View Full Version : WooHoo it is final

01-24-2005, 02:30 PM
I'm getting my Aussie, from a different breeder than I posted about here a few weeks ago. If you read my LJ you'd know. Anyways for those that don't know here is the breeder:

She has excellent dogs with excellent health & excellent pedigree & excellent history!

And to top it all off, I get FIRST pick of a merle male, any color merle!
I'm hoping for a red merle with at least one blue eye, but personality is my main concern!
I can't hold back my happiness. The pups should be here & ready for a home around June! YIPPIE!!!
:D :) ;) :p :cool:

01-24-2005, 02:47 PM
CONGRATS! I can't wait that long...I don't think you can either! It looks like an awesome litter! Can't wait to see photos!

I love Red merles...and there...they are looking gorgeous!

01-24-2005, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Lexi_Lover
CONGRATS! I can't wait that long...I don't think you can either! It looks like an awesome litter! Can't wait to see photos!

I love Red merles...and there...they are looking gorgeous!

Tell me about it, The litter probably won't be ready to go to a home until late May/early June.
I'm so anxious.

01-24-2005, 03:01 PM
I think she said in an earlier post that..she has gotten her other dogs from a rescue..so she would just like ot give this a shot!

Plus if you don't then those pups could also just go to a shelter and then she would have adopted it there! I see what you're saying though!

01-24-2005, 03:28 PM
Personally, I see nothing wrong with getting a dog from a breeder. You actually get the chance to meet the parents, raise it yourself, etc. I would rather raise and train a dog myself than get one from the shelter, because you never know what you're getting and you don't know the dog's history and how it was raised... It is so much easier to start training when a dog is young, than to get, say, a 2yr old who has had a terrible past and then you end up having to try to work with the dog while hitting your head against the wall and going through all this professional training with it to turn it's life back around. I think lv4dogs made a great decision and I can't wait to hear about the pups when they are born.


CONGRATS!!! :D I hope to see MANY pics of your future pup. :)

01-24-2005, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by luvofallhorses

I see where she's coming from and you're right that those pups could end up at a shelter as well..i didn't mean to sound like a jerk i am sorry lv4dogs..congrats it's just me that i would never buy from a breeder i can't wait to see pics :D

Thats quite alright! I know where you are coming from. Heck I tell others the same exact thing! (but I am more stern LOL) :)

I have worked in 2 different vets offices for a combined total of about 7 years, I also volunteer at 2 local shelters & have for years & years. All of all my animals (besides fish and an "accidental" ferret that an ex bought) have all come from shelters/rescues/foster groups etc.. etc..
I have also assisted obedience, agility & behavioral classes.

I know there are a LOT of good dogs out there that need a home but with the luck I have had and to option to do agility while I am still young and the fact that I am supporting a reputable breeder no BYB or mill, the fact that I help homelesss animals & shelters makes me believe that I truly deserve one healthy dog in my lifetime.

I always told myself I would never buy from a breeder, but with having nothing but bad luck with mobility problems in dogs and me wanting to do agility oh so bad I chose to find a reputable breeder that breeds ONLY to improve the breed.

This will be my only dog I will purchase form a breeder. I will conitue to get them at shelters and I support shelters by volunteering & by supplying goods for them and helping with fundraising events.

Any more ?'s please don't hessitate to ask! And yes I appreciate your concern and am glad you asked me about it. Thank you!!!!

01-24-2005, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by BCBlondie
Personally, I see nothing wrong with getting a dog from a breeder. You actually get the chance to meet the parents, raise it yourself, etc. I would rather raise and train a dog myself than get one from the shelter, because you never know what you're getting and you don't know the dog's history and how it was raised... It is so much easier to start training when a dog is young, than to get, say, a 2yr old who has had a terrible past and then you end up having to try to work with the dog while hitting your head against the wall and going through all this professional training with it to turn it's life back around. I think lv4dogs made a great decision and I can't wait to hear about the pups when they are born.

i agree 100%! thats why we got Jesse from a breeder.

01-24-2005, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by luvofallhorses
it is just an experiment to see how healthy they really are right? well I am glad aussies don't have health problems but you never know some could :confused: but anyways i hope you're planning to spay/neuter your dog..anyways congrats :D

Yes, he will be neutered at 6 months of age, I ALWAY neuter/spay all my pets! NO exceptions.

It's not an experiment, it is a chance to follow through with my dream.
And actually Aussies can have health problems, the most common being hip displaysia, eye problems & epilepsy.
BUT ALL of her dogs are OFA certified & all have come out clean & CERF cleared, NOT ONE SINGLE dog in her lines has ever had any health problems, including but not limited to eyes, hips, lupus, cancer, epilepsy to name a few.

I know it is not guranteed that my dog will not have health problems but the fact that her dogs lines are so great it GREATLY reduces my chances.

01-24-2005, 04:13 PM
how exciting! i bet you'll get a beautful loving family member!:D

01-24-2005, 04:15 PM
Congratulations!! I can't wait to hear more about your puppy.. The parents are both absolutely gorgeous, especially the dad! :D

luvofallhorses, I don't think its right that you are turning her thread about the excitement of her new puppy in to some argument..

01-24-2005, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by molucass
luvofallhorses, I don't think its right that you are turning her thread about the excitement of her new puppy in to some argument..

I agree...I was just going to say that! Everybody has their own opinions!

01-24-2005, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by molucass

luvofallhorses, I don't think its right that you are turning her thread about the excitement of her new puppy in to some argument..

i have to agree with you Cory,you seem to be angry at her to be buying a puppy from a breeder.She just decided to buy from a breeder

Congrats!:D I cant wait to see some pictures of your new boy!:D This is so exciting!!!;)

01-24-2005, 05:00 PM
yeah!! more puppy breath!! May/June does seem like such a long time....eehh!! Hopefully it will go by fast! It is awesome that you are going to have such a great pup to start agility with. I've only done a tiny bit with Sahara and it is so much fun! And the first pick! :D That is great!!! Keep us updated

01-24-2005, 05:04 PM
How exciting!!!! Aussies are so gorgeous!

Also agility sounds so exciting too, I've always wanted to do that, but there's nothing like that around here.

I bet now until May/June is going to be a LONG wait hehe, I know what that feels like, except I only had to wait for about a month with Jasper and it seemed like forever ;)

Originally posted by BCBlondie
Personally, I see nothing wrong with getting a dog from a breeder. You actually get the chance to meet the parents, raise it yourself, etc. I would rather raise and train a dog myself than get one from the shelter, because you never know what you're getting and you don't know the dog's history and how it was raised... It is so much easier to start training when a dog is young, than to get, say, a 2yr old who has had a terrible past and then you end up having to try to work with the dog while hitting your head against the wall and going through all this professional training with it to turn it's life back around. I think lv4dogs made a great decision and I can't wait to hear about the pups when they are born.

I agree with Di 100%

Originally posted by molucass
luvofallhorses, I don't think its right that you are turning her thread about the excitement of her new puppy in to some argument..


01-24-2005, 05:17 PM
While I’ll never again purchase from any kind of breeder, at least lv4dogs has done it the right way.

To purchase or rescue is a personal decision. We all have our own opinions on this issue, so let’s please not turn nasty, yet again. I’m so tired of our PT family fighting all the time. :(

I will say congrats on the new puppy, and I’ll look forward to pictures. :)

Di - while I respect your opinion, and I agree that you have a point to a degree, I have to say it’s even more rewarding when you take a shelter dog and “turn them around” into a wonderful member of the family. You never know what you’re getting with any dog, whether it’s well bred, running the streets, from a shelter, or from a BYB. If you put in the time, love, patience and guidance, ANY dog can be what you want it to be.

lv4dogs - Do you have names picked out yet? :)

01-24-2005, 05:20 PM
To purchase or rescue is a personal decision. We all have our own opinions on this issue, so let’s please not turn nasty, yet again. I’m so tired of our PT family fighting all the time.

I agree with you 100% sorry it seemed like I was the bad guy in all this :o

01-24-2005, 05:30 PM
Yay! I bet you can't wait for that puppy breath! How exciting :) Aussies are awesome dogs and I bet you'll have TONS of fun doing agility. I can't wait to see pictures of the baby :)

Originally posted by BCBlondie
Personally, I see nothing wrong with getting a dog from a breeder. You actually get the chance to meet the parents, raise it yourself, etc. I would rather raise and train a dog myself than get one from the shelter, because you never know what you're getting and you don't know the dog's history and how it was raised... It is so much easier to start training when a dog is young, than to get, say, a 2yr old who has had a terrible past and then you end up having to try to work with the dog while hitting your head against the wall and going through all this professional training with it to turn it's life back around. I think lv4dogs made a great decision and I can't wait to hear about the pups when they are born.

Sorry to keep this going, but I have to respond to this :( (Let me first say that I respect all the rescue work lv4dogs has done. Because of that and because she has educated herself on the breeder, I fully support her decision. I personally wouldn't buy from a breeder, but she is doing it the EXACT right way). Anyway, I disagree 100% with what I quoted from Di. Shelters have young puppies that you can experience the joy of raising. Shelters have healthy dogs too. Shelters have healthy young 8 week old puppies ... of all sizes, breeds, mixes, colors. To say that you need to go to a breeder in order to experience raising a healthy puppy is just completely wrong.

I adopted Lolly at 5 years of age from the shelter (dumped off after living in a home her whole life where she was abused - my old boss knew the family so I know for SURE she was horribly abused, not just a guess). The first day I took her home, she was afraid of her own shadow. She would flop to her back, scream, and pee on herself almost everytime I took her out the front door. 3 years later, she is blossoming into an amazing, well-adjusted dog. I would not trade her for the world. She holds such a special place in my heart and I really think she is a shining example of a great dog with a heart of gold that one can find in shelters. To imply that shelter dogs all have issues, medical or behavioral, is just not right at all.

*edit* Just re-reading my post and it makes no sense ... probably because I am just upset and passionate on the issue. My point is that even though Lolly did come with issues, it was WELL WORTH IT and I would never regret that adoption EVER! I don't know what I'd do without her. However, the shelter is still fullllllllll to the brim with dogs who come from healthy homes and don't have the issues my sweetie came with.

01-24-2005, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by micki76
To purchase or rescue is a personal decision. We all have our own opinions on this issue, so let’s please not turn nasty, yet again. I’m so tired of our PT family fighting all the time. :(

I will say congrats on the new puppy, and I’ll look forward to pictures. :)

I too agree with you Micki. I kept myself from replying earlier because there was no way I could have said it as nicely.

lv4dogs, you certainly have found an awesome breeder and have gone about researching and choosing a breeder 100% correctly.
Congratulations! I am so jealous of you. ;)

01-24-2005, 05:51 PM
Congratulations on getting an Aussie pup:D They're a great breed, I'm so jealous of you right now:p Red merles are my favourites:D:D I can't wait ot see pics after you get him:)

01-24-2005, 06:12 PM
Warmest congratulations to you, I think you did a wonderful job finding a reputable and conscientious breeder. I'm sure you know as I do that true good and responsible breeders lose more money than they make.

I cannot imagine how hard it must be to have to wait now :D. You be sure and post pictures when you get your pup though, I cannot wait to see them!

01-24-2005, 06:34 PM
I also commend you for doing your homework
and getting a dog from a reputable breeder.

01-24-2005, 06:40 PM
Congratulations!!! I can't wait for pictures!! :D

As to Puppy_Love4, I'm going to resist the urge to comment on your post.. since this is supposed to be a 'Congratulations' thread!

