View Full Version : Technology folks, please help!

01-24-2005, 07:46 AM
I need help, as I am in way over my head. I willingly offered to help a friend build a website. Now I am the one to do all the research and I have NO CLUE what makes one better over the others. I showed her two that I liked (no particular reason why I liked them) and she wants ME to come back and tell her WHY I like them, the benefits of one over another, which is really the most cost effective for the money (not saying cheapest here :D ) etc.

And I have no clue whatsoever to tell her back. Could someone please look at hte three webhosting links here and tell me which is better and why? Feel free to get technical and say this one has better gigg-this and mega-that. Tell me this one is more user friendly, etc. This is all stuff I need to relay back to her... if I understood one moment of it!

infinology (http://smartconsumers.infinology.com/secrethosting.htm?AID=9237606&PID=1305866)

1 and 1 (http://order.1and1.com/xml/order/Home%3Bjsessionid=21C4DF4A769ACB827215DD9F5342F178 .TC61b)

iPower (http://www.ipower.com/)

Thanks a million if anyone can help!

EDIT: for the 1 and 1 site, it'll come up as an error, but if you give it a moment it'll load properly.

01-24-2005, 10:56 AM
The thing I don't like about infinology is that they are more for advanced users. The plan she'd have to use doesn't come with a lot of "management tools that can help make things easier and faster to control... So it's designed more for advanced users with a budget in mind." If she was going to get the Beginner's Management plan, she would have to pay $16.95 a month for a ton of extra space she might not even need.

I think 1&1 would be good for her, but then again I don't really know what kind of website she's looking for. If it's just a personal site, or maybe a small business site, this would be a good host. For $4.99 a month she'd get 1k MB, 25GB transfer, and a free domain.

For 3 bucks extra a month with iPower Inc., she'd get double the space (2k MB) and transfer (50GB), as well as a free domain.

So it really depends on how much money she's willing to spend and how much space she needs. Right now I have a 250MB site and that's plenty for me now, so 1k MB is a lot if she was going to get that one.

I hope that kind of helped...

01-24-2005, 11:22 AM
Thanks! It did help! She is a office furniture salesperson. She wants to have lots of pictures of the furniture, successful installation photos, etc. Right now she wants to get the site up and running, even if its only the home page with contact info. She wants me to do a drawing of a 3D office, where if a person clicks on a chair, it would take her to a webpage about the different types of chairs she offers, etc. So she wants basic for the time being, but with the ability to do some cool stuff eventually.

I noticed that infinology is for more advanced folk, so that definately ruled her out (she knows how to turn a computer on and thats about it). I liked iPower because its web builder software seemed more ocmprehensive, but its also an additional fee per month, and basically once its designed, will she need the whole software package?

UGH! I am sooo confused!

01-24-2005, 11:46 AM
Is where I get hosting

01-24-2005, 11:48 AM
Thanks! :) More to confuse me! LOL.

I am so terribly in over my head here.