View Full Version : Ideas, advice needed ASAP!!

01-23-2005, 04:59 PM
OK here's the thing, Lita brought me home a Blue Jay, she was carrying him so gently in her mouth, so the bird looked up hurt concerting where it was. :eek:

Anyway I got the bird away from Lita and it was covered in motor oil!!!!!!! Brought him in, gave him a bath in Dawn to get the oil off, dried him, rapped him in a towel, put him a cage I have, turned on a space heater, to keep him warm. Then I tried to call the wildlife center, to see what to do or if they wanted to come get him. GOT NO ANSWER on the phone !!!! I keep calling but still no luck.

He seem fine now, except there is still a little oil on him, but he's flying around, Bit#$ing up a storm at me.

So I don't know what more I can or should do for him? Any Ideas?

01-23-2005, 05:10 PM
Make sure he has access to water, and food - hamburger, maybe. If he's flying and squawking, is he well enough to release back to the wild?

01-23-2005, 05:13 PM
Ok thats what I was thinking that if he could fly around he could be let free. But I was worried about the oil still on him and it getting cold tonight (for florida weather).

But yeah he has water and some wild bird feed.