01-24-2005, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by micki76
While I’ll never again purchase from any kind of breeder, at least lv4dogs has done it the right way.

To purchase or rescue is a personal decision. We all have our own opinions on this issue, so let’s please not turn nasty, yet again. I’m so tired of our PT family fighting all the time. :(

I will say congrats on the new puppy, and I’ll look forward to pictures. :)

Di - while I respect your opinion, and I agree that you have a point to a degree, I have to say it’s even more rewarding when you take a shelter dog and “turn them around” into a wonderful member of the family. You never know what you’re getting with any dog, whether it’s well bred, running the streets, from a shelter, or from a BYB. If you put in the time, love, patience and guidance, ANY dog can be what you want it to be.

lv4dogs - Do you have names picked out yet? :)

I couldn't agree more with your post! Thanks Micki

Um, Well, I've got a few names floating around in my head, I'll post an entry about that soon. :)

01-24-2005, 06:46 PM
Spaying & Neutering Saves Lives!

just wondering why you have that in your siggy when breeding doesn't save lives :confused:

01-24-2005, 06:53 PM
lv4dogs, can't wait to see the names you picked out for your new baby!

01-24-2005, 06:56 PM
Congratulations lv4dogs! Can't wait to see pictures.. :)

Luvofallhorses, Just stop trying to start something, honestly i too am annoyed with all of the PT fighting... What do you mean breeding doesn't save lives? Responsible breeders has owners picked out, and raise their dogs PROPERLY. Now, if lv4dogs was getting her puppy from a BYB, then yes, i too would be agreeing with you. I don't think it's your place to judge. :)

Oh, and as for this,
You know what golden i really don't give a dam* what you think about my post that is my belief and i have ever right.. and if you don't like it then stick it where the sun does not shine

That's down right rude. I don't think "Golden" said anything horrible to make you go off on her....

Yes, it is your belief, but why don't you post a new thread about your 'Belief' because this is a congratulations thread, as "Golden" said before......

Sorry lv4dogs, i couldn't help it.. Again, Congratulations on your pup!! Keep us updated!

EDIT; PMed you lv4dogs!

01-24-2005, 06:57 PM
Luvofallhorses, Just stop trying to start something,

I am not trying to it was just a question..

01-24-2005, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by luvofallhorses
I am not trying to it was just a question god darnit you people take stuff the wrong way too much! :rolleyes:

As i said to you on AIM; A question usually requests an answer. You'll probably disagree with that answer, and that is starting something.

01-24-2005, 07:03 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by CamCamPup33
[B]Congratulations lv4dogs! Can't wait to see pictures.. :)

Luvofallhorses, Just stop trying to start something, honestly i too am annoyed with all of the PT fighting... What do you mean breeding doesn't save lives? Responsible breeders has owners picked out, and raise their dogs PROPERLY. Now, if lv4dogs was getting her puppy from a BYB, then yes, i too would be agreeing with you. I don't think it's your place to judge. :)

Oh, and as for this,

That's down right rood. I don't think "Golden" said anything horrible to make you go off on her....

Yes, it is your belief, but why don't you post a new thread about your 'Belief' because this is a congratulations thread, as "Golden" said before......
You know i don't care if it was down right RUDE (Do urself a SPELL check) I am not gonna sit here and not say what i think about it.. If it hurts someone's feeling's or pisses them off then oh well..

01-24-2005, 07:03 PM
posted by luvofallhorses:just wondering why you have that in your siggy when breeding doesn't save lives :confused:>>>>>

I think you missed her post:

lv4dogs posted that the new puppy will be neutered at 6 months of age.

01-24-2005, 07:05 PM
okay I wasn't trying to start trouble honest.

01-24-2005, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Puppy_Love4
[QUOTE]Originally posted by CamCamPup33
[B]Congratulations lv4dogs! Can't wait to see pictures.. :)

Luvofallhorses, Just stop trying to start something, honestly i too am annoyed with all of the PT fighting... What do you mean breeding doesn't save lives? Responsible breeders has owners picked out, and raise their dogs PROPERLY. Now, if lv4dogs was getting her puppy from a BYB, then yes, i too would be agreeing with you. I don't think it's your place to judge. :)

Oh, and as for this,

That's down right RUDE. I don't think "Golden" said anything horrible to make you go off on her....

Yes, it is your belief, but why don't you post a new thread about your 'Belief' because this is a congratulations thread, as "Golden" said before......
You know i don't care if it was down right RUDE (Do urself a SPELL check) I am not gonna sit here and not say what i think about it.. If it hurts someone's feeling's or pisses them off then oh well..

Ummmm.. Okay? :confused: Can you learn to make sense of yourself?

If you have anything else to say, you can PM me. :)

01-24-2005, 07:21 PM
Please, please I hope no one takes offense to this post, If I am wrong please tell me, If I hurt anyone please let me know. Please forgive & forget. If you take a deep breath, relax, re-read & think before you post a negative reply. I do not mean to sound conceeded but I think it should be said. If I am wrong, go ahead & shun me. I don't want this to turn into an argument, I don't want it to be an argument.

Ya know I miss the good ol' pet talk, where people can disagree without arguing, and instead of competeing people are learning, if not others beliefs at the least the fact that you respect their beliefs... where people can learn to open up & see others views, this world would be quite boring with learning & viewing different ways.

luvofallhorses; Although I slightly got caught off guard by almost all of your replies and I also find them quite harsh & spamming like, I do not wish to spam you back. Instead I wish that you can see from this thread it is not about spamming and judging, it is about research, love & praise.
If I was to approach someone about this subject where I had no background information on it, I would of asked questions to see if this was something that is being done correctly and with the right cause in mind. After all most all bad pet owners are not bad, they ee just not educated enough. Believe me you, I am 29, for my entire life I have always told myself that I would never ever buy a dog from any kind of breeder, no matter how good or bad they were.
And my siggy says that because if it were not for dog breeders we would not have any dogs at all after a while, that is why you have to appreciate & understand the fact that there has to be some geat, respectful, knowledgable breeders out there, that breed to improve the breed & ONLY to improve the breed!
You are not that bad guy in all this, you just could o

(Sorry but there are a few names here), to the others that copied this & agreed to it:
I don't think its right that you are turning her thread about the excitement of her new puppy in to some argument.. Because, well I think that it is just nor worded very nice.

EVERYONE; I want to thank you, for being worried I may not of chose a breeder for the right decision or without the right knowledge, to those that understand, to those that appreciate my decision, to those that have congratulated me.

Again if this seems like a troublesome post please let me know. I don't mean for it to be that way.

Can't we all just get along?

01-24-2005, 07:25 PM
What is wrong with you people?!?!? :(

I've PM'ed Karen about this and I'm sure something will be done once she's online again. Until then, ALL OF YOU:

Please stop making PT a miserable place. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v15/micki76/Avatars%20and%20others/Smilies/slowcry.gif

01-24-2005, 07:27 PM
luv4dogs look here actually all of you look here :


i feel bad about ruining your post i honestly do.. :(

01-24-2005, 07:41 PM
How disheartening :(.

But on a brighter note congratulations, waiting has to be the hardest thing in the world ;). Been there done that, but the joy when your new little bundle comes home is just wonderful. I support you 100%. If in the future i cannot get the right BC through rescue i have an awesome breeder lined up aswell.

01-24-2005, 07:48 PM
Congratulations! :) I think it's great to know that you did your homework and decided on a reputable breeder rather than a BYB or a petshop. In my personal opinion, reputable breeders and shelters are the best places to get a pet, and neither should be judged as 'bad'. You've done lots of rescue work and you know your stuff. I would go for a red merle too -- it's my favourite colour. I'm getting a red leopard catahoula!

