View Full Version : Of underwear, sex and religion.

01-23-2005, 01:58 PM
Just an observation from the Land of the Easily Amused.

On the way home the other day I started to think about recent threads.

I have come to the conclusion that no matter what your your preferences are in those three subjects, You will always have someone taking exception to your choices.

The three are personal, close to the skin and heart kinda things.

Some people prefer tidy whities, bikinis or thongs.

Some people prefer Buddhism, Islam or the Catholic kinda soul saving.

Some people prefer the company of someone older, younger or the same sex.

No problemo...none whatsoever!


It's when we believe too strongly about the kind of underwear someone is wearing that we get into trouble.

I think the world can get along a whole lot better when we take a look at what kind of underwear we all put on in the morning and realize that some one will be bothered by our choice.

Not that we will go around flashing our underwear to people to get them weirded out.

If you do....I am kinda partial to the Victoria'S Secret/Frederick's stuff..nothing too cheesey......

My other problem is that I have never seen a woman in her undies!!



Actually, I do have a problem with thong underwear-the old trend of low rider jeans made me want to give the gal a wedgie.

I love sophmoric humor!!!

Our religious, sexual or underwear preferences should never be put up to scrutiny.

Of course, should we let anyone have a peek inside we must remember that there will be a person who will take offense.

We just hope that they can get past our foibles and treat us with respect.


And speaking of respect, somewhere out in the world is a gay plumber that weighs 300 pounds, wears thongs and is a follower of the Cargo Cult, you remember them, the people that worshipped airplanes....

You had better be nice to him and treat him with respect, having a plugged up sink sucks.

:p :rolleyes: :eek: :confused:

01-23-2005, 02:42 PM
Well, first of all, you can combine underwear with Religion.
As for sex...just let me look that up in my Funk and Wagnalls. I'll get back to ya! ;)

01-23-2005, 08:46 PM
What of us that prefer to have none of the above?

;) :D

01-24-2005, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Andie
What of us that prefer to have none of the above?

;) :D

There's always alcohol????:confused:

01-24-2005, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
There's always alcohol????:confused: