while ago in a thread like this...

Last night I had a dream I met Kay and I went to her house. Simba was there...I think but he wasn't really in the dream. I was playing with Nala and hugged her, I remember she was being very good. Kiara was there also I believe, and Kay took some pictures of me and her (Kiara). I couldn't stay long though...I think maybe 10 minutes.

In June I believe, I had a dream there was this sheltie, and I looked at the collar and started taking him back to the house. It was winter....don't know why. Binka_nugget opened the door and I remember saying something like "Hey! I know you from Pet Talk! I never knew you lived so close to me!" And then I gave her her dog back, I think it was Kaedyn but it might have been Kai. What happened (I believe) was somebody was walking the dog and the leash broke...so they went home and Kaedyn (I think) was just there lol. And I think that's basicaly it haha.

01-24-2005, 05:27 PM
I havent had any PT dreams in a long time. :( uhh

01-24-2005, 05:48 PM
I go through periods where I have them a lot. Usually the same people are in mine; the people that I have the most contact with, generally. Every once in a while someone lesser known to me will slip in there, though! :D

The funniest thing is the way my mind perceives people. When I finally see pics of people, I'm always shocked that they never look like the people in my dream! :p

01-24-2005, 06:42 PM
LOL I've had dreams of myself posting on PT:p But never meeting anyone..

01-24-2005, 06:52 PM
LOL LOL I have Pet Talk dreams 3 or 4 times a month and always there are Pet Talkers in them.

The latest one I had was on the weekend. RedHedd was in my dream and she had very long curly red hair past her waist. Can't remember anything else about it...just that she was in it. :)

Let's see, I've also dreamt of Gini, Laurie, Zippy, YellowLabLover, Richard and many others. Does this mean I'm addicted??? :confused: :D

01-24-2005, 07:01 PM
LOL!!! I've seen so many PT dreams over my time here that I've lost count!!!

A couple of the dreams just involved seeing myself sitting at the computer, posting on PT. Some of them were me sitting at the computer chatting with PT'ers. MOST of them, however, were seeing PT'ers I talk to a lot, in person...either at their house or my own. :p I've only seen a few PT'ers in my dreams (Cataholic, Logan, GoldenRetrLuver, and some others), but I've seen them repeatedly...many, many times in different dreams. They looked exactly like they look in their pictures...but that's because I had seen their pictures before I saw them in my dreams. :D

I see PT dreams often. Its nothing uncommon for me anymore. I've even seen a PT nightmare before...but that was only once, and a long, long time ago. PT dreams are USUALLY my favorite dreams, because I get to see the PT'ers I would LOVE to meet in person, in person, and while it is just a dream, it seems so real while it lasts. :D LOL

I guess we're all just nuts. :p

01-24-2005, 07:23 PM
LOL I have had alot of PT dreams!!

The one I remember most was about going to Anna(anna_66)'s house!

01-24-2005, 07:25 PM
I always have PT dreams. :D Most of the time they are only about me going on the computer and typing on PT. But sometimes I'll also meet people from PT.

The last PT dream I had was about the Kelowna PT meeting. The onyl people that came were Shelteez and Goldenretrluver. Shelteez stayed over at my house and we spent the whole night surfing PT lol.

01-24-2005, 07:55 PM
I had a dream the other night about PT!! lol! :D It was about meeting some people that I'm friends with.... :D

01-24-2005, 08:19 PM
I don't know that I ever dream about it :o

01-24-2005, 10:37 PM
ROFLOL!!! That is SO weird... I JUST had this dream last night about me meeting a PT'er. I went over to her house (but she lived in my house and I lived somewhere else... O_o ) and then I met her mom and her mom liked me! :D And then we went outside, and I helped her fix up her bike... (don't ask LOL)
This PT'er was...... popcornbird :eek: !
I swear she's stalking me... now she's even in my dreams!!! *cries*

01-24-2005, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by BCBlondie
ROFLOL!!! That is SO weird... I JUST had this dream last night about me meeting a PT'er. I went over to her house (but she lived in my house and I lived somewhere else... O_o ) and then I met her mom and her mom liked me! :D And then we went outside, and I helped her fix up her bike... (don't ask LOL)
This PT'er was...... popcornbird :eek: !
I swear she's stalking me... now she's even in my dreams!!! *cries*


*secretly scared of Blondie*

Fixing my BIKE? LOL!!!!!!! I wonder what I looked like in your dream. That would be SO freaky if you saw me how I really look.

01-25-2005, 10:30 AM
Lol! I had a dream a while ago.

It's was around Kfamr's(Kay) Birthday!! Flamepony12(Devon) and I was going to get and Autograph from one of her favorite Singers! Don't ask why...:p

Buddy Blaze Lover
01-25-2005, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by bluekat
LOL I've had dreams of myself posting on PT:p But never meeting anyone..

Yea, I've had dreams like that too, lol!!:D

01-25-2005, 09:27 PM
i havent had any dreams about PT yet!:eek: :p :D

01-25-2005, 11:12 PM
I've had several PT dreams...probably weird ones too, most of mine are. I can't think of any at the moment though.

01-26-2005, 08:39 AM
I just had another one and had to get up and write it down. It was too weird.

Of course, it was centered around the Southern CA BBQ. I'm at Gini's place, alone in her house running around doing dusting, cleaning etc. A cell phone on the coffee table starts ringing so I pick it up and Debbie (T&P) is on the other end. We talk and talk, all the while, I'm still cleaning up. I go into Gini's living room and there is Debbie. I drop the phone and we hug. In my dream, Debbie is about 7 ft tall with long dark curly hair.

Next think I know Gini's house if full of people and someone comments that it's 3am and we should get to bed. I start organizing where people are going to sleep and I start making up beds all over the place. Finally all is calm and everyone is sleeping except for some snoring in the bed next to me.

Very, very strange.

01-26-2005, 05:40 PM
I've had WAY too many.. :p

01-26-2005, 06:07 PM
I just had a dream about PT Monday night lol. I was at Robyn's house (Doglover9501). I don't know why I would've Dreamt about her since we don't talk to eachother often. It was one of the best dreams I've had in a long time though, it felt as ifI was actually at her house:D