I, myself, am getting my catahoula from a reputable breeder....I certainly hope that no one will bash me or make me want to leave because I am choosing to go to a reputable breeder for my own personal reasons. :(

You think May/June of this year is long?mI have to wait until May/June of NEXT year! :p

01-24-2005, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Congratulations! :) I think it's great to know that you did your homework and decided on a reputable breeder rather than a BYB or a petshop. In my personal opinion, reputable breeders and shelters are the best places to get a pet, and neither should be judged as 'bad'. You've done lots of rescue work and you know your stuff. I would go for a red merle too -- it's my favourite colour. I'm getting a red leopard catahoula!

I, myself, am getting my catahoula from a reputable breeder....I certainly hope that no one will bash me or make me want to leave because I am choosing to go to a reputable breeder for my own personal reasons. :(

You think May/June of this year is long?mI have to wait until May/June of NEXT year! :p

LOL! Won't that be fun..before I came here, I have never even heard of a Catahoula! Its a gorgeous breed!

01-24-2005, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
EDIT; PMed you lv4dogs!

I gots it, its all good! :D

01-24-2005, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Lexi_Lover
LOL! Won't that be fun..before I came here, I have never even heard of a Catahoula! Its a gorgeous breed!
It really is a gorgeous breed! :D

Aussies are great too though -- can't wait to see pics of Iv4dogs's new pup. :D

01-24-2005, 08:00 PM
I'm sorry if you think what I said was not worded very nice... I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just stating my opinion because I knew her saying that was going to start an argument, and I did not think it was right for her to do that on your thread about your new puppy...
From now on, I guess I will just keep my opinions to myself.

01-24-2005, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by cloverfdx
Been there done that, but the joy when your new little bundle comes home is just wonderful. I support you 100%. If in the future i cannot get the right BC through rescue i have an awesome breeder lined up aswell.

Yes, very true, and the fact that this pup has a grand chance at being happy, healthy & whole his whole life is even more so worth the wait!

BC's are my altime fav. breed, but found that with my active lifestyle, both with my own animals & home but also with being away, volunteering at shelters, helping, learing, living etc... they are just a tiny bit too intense for me at this time. Later down the road I will rescue one from a shelter or rescue organization.

01-24-2005, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
You think May/June of this year is long?mI have to wait until May/June of NEXT year! :p

Haha, yeah I know. With all I been through, experienced & witnessed I have been waiting a little over 4 years for this time to come. I was just waiting for the perfect time, perfect breed, perfect situation, perfect breeder, acceptance of my other animals & myself. :)

01-24-2005, 08:10 PM
Congratulations! I cant wait to see pictures of your new baby! :D

Originally posted by Puppy_Love4
[QUOTE]Originally posted by CamCamPup33
[B]Congratulations lv4dogs! Can't wait to see pictures.. :)

Luvofallhorses, Just stop trying to start something, honestly i too am annoyed with all of the PT fighting... What do you mean breeding doesn't save lives? Responsible breeders has owners picked out, and raise their dogs PROPERLY. Now, if lv4dogs was getting her puppy from a BYB, then yes, i too would be agreeing with you. I don't think it's your place to judge. :)

Oh, and as for this,

That's down right rood. I don't think "Golden" said anything horrible to make you go off on her....

Yes, it is your belief, but why don't you post a new thread about your 'Belief' because this is a congratulations thread, as "Golden" said before......
You know i don't care if it was down right RUDE (Do urself a SPELL check) I am not gonna sit here and not say what i think about it.. If it hurts someone's feeling's or pisses them off then oh well..

Number 1: Watch your language. This is a family site!

Number 2: I think you should think before you speak, because thats not how you spell "yourself."

Number 3: Try to think about others too before you post. Pet Talk isnt all about you. And neither is this thread. I honestly think that you should care about what others think, or else others wont really like you. :rolleyes:

Shame on you for reuining luv4dogs thread...(and shame on me for bringing this back up. :o)

So Sorry for getting into this. I just thought I'd put in my two cents.

01-24-2005, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by molucass
I'm sorry if you think what I said was not worded very nice... I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just stating my opinion because I knew her saying that was going to start an argument, and I did not think it was right for her to do that on your thread about your new puppy...
From now on, I guess I will just keep my opinions to myself.

I am so sorry, but is it my computer or what or did a post get deleted? Just like puppy_luv4, I can't find the original post?

Like I said, I don't mean to point fingers or upset anyone, I want everyone to get along. I'm NOT mad at anyone. I swear, I love ya'alls. I just wish it the arguing would stop

01-24-2005, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by molucass
luvofallhorses, I don't think its right that you are turning her thread about the excitement of her new puppy in to some argument..

Originally posted by lv4dogs
(Sorry but there are a few names here), to the others that copied this & agreed to it:

I don't think its right that you are turning her thread about the excitement of her new puppy in to some argument..

Because, well I think that it is just nor worded very nice.

I was talking about that.

01-24-2005, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by luvofallhorses
just wondering why you have that in your siggy when breeding doesn't save lives :confused:

I think you should do some more research on what makes a good reputable breeder and what does not. I am not saying that to be mean, it just seems like you may be mixing the two up.

If you spayed and neutered all dogs, that would be the end of dogs. Period. Of course that will never happen.

lv4dogs breeder is a very good breeder because they require that all pet dogs be spayed and neutered. They require this to ensure that the dogs aren't bred.

Responsible breeders dogs aren't the ones ending up at shelters in the vast majority of cases. JMHO.

01-24-2005, 08:40 PM
Congrats! They have some very pretty dogs. And they work! Best of luck.

I never thought I'd see that day that someone would get bashed for going to a reputable breeder. :rolleyes: Gimme a break.

01-24-2005, 08:43 PM
Everyone be nice. Yes, I deleted a post, but then PM'd the person who posted it. Do not quote "rude" posts, as then I have to edit those as well.

I know that waiting for your pup is going to be really hard, but it'll be here before you know it! Start going through the house and hiding things you don't want chewed on now!

01-24-2005, 08:44 PM
I'm sorry if you think what I said was not worded very nice... I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just stating my opinion because I knew her saying that was going to start an argument, and I did not think it was right for her to do that on your thread about your new puppy...

yeah I am terribly sorry please do believe me I didn't mean to cause khaos(spelling?)

and shelteez

I think you should do some more research on what makes a good reputable breeder and what does not. I am not saying that to be mean, it just seems like you may be mixing the two up.

i think i should too sorry for causing so much trouble on this thread it wasn't intended :( and honestly i feel really bad about it but i don't need anyone's sympathy for my ignorance..

01-24-2005, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2

Responsible breeders dogs aren't the ones ending up at shelters in the vast majority of cases. JMHO.
Agreed! Responsible breeders always reserve first chance to reaquire the dog if it's owner decides they don't want it anymore.

01-25-2005, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by micki76
What is wrong with you people?!?!? :(

I've PM'ed Karen about this and I'm sure something will be done once she's online again. Until then, ALL OF YOU:

Please stop making PT a miserable place. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v15/micki76/Avatars%20and%20others/Smilies/slowcry.gif

I agree..

01-25-2005, 10:40 AM
Congratulations on your new pup!!!!!!!

I'm sure it will be so hard to wait--but the time will be here before you know it.

I applaud you for going to a reputable breeder for the dog you really want--very responsible. I got one of my dogs from a breeder too--the other three are rescues, and I love all of them equally:)

Can't wait to see the pup:)

01-25-2005, 01:12 PM
Congrats! It must be hard to wait! I can't wait to hear the names you picked out.

Aussies are beautiful dogs! I've always thought they are so pretty.

04-17-2005, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by luvofallhorses

I think you should do some more research on what makes a good reputable breeder and what does not. I am not saying that to be mean, it just seems like you may be mixing the two up.

hm? -.- not getting that. Shelteez probably knows a LOT about good responsible breeders, most of us do. I don't think this is at all necessary in this thread. . . if anyone knows about reputable breeders, and knows about Aussies, it's Lv4dogs. She has been waiting/searching for a pup for YEARS! I don't think you could really find a breeder thats much better than hers :)

OMGzz! congrats, Lv4dogs! I didn't even see this :p. . . I can't wait to see pics of the puppers!! That breeder is amazing, great job with everything. I'm really happy that you're finally getting your puppyy! yeah, like Karen said, just occupy yourself with buying puppy essentials and puppy-proofing your house and the time will fly by ^_~

04-17-2005, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by bckrazy
hm? -.- not getting that. Shelteez probably knows a LOT about good responsible breeders, most of us do. I don't think this is at all necessary in this thread. . . if anyone knows about reputable breeders, and knows about Aussies, it's Lv4dogs. She has been waiting/searching for a pup for YEARS! I don't think you could really find a breeder thats much better than hers :)

luvofallhorses was just quoting Shelteez when she said that. :) She agreed with Shelteez and apologized.

04-17-2005, 09:04 AM
I missed this thread the first time around, and while I'm glad I missed the arguing, I didn't get a chance to say Congratulations!!

May or June isn't so far away now!! I don't remember the original post...were the puppies to be born in May/June or ready then? Any chance we will get some pictures as they grow up, beofre one comes home with you?

Congrats again! How exciting!

04-17-2005, 09:35 AM
I too are just seeing this glad too to have missed the 1st time around. How is the wait going?
I Have been in all the phases of this kind of thing. I have bred dogs (always had a longer waiting list than I knew we would have pups for. Yes we took back any pup that didn't work out.in 15 years only had 1 come back the lady became ill and in a care center. Kept the sweetie myself. ) I have rescured most of my pets, and rehomed tons of them. When I found Merlin I had been looking for about 5 years for a "good Breeder" I finally found his breeder and she had higher standards than what I had been looking for . Plus she was very honest about his heart conditon infact she tried to have me choose another dog. I couldn't so she gave me a discount with a clause if he had sever problems in the 1st year I could return him and have the 1st pick of a new litter if she had one. He wasn't as bad as they thought we just have to watch is activity.
Oops sorry for getting carried a way but just giving back ground for my opinion. Some times you just don't wamt to have a Used pet. I know there are so many out there but I think if you have done as most of us who have rescued so many , you know what to look for and deserve what we want occasionaly.
I know we are all passionate here on the supject , but most of us here are very educated on these subjects and we need to consintrate on the general public's education . Let's not waste time on each other use that energy to educate others.
Good luck on your new pup!

04-17-2005, 09:21 PM
Wow~ looks like a really great breeder! That's wonderful that you've done your research and found someone who health tests, has multiple champions, and has responsible practices - it seems like those types of breeders are incredibly hard to find! I wish everyone would do so much research into finding a responsible breeder.

...of course in my humble opinion, there's nothing like a "used" pet. ;)

I look forward to seeing the puppy pics - those are gorgeous parents!

04-20-2005, 07:28 AM
I just noticed that this thread was brought back up.
Thank you all for the congrats!

The waiting keeps getting tougher & tougher. And I've already purchased everything for the pup, well besides his food and a collar, but I do have the collar picked all out I just need to go back to the store & buy it. My house is puppy proofed (it has been, it has to be as I have 5 ferrets!)

Story went into a heat a couple weeks later than they expected. She just went to the vet last week & her due date is May 29th! http://www.risingstaraussies.com/litters.htm

And yes, of course I'll keep you all posted with pics from the breeder as they grow.
I've been slacking & have not got a new camera yet but I promise I will before the pup arrives so I can take a bunch to share with you all (and of my other pets too).

I want my puppy and NOW!!!!! :D